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I hear the downstairs start to flood with noise. I finish getting ready and look in the mirror. I'm wearing my new dress Tio Bruno got me and my black round glasses. I open my door and start walking downstairs. Turns out it wasn't just my family, it was the whole town who was gonna be there, didn't expect that. I start to look around for Jordan and Jasmine. I finally see them, but they're not alone. Belinda is with them. My heart drops as I feel my breath getting shaky. "No. No crying at your party Mirabel," I whisper to myself. I go over there, "Hey guys!" I say. "Hi, Belinda," I add with a fake smile. She smiles back and says "Happy birthday Mirabel, I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you guys yesterday," she said in a harsh tone. I could tell she didn't like that I was hanging out with Jordan again. But honestly I didn't want him. I just didn't want her to have him. I put a smile on my face and reply with "Oh it's okay, don't worry about it," I swear to god I could hear her mutter "Oh don't worry I wasn't" but that was probably just in my head. "Help yourself to anything on the table," I added. I looked over to the couch and saw Camilo, I contemplated going over and talking to him but I chicken out. I mean why would he miss me if he's clearly doing fine without me.

Camilo POV:

I can't help but wonder if Mirabel misses me at all. I mean she looks to be having so much fun with her new friends, and that bastard Jordan. He came and apologized to me but I'm not gonna accept it after all that he did to hurt Mirabel and I. I know she probably thinks that I meant what I said but honestly, I miss her clinging to me everyday, it's been lonely without her. She looks so happy without me with her. I regret what I said to her. "What's got you lookin so sad little bro?" Dolores asks me. "I miss talking to Mirabel but she doesn't seem to miss me at all," I reply. "Well it is her birthday party, maybe you could apologize to her later," she said. "Not a bad idea if I can ever get her attention," I said back. She walked off and I really thought about what she said. Maybe I should apologize to her tonight.

*3 hours later, Mirabel's POV*

I look around trying to find Jordan but he's nowhere in sight. I wanted to get him before we have cake but I'm guessing he left. "Well are you ready for your cake Mirabel?" Mom asks me, "Yeah, it looks amazing, thank you," I reply. They light my candles and I blow them out. "Um, happy 16th birthday Mirabel," Camilo says to me. "Thanks," I reply awkwardly and he walks away. Everyone starts to finish their food so I carry dishes to the kitchen, Mom says I don't have to help but I'd feel bad if I didn't."So, what's going on between you and Camilo, you guys haven't spoken in weeks and you both have been acting strange, like empty," Isabela asks me while we're doing dishes. "Um, nothing," I reply. "Oh save it Mirabel, I know somethings off between you 2. Ya'll always join in when watching movies but you guys have been avoiding each other like crazy," she said again. I finally cave and tell her everything that happened. "That's so stupid, you guys were best friends and now you won't talk because he got mad at you once," she replies. "Well now that you say it that way it does sound pretty damn pathetic," I say. We finish dishes and I walk back out to the party. I look down at my new dress and realize I got some food on it. "Crap," I whisper to myself. I go over to Tia Pepa and ask, "Hey Tia, could I maybe get a stain stick for my new dress, I got some food on it,". "I put one on your nightstand, try to be more careful next time," she says jokingly. I walk up to my room when Jasmine stops me, "Happy birthday Mirabel. I'm gonna head out because it's getting pretty late," she says. 'That's fine, hopefully you had a good time thank you for coming," I replied with a smile, "Also I don't know where Jordan or Belinda are so you might want to text them," I added. "Oh yeah thank you," she said back.

I head to my room eager to get this stain off, I mean it's a new dress and I don't want to ruin it right after I got it. I go to open my door when I see it's locked from the inside, I grab the key from the top of the door and unlock it. I open it and see Jordan and Belinda making out on my bed. I drop the glass of white wine I had in my hands. I makes a loud smashing noise which leads everyone to suddenly go silent, Jordan and Belinda also stop suddenly. "Oh my god I thought this room was empty," Jordan starts. "Save it you bastard!" I yell. "Not only do you have to audacity to bring your bitch of a girlfriend to my birthday but you then you make out with her at MY house. In MY BED!" I scream at them then storm off. I run out of the house and just keep running, mom tries running after me but I'm already out of sight.

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