Till my last breath

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(A/n: big time skips ahead and definitely not 100% to the Shippuden timeline)

The night Kakashi found me; stayed between us. I could only imagine the babysitters I'd get stuck with if it hadn't.
After we deciphered Jiraiya's message; Naruto went off to train on Mount Myoboku.

I kept myself busy with training as well. I wasn't a prophecy child or anything; but I wanted to be as prepared as possible.
Plus; keeping busy helped me avoid my feelings.

All the training couldn't prepare me for Pain's attack on Konoha though.

Hell. We even lost Kakashi briefly during the attack.

I almost gave up.

But; I'm glad I didn't.

Naruto returned to the crater we called home and saved us. Thus brought the end of our Pain era.

But being the leaf village; that only brought us to our new era.

The Fourth Shinobi World War.

I was currently helping the Hyuga's with protecting Naruto. I was a bit out of place but something in my gut told me I needed to be here.
I watched the ten tails attack hit and my insides dropped.


I'd have to grieve later. The Hyugas knocked the ten tails attack away from us and I quickly jumped behind Naruto to knock any rear attacks away.

There was a pause in attacks; until the ten tails began to spray us with giant wooden spikes.
The Hyugas were struggling to keep up and so was I.
I used up a decent amount of chakra already.

Naruto and two shadow clones charged ahead to launch a couple of attacks. I followed closely behind him.
I couldn't help but smile and think about how proud Jiraiya would be if he were here.

Naruto fell to his knees after launching his attack and I was quick to get rid of a few stray spikes that were coming our way.

I didn't have much time to think before the ten tails hand came sweeping its way towards us again.
The older Hyuga managed to stop the attack; but then I watched the hand raise.
I saw more spikes form at its fingertip.


It was a focused attack, and there were too many for the Hyugas to stop.
I knew the Hyugas wouldn't make it to us in time; and I didn't have enough chakra to form any kind of wood barrier.

But I could still block the attack.

I positioned myself just in time for the spikes to penetrate my body. (A/n: why not save Neji at least 🥲)

I remember hitting the ground and then being scooped into someone's arms.

"Medical team! Where are you!? There's a critical injury here!," Naruto held onto me tightly, "Hurry!"

Speaking was nearly impossible, "Naruto. They won't make it in time."

"Misaki Sensei. Why?"

"Too many people need you Naruto. Besides. I made peace with dying long ago."

"Sensei! Please!"

"Tell my brother and the others I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye."

And just like that.

My time on this planet..

Was over.

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