Chapter 5

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"Higher!" Demonclaw barked.

Mudface, a WindClan tom, obeyed hastily and jabbed higher with his paws at his opponent, Maplenose, from RiverClan.

"Use your claws, Maplenose!" Demonclaw growled. His sharp left eye had picked up that Maplenose had sheathed his claws before battering Mudface's belly.

"B-but we're training, Demonclaw," Maplenose stammered.

"No weakness, do you hear me?" Demonclaw thrust his muzzle towards Maplenose's face.

"I understand, Demonclaw." Maplenose replied hastily before clawing at Mudface again, this time with unsheathed claws.

Demonclaw listened with happiness as Mudface grunted in pain. He moved on to the next pair; Gingerstorm of ShadowClan against Nighttree of RiverClan.

"Good job, Gingerstorm," he mewed as he saw the ginger tom rake his sharp claws on Nighttree's face.

"This is training, why are we unsheathing claws?"

Demonclaw spun around to see a ShadowClan apprentice, Ashpaw, complaining.

"Ashpaw!" He called.

Ashpaw scurried over to him eagerly. "Yes, Demonclaw?"

"We unsheathe our claws so that we fight harder and train harder," he flicked his tail. "And I don't want to hear you complaining again," Demonclaw dug his claws deep into Ashpaw's leg.

"Right! Sorry, Demonclaw." Ashpaw squeaked before resuming training with his sister, Sandpaw.

Demonclaw stalked through the battling cats, pleased to see they shrunk aside once they saw him. "Hello, Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Mapleshade, Spark and Ruthless." He greeted his father and the other senior warriors. Demonclaw puffed out his chest; Spark and Ruthless had only made it to the rank of senior warrior after he had recommended them.

"Report, Hawkfrost." Tigerstar turned to his other son, a dark tabby with ice blue eyes.

"Slategaze, Cedarheart, Finwish and Harespring's training is going well." Hawkfrost dipped his head.

"Report, Mapleshade." Tigerstar nodded to the large tortoiseshell and white she-cat.

"Mudface, Owlfur, Thunderstorm and Lightningstrike are learning our death moves brilliantly," Mapleshade purred.

"Spark and Ruthless, report." Tigerstar ordered the light yellow she-cat and the black she-cat.

"Fawnkit is doing well," Spark mewed.

"So is Duckkit."

They've been training kits? Demonclaw didn't know about that.

"And finally, my son and my deputy, how about you? Report." Tigerstar turned his amber gaze on him.

Demonclaw licked his chest fur and said in a bold voice. "Ashpaw keeps complaining about the training, but both him, Frostpaw and Sandpaw are training very well."

"Good." Tigerstar walked to the front. "Demonclaw, which of your apprentices are doing the best?"

"Probably Frostpaw. She's brave and strong." Demonclaw twitched his ears.

"Good. I want you to give Frostpaw an assignment. Take her around the lake territories, hunt some of their prey, cause some mischief. The usual." Anger sparked in Tigerstar's gaze. "And if you see an opportunity to cause fear, take it. Kill a few cats if you can."

"Got it, Tigerstar." Demonclaw agreed, mentally reminding himself to let Frostpaw do the kills.

"Spark and Ruthless, you've proved yourselves to be cruel and loyal. You may continue Duckkit and Fawnkit's training when they become apprentices. Make sure they continue to keep their claws sheathed so no cat suspects." Tigerstar commanded. "Meeting dismissed."

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