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Mirabels POV

"Hey, Camilo?" I say looking for him. "Why does this house have to be SO BIG," I think to myself. Camilo pops his head around the corner "what's up Mirabel?" "Did Abuela not tell you yet?" I say still trying to catch my breath. "Tell me what?" "That she's putting you, Antonio, and I in school!" I say frantically."WHAT" he yells seeming unhappy with the sudden decision. "I know it's crazy, no one in our family has gone to school," I state. "Well I mean it can't be the worst thing, we'll make some friends hopefully," Camilo says trying to make the best of the situation. He adds on 'Do you know when we start?" "On Monday" I respond. I know Antonio is excited but Camilo and I, we're happy here. We enjoy helping our family, and I don't see how it's fair that we have to go to school but the grown up's never had to. Luisa or Isabela never had to but suddenly we do? That's so unfair! Camilo doesn't seem as mad as I am. I mean I'm not surprised he's also a 15-year-old boy, he needs some friends that are like him. But I don't! I have my own ways of keeping busy.

"Hey, there's obviously no way in talking Aubela out of this decision but can you promise me, no matter how many friends you'll make, you won't replace me as your closest friend?" I ask him nervously "We've already grown apart once in our life and I was able to save our friendship but I'm afraid that I won't be able to do that again," I add on. Yeah, I feel dumb but I don't know how else to tell him. "Mirabel," he starts "I promise I won't replace you, I mean I can't, we are cousins after all," He says with a chuckle. That's not really what I mean but I'm not gonna bother him any further. "Thank you, Camilo," I say with a smile, "I have to go now, see you at dinner," I state as I'm walking away. I really had nowhere I needed to be so I just rushed up to my room.

I hate knowing that Camilo will make new friends better than me but I mean I'll probably make some friends too. Hopefully. *Knock Knock* "Come in!" I yell. My Tio Bruno comes in. 'Hey kid, the rats told me you were feeling down," he says half-jokingly. "Yeah, I am," I say hesitantly. "Well I'm a pretty good listener, and so are the rats," he says with a chuckle. "Well Abuela is putting Camilo, Antonio, and I in school, and not only am I nervous, but I also don't want to drift apart from Camino again. We've grown apart before and I just got him back and I'm afraid that I might not be able to mend our friendship again. I mean we get along so well and not even 2 months ago did I get him back. I just don't want anymore drama. Ya know?" I say. "I also don't want people to think that I'm weird at school for not having a gift. I mean I know people are gonna make fun of me but I don't want people to bully me for it," I add. "Well I mean it's not like Camilo could replace you, you're his cousin and his best friend. You know he talks to me about how happy he is you guys made up. He told me that he wishes you guys never drifted apart in the first place" He says to me. "And as for not having a gift, people won't care about that, and if they do they aren't good people." He adds on trying to calm me down. "Thank you, Tio," I say as I hug him tightly. As he's walking out I grab my sewing equipment and start making a new dress to wear at school on my first day. Sewing is a way that I calm myself down. Suddenly I hear my clock, time for dinner.

We gather at the dinner table and start eating. "So Camilo, Antonio, Mirabel, how are you guys feeling about school?" Abuela asks. "I'm so excited!!!" Blurts out Antonio. Camilo and I both shrug. "I'm just hoping I'll make some friends," Camilo says sounding kind of nervous. I just try to stay silent but Abuela asks me "How about you Mirabel?" "I'm kinda just hoping to fly under the radar with it, hoping no one really talks to me," I say quietly. Abuela nods her head and compliments Mom on her cooking as she does every night. Conversation strikes up again and I just stay quiet. I have a pit in my stomach. I hate being scared.  I help bring dishes to the kitchen then go up to my room. I just lay in my room the rest of the weekend until Monday arrives.

A/N- this is my first fanfic, i hope u enjoy

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