Chapter 1

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Demonpaw limped out of the ThunderClan camp. Exiled and branded a traitor, he winced as his mangled eye twitched. He grunted and set out for the Twolegplace. Revenge burned in his mind. A fire danced in his eyes as he plodded on.

"Hello!" a she-cat kittypet was speaking to him. Her ginger-gray fur glimmered in the sunlight. Demonpaw scowled. Why should a kittypet be so pretty? "You aren't from around here are you? Oh! You're one of those forest cats!"

Demonpaw snarled at the kittypet. So...cheerful! The kittypet looked at his eye then gave a squeak of alarm and bolted back into her Twoleg den. Demonpaw let out a low growl. A kittypet would never change. Mouse-hearts.

"Nice job," Demonpaw spun around. A plump tom sat on a fence, waving his tail slightly. "Peanut's been annoying me for days. She won't be coming back here in a hurry!"

"That?" Demonpaw bristled. "That was easy!"

The tom shrugged. "Just saying thanks."

Demonpaw tilted his head questionably. "Why didn't you scare her away yourself?"

"It's more fun having others to do it, I guess." The tom smirked. "I'm Claw. You look pretty lonely. Need some company?"

Demonpaw pondered it. Claw would be a useful ally. He could see that Claw was cruel at heart, but it would take a while for him to leave his kittypet origins. "I suppose I could use a deputy." He admitted.

Claw purred.

"On one condition." Demonpaw interrupted.

Claw flinched. "What is it?"

"You listen to me. You don't go back to your Twolegs or any Twolegplace. I don't care if you don't have Twolegs," he added as Claw looked like he was about to protest.

"Fine." Claw muttered. "What do we do now?"

"We find more followers." Demonpaw dug his claws into the soil. "Whether by force or by persuasion."

Claw and Demonpaw separated as they travelled through the Twolegplace. Demonpaw headed for the swamps down the sunset side while Claw travelled to the sunrise side. Demonpaw slunk through the undergrowth, searching for his target. He had a plan in his head. Demonpaw would pretend to be a helpless, injured cat. But first, he had to make himself injured.

Bending his head, he bit down on his foreleg as hard as he could. Blood trickled out of the wound and Demonpaw quickly lay down and let out a wail of pain, which wasn't hard. Soon, shadows caught his eye. One shimmered against the sunset while the other was cloaked in darkness.

Demonpaw leapt up, fur fluffed out and eyes full of ambition. "Hello. My name is..." he paused. Demonpaw was not his name no more. "Demonclaw."

"Hello, Demonclaw. We thought you were hurt." The she-cat rogue said, shaking out her thick, gray fur.

"Only to draw your attention. I am forming a Clan. Join us." Demonclaw got to the point.

The tom and the she-cat exchanged glances. "Why?" the she-cat mewed.

"A Clan would protect you. But, in our Clan, once we are strong, we can help you get vengeance. I want revenge on the lake Clans, my deputy, Claw, wants revenge on a kittypet and I helped him- and I'm sure you've been annoyed or upset by some cat before." Demonclaw puffed out his chest.

"Makes sense." The tom tapped his tail on the ground thoughtfully.

"I'll try it." The she-cat decided.

"I will too." The tom gave him a firm nod.

"What are your names?" Demonclaw purred.

"I'm Nettle." The she-cat announced.

"Razor." The tom replied.

"Greetings, Razor and Nettle. Let me take you to our temporary camp. We will be staying in it until we have a strong Clan."

"What is your Clan's name?" Razor fluffed out his tabby fur and licked a paw.

"We are RevengeClan." Demonclaw decided on the spot. It made sense though.

Demonclaw introduced Razor and Nettle to Claw who had brought a ginger she-cat who he later learned went by the name Spark Who Never Burns Out. He had merely commented, "Spark, for short."

Nettle had a thick pelt which would stop injuries, and Razor had sharp claws that, to Demonclaw's surprise, were reinforced with a second layer of claws. Spark was persistent and positive, even when she was met with enemies twice her size, she refused to give up. She truly never burnt out. While Claw was a thick, muscled tom. He had a fine team.

Feeling proud of the day's work, Demonclaw curled up in his nest under a willow tree. Nettle would sleep with Spark in the shelter of a bramble bush and Claw would nest with Razor in an abandoned badger set. Sleepily, Demonclaw looked at the cats. No. They were his cats now. 


If you read this, please comment something, it can be 'hi' but it would help me a lot! Ty.

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