Back to work

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Chris, Street and Lucas spent the weekend together at Lucas and Street's house.During the weekend, the weather wasn't good so they decided to stay at home and to watch all the movies of Rocky Balboa and Creed.The couple was more than happy to always be together and Lucas saw their joy growing up and he was truly happy for them.
Monday morning
Today, Chris and Street go back to work.So Chris takes up her habits again and wakes up at 6:30 AM.After that, she prepares the breakfast for them, she makes scrambled eggs with a grilled toast, bacon, some slices of grapefruit and some coffee.She knocks on Lucas's door.
"Hey, i made breakfast, if you want." she said.
"I'm coming." he answered.
Then, she joins Street in the bedroom, she sits on the bed next to him and kisses him, he responds to her kisses still a little sleepy.
"Come on, get up, breakfast is ready" said Chris by getting up.But Street grabs her by the wrist and makes her fall on the bed, he holds her against him.
"What if we stay here all day ?" asked Street by putting small kisses in her neck.
"I would love to do that with you, really, but you have to be at HQ at 8AM and as for me, i need to be at the physiotherapist too so get up." she added smiling.
"Okay, okay, let me get dressed and i arrive but before ..." answered Street by drawing her to him to kiss her passionately.
Then, the 3 friends eat.Once they finish, each of them go take their bags and go out of the house.
"Thanks for the breakfast, Chris, it was delicious.Good luck for your rehabilitation." said Lucas hugging her friend and then goes to his car.
Street escorts Chris to her car, he kisses her on the lips and takes her in his arms because he knows how stressed she is.
"You text me when you finish with the physiotherapist to tell me how it was." said Street against her ear with worries in his voice, he would have liked to go with her but unfortunately he can't.
"Yeah .." answered Chris really anxious.
Street knows that when she is hurt, she's always scared for her career because SWAT is everything for her.
But what he didn't know is that her career is not as important as him.
To reassure her, he kisses her once again.She rests her head on his chest while he strokes her back.Then, he feels her muscles relaxing at his touch.
"Let's go otherwise we will be late." she said by letting him go.
"One last kiss ?" he asked with a begging look which makes Chris laugh.
She kisses him and then climbs into her car.
At the physiotherapist, everything is fine, she makes a few exercises.She feels her ankle and her knee are still a little weak but she's more than motivated and she have Street who show her full support so she knows it will take time but it's going to be ok.
Once she's done, she takes her phone to text Street.
-Hey, i've just finished my session.It was great but i feel that it's still weakened.The physiotherapist is kind, he reassured me on a few things about my convalescence.He also told me that after the first sessions, i'm gonna feel the pain so i need to do what the doc talked about.I'll be in HQ in thirty minutes.Love you ❤️
No response, he must be out on the field.
When she arrives at HQ, Hicks tells Chris that her team is gone on a mission and also what she will do during the next 3 months meaning the  armoury and searching informations on each case her team works on.
Less than twenty minutes later, 20-David is back.They all greet Chris but she sees that Street is lost in his thoughts.
Around midday, Chris goes into the locker room to put her knee support because the pain is getting stronger.Then, Street arrives.
"You okay ?" he asked worried.
Chris hears his worry but also a little bit of anger, she doesn't really understand why.
"Yeah, all good don't worry.Is there something wrong ?" she answered.
"I'm good.Um, do we spend the evening together ?" asked Street quickly that it surprises Chris.
"Yes only if you want to, but i prefer it would be at you place if you don't mind." said Chris lost by his reactions.
"Okay, see you there" added Street by leaving without even a look.
Chris doesn't know what to think about this situation that she imagines the worse.
During all the afternoon, Chris couldn't stop thinking about Street and his reactions while searching informations about the suspect.
Around 5PM, the case is close and so the team can go back home.They come in the locker room to get changed but at their surprise Street has already left without telling anyone.Once Deac and Tan left, Chris turns towards Hondo and Lucas.
"Do you know what's happening to Street ?" she asked really worried.
"No, why ? What's wrong ?" added Lucas.
"I don't know.This morning everything was fine but when you came back this morning, he became cold and distant so maybe you know something." answered Chris.
"Listen, I don't know what's happening to him but maybe it has to do with today's case because it brought him back bad memories of his childhood amd we also learnt that you're gonna have a substitute during your recovery and it doesn't really delight him if you see what i mean." explained Hondo.
"Okay, i see, i will go then i want to be with him and it seems that he needs me so bye guys, see you tomorrow." said Chris waving goodbyes to her teamates.
She arrives in front of his house and decides to come in, she puts her bag down but she doesn't see anyone so she knoks on his bedroom's door.
"If it's you Chris, you can come in." he said.
Chris opens the door and sees Street laying on his bed looking at the attic.
She comes lays next to him and puts her head on his chest, Street holds her in his arms.
"Tough day ?" she asked stroking his arms.
"Yeah ... I'm sorry for the way i acted earlier." he answered by putting a kiss on her forehead.
She decides to not talk anymore and so they stay in that position for a whole hour before ordering junk food to comfort themselves.
After that, Chris cleans the dishes while Street is taking a shower.Then it's her turn to shower.When  she gets out the bathroom, she joins Street on the bed, he takes her leg and put it on his and begins to rub cream on her knee.When he finishes, Chris kisses him, takes his hand in her and lays next to him with their fingers interwine.
"Do you want to talk about your day ?" she timidly asked.
"No not really ... But it was difficult to be far away from you, i really missed you and this case ..." he answered with tears in his eyes.
"Look at me, it's okay, you don't have to say more, i understand.And i missed you too but it's best for us at the moment, i'm here now and we'll get throught this together.I love you." she reassured him smiling and kissing him even if she was really sad to see him like this, she must hide it to be strong for him.
"I love you too, so much." added Street by tightening his embrace.
They fell asleep embraced to each other.It's been a long day for their coming back.The night has also been terrible because Street made a lot of nightmares and Chris needed to show that's she strong but in the inside she was sad and angry to see the man she loves in so much pain, she wished she could erase all of his past but it's impossible so she comforts him as best as she can.

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