Ch 4

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"Well Mirabel, 2 weeks in school. How are you doing?" Camilo asks me. "It's going okay, Belinda and I are still friends but Jordan still hasn't made a move and our formal dance is coming up. I want him to ask me," I say. I really do want Jordan to ask me but I don't think he's gotten the hint. "I'm planning on asking Belinda today after school, maybe I could give Jordan a bit of a hint today," He replies. "Would you? Thank you so much!" I say. I pull him in for a hug. 'We'd better get to school now," I add.

I'm walking down the hallway as someone stops me, an unfamiliar face, "Not so fast kid," the boy says. He looks much older than me. "Can I help you?" I say sarcastically. "You're the Madrigal kid with no gift right?" He asks. Great. "What's it to you?" I snap. God I hate people who ask that. "Oh this ones got some attitude on her," he says to his friends. "Look I have nothing that you would want so just leave me alone," I say. I have to admit I'm kind of scared but I don't want to look weak. "What makes you think we want something from you?" he asks. 'Well I don't know, you just seem like the type of guy to want something from me," I reply. "Well you're right. I want a date to the formal, and you're pretty," he says. "Well I'm sorry but I'm not interested," I say. Not only was it that but also cause I'm hoping Jordan will ask me. Plus this dude scares me. "Ohhhh you just got rejected," I hear one of the boys friends yell. "Hey! You don't reject me!" He snaps. He grabs me by the front of my shirt and pulls me in closer. "Look I'm sorry but I'm just not interested. Also you're like 4 years older than me. I'm 15. I say trying not to sound nervous. "Yo let her go bro, she said she wasn't interested," one of his friends spoke up. He pushes me down and walks off with his friends. "Screw off," I whispered as I'm walking to the bathroom to freshen up. "Jerk!" I whisper to myself. I hated being treated badly. I stared at myself in the mirror. I liked the way I look but maybe that's why Jordan didn't like me. Is it the glasses? The smile? How I dress? "No! Snap out of it Mirabel," I say to myself. I walk to class and sit in my seat. "And why might you be late?" asks Mr. Martinez. "Sorry, Got lost," I lie.

I couldn't stop thinking of those jerks all day. But all those bad thoughts left my mind when I saw Jordan. He had flowers in his hands but he wasn't walking towards me. He was walking towards another girl. My heart sank. I guess I was right he was a garbage person. Seeing that girl so ecstatic just broke my heart. That wasn't any girl, It was Belinda. Oh my god. I start walking home with tears in my eyes. Tears of sadness and anger. Camilo walks up to me looking just as glum. "You saw them too didn't you," he says. "Yeah," I say with my voice breaking. "I can't believe it," He says sounding like he wanted to cry as well. I would do anything to get back and Jordan and Belinda right now. We get back to Casita and walk to our rooms. I just wanted to shut the world out. I laid my head down on my pillow and fell asleep.

*Knock knock* "It's time for dinner kid!" Tio Bruno says outside of my room. "I'm not hungry!" I respond. That was a lie, I was starving, but I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I hear my door open and sit up. "What's wrong kid? You never skip Enpanada night," He asks. I'm hesitant to answer but eventually I say "My crush at school asked my friend to the school formal. But my friend was really close to Camilo and he was gonna ask her to the dance too but we both saw my crush ask her out. But I was really close to my crush. It's really complicated Tio Bruno," He looks confused but sympathetic. "If he couldn't see what an amazing girl you are then he isn't worth it kid," he says to me. How about you, me, and Camilo watch a movie tonight. I know you guys are suckers for horror movies. I agreed and we walked down to the dinner table.

"How has school been going for you guys," Abuela asks. "It's really fun! I have so many friends!" Antonio exclaimed. "It's fine,' Camilo and I say quietly. That night I did the dishes and walked up to Tio Bruno's tower to watch a movie. We put on 'The Conjuring' and watched that. Once the movie was over we went back to our rooms and went to bed. I was looking forward to the weekend and not having to go to school. I was wishing that I never had to go back but alas. All good things must come to an end

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