Ch 8

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For the next few days Camilo hasn't really been talking much. I still feel really bad about what happened, I genuinely wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get back at Jordan and Belinda so badly. School today went by fast. Teacher were still trying to find the culprit of who did it but I heard a rumor that Jordan's parents might pull him out of our school. That I wouldn't be too mad about it. He's the reason I got myself into this mess. He led me on then broke my heart and that anger just got the best of me and I accidentally hurt someone I care so much about. My family always warned me about relationships. Suddenly Dolores comes into my room and sits on the bed across from mine. "Um hi Dolores?" I say curiously. "Look I know what will cheer Camilo up. He loves your outings with you, him and Tio Bruno, I heard him talking to our mom about wanting to get some Enpanadas from his favorite food truck that'll be closing soon. Maybe you could take him with Tio Bruno," She said. "Well thank you, I'll ask him. I really appreciate it," I replied. I was hoping that would cheer him up a bit. And I have to admit I've been craving some food truck Enpanadas as well. I go to Tio Brunos tower, *Knock knock* He answers the door. "Hey Tio Bruno, would you maybe want to go get some food from the food truck down the street with Camilo and I?" I asked him hopefully. "What don't you like your moms cooking anymore?" he replied jokingly. "I would kid but I'm just not feeling up to it tonight, but I'm sure you guys can go alone," he added. My smile faded immediately. "Are you sure?? They"re closing soon," I added. "Why kid, what'd you do?" he asked suspiciously. "Okay so the night of the dance I had Camilo pull a prank on some jerks at school and it made him super anxious and he hasn't been himself since and I know that this would cheer him up,"I said. Right then all the guilt came rushing back. "How about this," he started. "You guys go and get dinner, then come back and we'll watch a movie as a family," he said. I was hesitant but I agreed and skipped off to Camilos room. I knocked and he opened the door, "What's up Mirabel?" he asked. I knew he was sad because his voice sounded dull. "You, me, tonight, food truck. Then come back and watch movies with the family," I said. "I don't know Mirabel, I'm really tired," he said. "Besides to go to school, you've been spending way too much time in your tower and you need some cheering up," I said "And besides the food truck is closing soon," I added. "Okay fine. Also I want you to know I'm not blaming you about how I'm feeling, I just freaked out," He said. " I know I just want to cheer you up," I replied.

I walked back to my room and got ready. I know he said it's not my fault but I couldn't help but still feel bad. He's been so pissed off at me before but has still come to say goodnight but he hasn't for the last few nights which is mainly why I'm worried. I don't want to drift apart from him again. I walked out of my room and met him outside, we started walking to get dinner. We ordered and sat down to eat, he was mainly quiet so I finally snapped. "I'm trying to make you feel better and all you do is mope around! I don't know what I did so just tell me!". I immediately regretted yelling and slapped my hand over my mouth. I hated when I snapped like that. "Not everything is about you MIrabel! All you've done since we started at that damn school is cling to my side and it's annoying as hell!" He snapped back. My eyes filled with tears as he stormed away angrily but deep down I knew it was true. I'm such a jerk. I finally got up from my seat and stormed home, I hated myself for what I just did. Once I got home I ignored everyone and ran up to my room while trying to control my cries. I locked my door and just sat on my bed staring at the floor. I didn't want to face anyone, not Mom or dad, not Tio Bruno, and especially not Camilo. I thought that spending time with him would cheer him up but I was so so wrong.

A/N: I know this was a shorter chapter but I wanted to kinda put some "drama" in this story and leave a cliffhanger kind of

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