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Tomorrow is formal night and I'm panicking. I ripped the skirt of my dress when I was trying it on and I need to fix it. But I have to remake the whole skirt them because it ripped down the middle and it'll be obvious. I rush up to my room after dinner to fix it when I look for the dress in my closet it's not there. Rather it's not anywhere in my room. I go down to the kitchen, "Mom! Have you seen a purple ruffle dress with white patches on it? I have to fix it and I can't find it in my room," I ask anxiously to my mom hoping she's seen it but she shakes her head no, just great. If I can't find the dress I'm screwed. I have nothing to wear otherwise. The only person who could have it could be Tia Pepa since she was in my room gathering dirty laundry. I run to her tower hoping that she's here but to my luck she's not. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder "Need help getting in?" Camilo says from behind me. "Yeah actually, I think she might have my formal dress in the laundry, I need to fix it," I say frantically. "Woah calm down Mirabel, her door is usually unlocked so just walk in and look in the laundry, I'll help you," Camilo says. I open the door and of course it's open, I check the buckets hoping that it's there but there's nothing. 'Damn it I need that dress to fix it," I say sounding frustrated. "Well maybe my mom already put all the laundry away, go check Delores' or maybe Isabelas room," he says sounding sympathetic. I go to Delores' room and knock on the door, "Hey Delores. have you seen a ripped purple dress with white patches get mixed into your laundry?" I ask her. "No, sorry Mirabel," she replies kindly. 'It's okay thank you," I reply back. I'm just about to head back when I hear Isabela say "This dress?" she's standing behind me holding the dress on a hanger but somethings different about it, it's decorated in flowers and the rip is gone. "How'd you fix it oh my god thank you!" I exclaim excitedly. "The flowers look amazing thank you so much Isa," I add. "She hand's me the dress and replies "Just a little help from Abuela with the rip and some white roses on the torso and straps," I hugged her and thanked her again and went to go find Abuela. "Thank you so much for sewing up the rip in my dress Abuela," I say hugging her. "It's no problem hon," she replies. I walk off to my room to go hang up the dress and I grab Camilos suit from the shelf. I drop it off at his door with a note saying

"Here's your suit for the dance :) -- Your favorite cousin

I woke up early Friday morning. The school was closed for the day for setting up the dance so I took advantage of my happiness to get up and make breakfast for the family. I made Tortilla Paisa and set the food out for everyone at their spots. I knocked on everyones doors around 8:15 and waited for everyone to get to the dining room. Once everyone was there they looked surprised that I made breakfast, "Oh well thank you Mirabel," my dad says. 'You're welcome," I reply smiling. "What's got you so happy?" Abuela asks curiously. "Oh just our school dance tonight," I reply. I was really excited but then it hit me. There were gonna be a bunch of people that I didn't know dancing around me. Then my anxiety hit. Once everyone finished eating, Camilo and I went to go do dishes. "So are you excited for the dance tonight?" I ask trying to make conversation. "Well yeah. Oh by the way I tried that suit on last night and it fits really good, thank you Mirabel," he says. "It's no problem, I think I'm gonna get Isabela to get me some yellow roses for me to put on the dress so it's a bit more like mine," I say but he says that he already got some and had Tia Pepa sew them on. We finished up and went to our rooms to wait for the dance. Throughout the day I got nervous that I would accidentally humiliate myself. All day I imagined accidentally tripping or pouring punch all over my dress. But mainly I dreaded seeing Jordan and Belinda. I didn't want to see either of them happy, I wanted to see them miserable. Then I got the idea, maybe Camilo could shapeshift into someone random from the school and he could go up to them and pour punch all over Belinda and Jordan were having their last dance for the night. I then walk to his tower and present my idea to him. "But wont the guy I shapeshift into get in trouble?" he asks. "Not if the guy doesn't exist, shapeshift into some random guy you see on the street," I say. He nods his head and I walk out. I had the best idea.

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