Chapter 3

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Demonclaw tucked into the fat 'chicken'. He had never heard of a chicken before, but he trusted Leaf's word. If she said it was a chicken, it was a chicken. She had caught it too. The bird had fluffy white feathers and was absolutely delicious!

"Remind me to thank Leaf," he mumbled to Claw, who he was sharing the chicken with.

"No problem," Claw swiped his tongue over his lips. "This really is delicious."

Demonclaw looked out of the den, trying to catch find Leaf's light brown pelt. There. She was sharing tongues with...Dark. He let out growled.

"Someone's angry," Claw remarked, finishing off his half of the chicken.

"I want Leaf," he confided. "But Dark's stealing her."

"Hmm," Claw mewed thoughtfully. "Why don't you tell Leaf how you feel about her?"

"I'd probably mess things up," Demonclaw admitted. "Last time I loved a cat, back in the Clans, I got exiled. I don't want to lose my loved ones again."

"Leaf won't be leaving you this time," Claw promised. "But you should probably get to her before Dark."

"You're right. You're always right. I don't know what I'd do without you," Demonclaw unsheathed his claws. "I'll go right now." He decided.

Demonclaw left the den and spotted Leaf leaving Dark to pick something from the fresh-kill pile. This was his chance! He intercepted her.

"Did you need me?" Leaf asked quietly, her amber eyes burning at him.

"Yes, c-can you walk with me, outside of camp?" Demonclaw stuttered.

"Alright," Leaf agreed instantly, but her eyes were suspicious. "Dark, I'll be back," she called to Dark before leaving the camp with Demonclaw trailing behind her.

"This is about my revenge, isn't it?" she mewed sharply. "No, don't say it. I've been wondering when you'd talk to me about it. I can't stay. I made two cats die."

"No! That's not it!" Demonclaw mewed, surprised.

"Then what is?" Leaf retorted curiously.

"I..." Demonclaw began, then cut off.

"You what? Surely you didn't bring me out here to become a mouse-heart!" Leaf's eyes blazed with anger.

"I love you!" he blurted hastily.

Leaf froze. "You love me?" she said bluntly.

"I do!" Demonclaw confirmed. He lay his tail on her flank, and thankfully, she didn't shake it off.

"I...I'm not sure I love you," Leaf replied softly. "I've had my eyes set on Dark, not you."

Fury coursed through Demonclaw. With a yowl, he unsheathed his claws again and tore them through Leaf's pelt. Leaf hissed.

"Is this what you are? A monster who kills someone for rejecting them?" Leaf muttered bitterly. "Kill me then! I don't want to live under the rule of someone like you!"

Demonclaw growled and clawed at her neck. She didn't fight back. Soon enough, she was dead. Regret bubbled inside his chest. How could he explain this to his Clan? Quickly, he darted away, sniffing. He needed to find some fox-scent.

At last. Demonclaw rolled in the fox droppings and walked back to Leaf's body. He rolled on top of her, making her reek of fox. Then, he stalked away to the stream. He glanced at his reflection. Leaf's blood trickled down his chest fur. He plunged into the stream, getting rid of the fox scent and the scent of blood.

Demonclaw dragged three squirrels back to camp. Now he had his excuse. Once he walked back into the camp, Dark greeted him anxiously.

"Where's Leaf?" he demanded. "She went with you, didn't she?"

"Leaf and I went hunting," Demonclaw faked sadness. "And we ran into a fox. The fox killed her."

"No!" Dark wailed. "We were going to be mates!"

Demonclaw and Claw exchanged glances.

"Pity," Claw muttered into his ear. "She would've been a good mate for you,"

Demonclaw agreed, but internally, he knew she wouldn't be. She had rejected him.


Rage kept him up that night, as he tossed and turned in his nest. Finally, he decided to take a walk around camp.

"Can't sleep either?" Dark mewed.

"Nope," Demonclaw mewed. "Leaf should be here," he lied.

"Yeah," Dark agreed.

The two toms sat under the moon for a while, until Dark announced he was going to try sleep again.

"Night," Demonclaw told him, before walking out of camp. He found himself walking to the place that Leaf was buried in.

"Leaf, if you can hear me, I'm sorry for killing you." He mewed quietly so that no one but himself could hear. "I was too mad. And I hope wherever you are, StarClan or the Place of No Stars, you are happy and will find your true soulmate."


Demonclaw opened his eyes to see a sky above him. He was in a forest. But there were no stars. Immediately, he realized where he was. After all, his father was leader here.

"Hello?" he called.

"Hello, Demonclaw." A dark tabby with glowing amber eyes stepped out into the moonlight. "I've heard such things from you,"

Demonclaw knew immediately who it was. After all, they looked identical. "Tigerstar," he bowed his head.

"That's right, son!" Tigerstar purred, pleased. "I've come to offer you a deal. You have a fire inside you, one that'll never be quenched. Do you want your revenge on Luckystar? I can help you get it. I am building my Clan, DarkClan. And I'm personally inviting you to join."

"If I join, all my cats join," Demonclaw warned, but the possibility of revenge was fresh in his mind.

"Of course," Tigerstar replied smoothly. "Why don't you go tell them?"

Demonclaw woke up with a shock.

"RevengeClan, wake up!" he yowled loudly. Claw was the first one to stir, bounding towards him eagerly. Spark came next, followed by a disgruntled Ruthless. Soon, all the cats were awake.

"Tigerstar, my father, came to me in a dream. He has offered me a proposition. We are to join his Clan, DarkClan, and both Tigerstar and I will finally earn our revenge. How does it sound?" Demonclaw purred.

"I'll join. This Tigerstar sounds powerful, and then it'll be easier for the rest of us to get our revenge!" Flash called.

"I'll join too!" Spark caterwauled loudly.

"Me too!"

Soon, the whole Clan had agreed.

"Good." Demonclaw announced. "Tonight, I will ask Tigerstar how to get to the Place of No Stars. Then, tomorrow, we will rise!"

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