Small reunions

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Our walk was silent.

It was infuriating.

"You are a fierce shinobi. You are badass. You've hunted down plenty of men on your own. Yet you can't speak to the guy you've been in love with for years now? Embarrassing," I silently yelled at myself the whole walk.

Kakashi stopped walking once we reached this giant waterfall. I looked around and quickly found Tenzo sitting in a circle of wooden pillars.

His focus was on the waterfall.

My eyes followed his and I saw a bunch of shirtless blondes facing the water.

I put my arms behind my head, "What's all this about?"

Kakashi looked up from his book briefly, "We're training Naruto. You and your brother are the only ones that can keep his tailed beast chakra under control," he rubbed his chin, "Which is perfect; because you can help us out then."

I groaned, "I'm sorry I asked. Wait, tailed beast? He's the kid with the nine tails?"

Kakashi nodded, "Yeah. Since both you and Tenzo share the first hokage's cells; you're able to suppress the nine tails chakra."

"Huh, so being experimented on wasn't a complete waste then."

He didn't respond; but I didn't want to interrupt my brother's concentration just yet.

"So. Kakashi."


"How's life been since I've been gone? Finally dating?"

"Hahaha real subtle Misaki."

"Nope. Noting new."

I internally groaned at the lackluster response. "Still as nonchalant as ever I see."

Naruto stopped for a minute; and Tenzo relaxed. So I seized my opportunity and ran at him as quickly and silently as I could.

I didn't speak until i knew he wouldn't have time to react, "You're lacking big time brother!"

The shock on his face right before my body collided with his was hilarious. We bounced a few feet away, laughing.

He pulled me into a hug, "When did you get back Misa?"

I smiled, "Not too long ago. I wanted to see you before I went home."

He rubbed my head and sat up, "I'm glad you're home," he stood and helped me to my feet, "Now go home and sleep. We can spend time together tomorrow."

I put on my fake pouty face, "But brother."

He looked away, "None of that please. Go home and rest," he motioned as if to shoo me away.

I crinkled my nose, "Fine. So much for a warm welcome I guess."

I heard a loud voice behind me, "Hey sensei! Who's the lady?"

I turned around and smiled, "You must be Naruto!"

He looked dumbfounded. He looked at me, and then back at Tenzo, and then me and then Tenzo again. That happened for about 3 minutes before he found his words.

"Is this some kind of sexy shadow clone jutsu!?"

I scratched my chin, "I've been called attractive more times today than I have my whole life."

Tenzo responded with an uncomfortable laugh, "No Naruto. This is my sister Misaki."

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know you had a sister."

I rubbed Naruto's head, "Awww you're so cute. I've been gone for quite a bit of time unfortunately. I'm sure Te-Yamato just didn't think about mentioning me."

Naruto blushed, "Heh, okay. It's nice to meet you Misaki."

Tenzo interrupted us, "Go home Misa."

I rolled my eyes, "Buzzkill. Whatever," I turned back to Naruto, "I'll be back to help with your training tomorrow."

I rubbed his head and waved at the other two before running off, "Bye you three."


As soon as I got home; I fell asleep on the couch. I was enjoying a nice steamy dream of Kakashi and I.. until I was awoken by knocking at my door.

Knock, knock, knock.

My eyes slowly opened and I grumbled, "It was just getting good too."

Knock, knock, knock.

"I'm coming!," I took my time getting up.
I was almost to the door when they started knocking again.

I yanked the door open, "I SAID I WAS COMING ASS- oh hi Asuma."

He stood there with a smile on his face and a cigarette hanging from his lips, "You've got a bit of drool on your face Misa."

I flicked him off and walked back inside to the bathroom. I heard him step inside and close the door behind him.

I looked myself over in the mirror and blushed as I wiped my face clean, "How did you know I was here anyways?"

He leaned against the door frame, "I knew someone was moving in; but I didn't know who until I ran into Kakashi."

I yanked the cigarette from his mouth and put it under the faucet, "No smoking in my house."

I tossed the cigarette in the trash and turned towards him, "Okay, so what do you want then?"

He put his hand over his heart, "I'm hurt. I haven't seen my best friend in years and this is how she treats me."

I rolled my eyes and lightly pushed his chest before I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He quickly returned my hug, "I've missed you."

"I missed you too stinky," I stepped back out of his embrace, "Seriously, you smell like a pack of cigarettes."

He grumbled, "Man, I imagined are reunion to be more heart warming than this."

I laughed and walked past him, "Wanna go get some ramen with me?"

He followed me towards my bedroom, "Yeah. After we eat; we can go get some drinks together. My treat."

I smiled at him and pushed him out of my bedroom, "Free food and booze? Are you trying to get in my pants Sarutobi?"

He started laughing and I closed the door in his face.

I heard him yell before walking back into my living room, "Don't take forever getting ready Misa!"

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