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Mirabel's POV

Camilo and I walk up to the high school, he looks fine but I'm a nervous wreck. He pulls me aside and hugs me saying that everything will be okay. I hug him back and we walk into the school. We have different 1st-hour classes so we separate. I stumble around the hallways trying to find my first class. Once I find it I take a seat trying not to draw any attention to myself but of course, I do. "Oh there's our new student, I'm Mr. Martinez, why don't you stand up and introduce yourself," my teacher says to me. I stand up and nervously say "Hi, um I'm Mirabel Madrigal and I'm new here." "How old are you Mirabel, and do you have any family that goes here?" he asks me. I think he was just trying to make me comfortable but I was incredibly nervous. "I'm 15, and yeah my cousin Camilo is my same age on the 3rd floor and my other cousin Antonio is in the elementary school down the road," I respond looking down. "Wonderful, we're glad to have you, Mirabel," he says. "Now class let's get back on the topic of..." and his voice faded out. I couldn't pay attention to anything. I just drowned out the rest of my morning classes. Once I got to lunch I looked around for Camilo. Hopefully he's doing okay. I grab a seat in the back of the cafeteria. I knew we had our next class together so I'll ask him then.

I sat down next to Camilo and asked him "Hey Camilo, how's your day going so far?" "It's okay, kinda boring because I don't understand much of what we're talking about, but I did make a friend at lunch, his name is Jordan. How about you?" he responds, looks like he already made a friend, great. "It's going okay, I've just blocked out my classes, as for friends, I haven't talked to anybody today," I respond. Just then the teacher started the lesson. After that class, we were going to 7th period, but a girl stopped me in the hallway, she had dark long brown hair and beautiful emerald green eyes, "Hey! Mirabel is it?" the girl asks, "uh yes, who are you?" I respond curiously. "Oh sorry! I'm Belinda, you're in my morning classes, I thought you looked nice so I wanted to say hi!" she says. wow, she has a lot of energy. "Oh well hi! it's nice to meet you," I add. "Do you think I could get your number so we could maybe be friends," she says kindly while holding out her phone. I grab it and punch my number in "Of course, I'll text you tonight,".

Abuela calls us from our rooms to dinner, I walk down hoping they don't ask us about our days. But sure enough, once we get there she asks us right away, "IT WAS AWESOME!!, I made 3 friends!" Antonio says happily. "It was okay, I made a friend but other than that it was kind of boring," Camilo says. "How about you Mirabel?" My dad asks "It was fine, no one talked to me but that's fine by me," I respond. "This is really good food mom," I say. I always loved her Enchiladas. I was doing the dishes when I felt my phone buzz from my purse. I dried off my hands and saw a text from Belinda.

Belinda: Hey Mirabel, it's Belinda, from school

Mirabel: Oh hi Belinda :)

Belinda: How are you? Am I interrupting you?

Mirabel: Not at all.

I walk up to my room but Camilo stopped me. "Hey wanna watch a movie with Tio Bruno and me? We're watching ratatouille," He says to me. "Sure, let me put some pajamas on first, I'll be down in a moment," I respond. I guess I was just being paranoid. I get some pajamas on and walk down to join them with a movie.

Belinda: Hey Mirabel? Is your cousin single? I saw him at lunch and I think he's really cute

oh of course she was just using me to get close to Camilo, how great.

Mirabel: Um I don't know.

I obviously knew that he was single but if she wants to know so badly she can ask him herself

Belinda: Do you think you could ask him when you get the chance?

Mirabel: Um, maybe. I don't know if I feel comfortable asking my cousin if he's single

Belinda: Oh yeah totally I get it

Mirabel: Well I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow.

Belinda: Bye

After the movie and we all got settled in our rooms I got a text from Camilo

Camilo: Hey I noticed you looked kind of distracted during the movie. Is everything okay?

Mirabel: Oh yeah everything is fine. I just got a text from some girl at school asking if you were single. I'm kind of mad about the fact that she just used me to try and get closer to you

Camilo: Omg seriously. God that must've been annoying

Mirabel: That's the thing, do you want me to tell her that you are?

Camilo: I mean sure, why not. I'm kinda curious now.

Mirabel: Okay :)

Mirabel: Hey Belinda, just wanted to let you know that Camilo is single, he said he's free tomorrow during lunch

Belinda: Great! I'll meet him tomorrow. Thanks, Mirabel

Mirabel: No problem :)

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