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I got changed into my dress and put on my favorite black boots, I looked in the mirror, "Somethings missing," I said to myself. "Ah-ha," I said and put on a pair of black round glasses. Perfect.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs, then I saw Camilo exiting his room at the same time. When I saw the suit on him I smiled. I walked over to him, "You look amazing," I say. "You look great as well," he replies. We walked down the stairs and to my surpise, Abuela, Tia Pepa, and Mom were waiting for us. "You guys look great," Tia Pepa said going to hug Camilo. Mom came and hugged me and Abuela insisted on getting a picture of us before we left. Once we got that over with and went out the door I said, "Do you have someone in mind that you're gonna shapeshift into?". "Yeah, I saw a boy that looked to be about our age walking down the street today and I'm gonna be him," he replied sounding proud of himself. I chuckled and said "Well good, then Belinda and Jordan will get what they deserve. Make sure that you get the red punch, that always stains the worst, almost impossible to get out," I said. I couldn't wait to see the look on their faces.

We got to the dance and went our sepreate ways for a little bit, I was in the corner talking to some girl who needed help with her shoes when Nicholas came up to me, "Hey, you look great tonight," he said. "Well thank you, you don't look so bad yourself," I replied. "But I do have a question," I added. "Shoot," he said. "Why did you insist on taking me to the dance last week and then got mad when I said no and now it's like you wanna be best friends with me," I asked curiously. "Well I'm kind of a jerk, and I wanted a date to the dance really badly. I didn't get one but I think I know why," he said. He sounded like he felt bad. "Well I understand, my crush asked out my only friend after he led me on. And get this, my friend had led on my cousin who is also my best friend," I said, sounding slightly angry at the thought of Jordan and Belinda. We talked and laughed for the rest of the night. About an hour later I felt a tug at my arm, it''s Camilo!. "Hey I gotta borrow her for a moment," he says. "Hey gentle!" I shout. He pulls me in the janitors closet "Sorry, um I just wanted to ask if you were sure about this, I mean what if we get in trouble?" He says. "No don't back out now we have to do this, you want to get back at them too right?" I say. "Yeah I do. Okay lets do this," He replies. Times like this are when I wish I had a gift like the rest of my family. I wish that I could be the one to do this instead of Camilo. He shapeshifts into some guy named Damian and we walk out of the Janitors closet hoping not to get caught. We walk back in with Nicholas waiting for us. I tell him our plan, "Well in that case I'll be standing by to watch the show," He says. Camilo and I talk until the last dance. Everyone who has a date stands in the centre of the floor. The music turns on and Camilo walks over to the snack table and grabs the bowl of punch. He waits for a few moments and then slides up behind the couple who look so very happy he seemed to hesitate but suddenly Camilo, or "Damian" I should say, poured the bowl of punch right on their heads and all over their matching outfits then he ran out. I chased after him and ran to the janitors closet where he was. No one saw him run in there but me. I opened the door slowly and saw him rapid-shifting as he does when he's stressed. "Oh god what if they caught me, what if they know it's me," he said sounding panicked. It was just then when the guilt hit me. I knew he gets anxious in pressuring situations and I pressured him into doing it. "Camilo I'm so sorry," I say while rubbing the top of his hand to calm him down. I felt awful, I knew how painful rapid-shifting is for him. "Nobody knew it was me right?" He asks anxiously. "Nobody knew it was you, everyone was too busy laughing," I say trying to make him feel better. After about 20 minutes he seemed to have calmed down enough so we walked out of the closet. We looked into the gym and laughed at how angry Jordan and Belinda looked. We noticed how teachers were looking hard for the culprit so we rushed out of there fast without being noticed.

*Camilos POV of the dance*

Mirabel wants me to pour punch on Jordan and Belindas head. I'd be all for it if I wasn't already stressed. I don't want to let her down though. I shift into the stranger I saw on the street. I walk over to the snack table and grab the bowl of punch. I almost set it down but when I see them dancing so happily something just takes over my body. I start walking toward them with the bowl in hand. I walk behind them. I almost chicken out but I lift the heavy bowl up and tip it all over them. I drop the plastic bowl on the ground and as laughter fills the room I run out. I start rapid-shifting right as I get in the closet. I sit on the floor and start hyperventilating. Mirabel rushes in and starts comforting me and apologizes. I can't help but cry a little. I knew that Dolores would be listening in on me and if she told our parents I would be dead. I don't think she'd rat me out but there's always that chance. I didn't want anyone to see me like this so Mirabel covered me as much as she could and we rushed out.

A/N: please tell me what you thought of Camilos POV because it's something new that i tried

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