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Tan, Street and Hondo just arrived in the ghost town, the suspects have been neutralized.Now they need to find as soon as possible Deac and Chris.
Hondo quickly  found Deacon who was hidden behind a barrel with his loaded gun.Then, Chris got out from one of the buildings and she immediately saw Street who was walking in her direction.
"Good to see you" she said smiling and approaching him limping.
"We get here as soon as we could" answered Street worried.Chris had difficulties to stay up on her right leg, so he gently took her gun and put his arm around her so she could grip him to walk.
After Tan, Hondo and Street had escorted the  injured  agent to the helicopter, they reach Chris and Deacon.
"Guys take the black haw, you'll get  faster to the hospital so you can be examine" said Hondo.
They both agreed.Deac supported Chris to help her walk.After a few steps, Chris looked back towards Street.At this moment, he understood by her look that something was wrong .. He immediately ran towards her seeing she was passing out.He caught her.With the help of Deacon, they lay her down on the dusty ground while the others just arrived near the three.Just after, all the members of 20-David tried to wake her up by shaking her gently but there was no reaction.Street couldn't hold his worry.As the chief, Hondo decided to take Chris to the helicopter so she could go quickly to the hospital like they planned.
"Street go with her" order Hondo by seeing his current state.Street was shocked but instantly nod his head in agreement and happy to be there for her.Without hesitation, Street took carefully Chris in his arms without letting anyone touch her and then climbed inside Black Hawk.During all the fly, Street hold tightly her hand in his without stopping looking at her hoping that won't be too bad.

At the hospital
Once the helicopter landed on the hospital's roof, a doctor and a nurse were already ready to take her in charge.They straight put Chris on the stretcher and took her to the emergency service but Street needed to wait in the waiting room and that annoy him very much.
About one hour later, there were any news about Chris but Deacon was back from his check up, the team had arrive amd Street became more and more impatient, scared abd anxious.The others didn't say anything to him because they know he wouldn't listen.
After three long hours of waiting, a doctor came and called the people who were there for Christina Alonzo.Street was the first to stand up and go near him followed by the team.The doctor describe to them all her injuries.She had a few broken ribs, a right ankle sprain, a right knee sprain with cruciate ligaments, a concussion and some infected scratches.The team was really worried for her but instantly the doctor reassured them : "Everything will be fine for Miss Alonzo but she will need time to heal and she will need to rehabilitate her ankle and her knee to be back at 100%".
All the team sighed in relief but Street had tears running down his cheek.He soon wiped them away but all the members saw how affected he was.So they all hugged him and told him things to reassure him.
"There one last thing you need to know.She can't work at least for one month but she will need a lot of rest so she will need someone to stay with her all the time to help her and treat her injuries .Do you know someone who i can call for taking care of her during this first month ?"
"I will do it, i will take my days off, if it is ok with you Hondo" said Street.
The others team's members all looked at each other caught off guard but then they understood.
"That's all good Street, i will talk to Hicks and make the papers and ask him to find you a substitute" accepted Hondo.
"Thank you" answered Street really grateful to him.
All the team turned again to the doctor amd Lucas asked : "When can we see her ?".
"Because of her concussion, she needs to stay for at least the 10 first days in the dark and the most quiet possible so not right now, i'm sorry.I will only ask Mister Street to come with me see Miss Alonzo since he's the one who will stay with her while her healing.I'm sorry, really."
The team was a little sad but they understood and they knew that her healing was more important.So, Deac said "Alright then, we'll go but tell Chris that we think about her, that we are impatients she's back with us and keep us update, ok ??".They all nodded in agreememt with what had say Deacon.
"Of course, i will call one of you daily, i promise" said Street.They all said goobldbye and left the hospital.
Street was alone with the doctor and asked : "Can we go ?".
"Yes, when you'll enter the room, there are many chances that she is still asleep because of the painkillers, don't worry." said the doctor.
"Okay, thanks for telling me and thanks again to take care of her, really." answered Street.
"You're welcome."

In front of her room
"You can go in, i'll come back later with all the papers, the prescriptions and her disclaimer.If something happens, don't hesitate to call a nurse" informed the doctor.
Street nodded his head.The doctor left and Street took a few deep breaths before coming in the room.Once, he had coming in, he saw Chris hurt, in pain and she had a big splint around her knee that took all her right leg, it hurt him more than he was already.At that moment,  he couldn't hold the tears anymore, he realized that he could have lost her today and that was unbearable for him so he promised to himself that he will never let go of her again.
He approached Chris and took her hand gently afraid of hurting her more in his and squeezed her.
Three hours later, Street didn't left the room neither Chris's hand.But after a little time, he felt something moving, it was her fingers and then her eyes began to open, he immediately called a nurse.Once back, she was awake but sleepy but as soon as she saw him she felt relaxed.
"Hey Chris, you're okay, you're at the hospital but everything is fine i promise, the doctor will arrive soon" said Street to reassure her.He takes her hand in his once again and gently kiss her forehead.
"What am i doing at the hospital?" asked her worry and wincing in pain.
So Street explained to her, how they found them in the ghost town and how she got here.
The doctor arrived a ljttle later : "Hello Miss Alonzo, i'm docteur Nevara and i took care of you when you were brought here.How are you feeling ?" he asked.
"I have a bad headache and i feel pain in every part of my body and i'd like to go home" she answered.
"Fine, your state is stable" said the doctor.Then he told her everything about her injuries  and the treatments of all her injuries.The doctor also told her that she couldn't work for a least the next month and that she needs to stay lay the most possible but Chris interrupted Doctor Nevara : "Wait a minute, why do you say AT LEAST one month, does that mean that it could be extended ?" she asked by    holding Street's hand more harder and looking at him with fear.
He then got up, took her in his arms and whisper : "Everything will be fine, i'll be there" and look her in the eyes with full of support and love.The doctor answered her previous question : "Yes, indeed, your rest could be extended depending on the state of your injuries especially the knee sprain because if it doesn't heal well, you could need to do an surgery."
"Oh no, no, no ..." whispers Chris for herself, eyes full of tears.
"Don't worry, Miss, we don't know what the future holds so now concentrate yourself on your recovery and even if a surgery is necesarry, everything will go back to normal at some point, okay ? Now, i will leave yoy alone to get the papers and i'll be back" told Doctor Nevara.
"Thank you doc" said Street as he saw Chris was unable to say something.Once the door closed, he took her in his arms, and she let go her tears.She was cryimg because she was scared but also in a lot of pain.Street hold her tighly and told her : "Hey, it's okay, everything will be fine i promise, we'll get throught it together". Chris slightly nodded her head and she lean on his torso while he strokes her back.
One hour later, the doc was back with all the papers, the prescriptions and the treatments which were intended at Street.
"So, you are free to go, take your medicines and take care of you Miss Alonzo.We will see each other in a month for the check up" said the doctor before leaving.
"Thanks a lot" said Chris and Street.
They were now outside the hospital.Street had all the papers, the medicines and 2 crutches for the few next weeks while Chris was in her wheel chair still weak whit her splint.

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