The statement and the announcement

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After Hondo was gone, Street returned to bed next to Chris who was still asleep.Around 11AM, he prepares the lunch and brings it to the bed for his beloved.
"Hey Chris.It's time to eat, you need it, come on." he said slowly.
"I'm not hungry, sorry." said Chris still asleep.
Street tries to convince her but it's a waste of time, she just wants to stay in her bed, where she feels safe.
"Okay, but i want to take care of your injuries to the hand and shoulder " said Street quietly but firmly.
So she accepts but she exhales loudly to show him that it annoys her.
He then goes in the bathroom to get the first-aid kid.When he's back next to her, Street begins to rub her shoulder which was covered of bruises because of when Dover pushed her against her locker with some cream.Chris winces in pain so he stops and waits for her sign to allow him to keep going.After that Street takes care of her hand.First, he checks that she doesn't have any bit of glass in her wound.He puts on it some disinfectant and bandages her hand.
When he's done, Street sees Chris with tears in her eyes, so he asks her :
"What's wrong Chris ? Are you hurt somewhere else ? ... Tell me, so i can help you, please.".
"I'm so sorry to be a burden to you, you shouldn't stay with me, i'm bad for you ." said Chris crying, going into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
"Chris, i'm begging you .. Open the door." said Street very worried.
After half and hour trying to convince Chris that she is not a burden and that she worths everything in this world for him, Chris finally opens the door.As soon as he comes in, Street sits down next to her on the ground, takes her in his arms and kisses her on the top of her head.She fell apart at his touch and he is also crying but he tries as best as he can to hide it.
"Chris, you are not a burden.You're my other half, my best friend, my girlfriend and one day for sure my wife.You're stuck with me forever and ever because i'm never letting you go." he reassured her.
Chris doesn't answer, she's really touched by Street's words.
After a long time of being sit on the bathroom floor holding each other, Street gets up and says :
"Come, we go to bed, you'll be more comfortable.".
He takes her by the hand and they go lay on the bed.Chris falls quickly  asleep in Street's arms, all her emotions have exhausted her.He aslo falls asleep because of their horrible night.
The next morning, Street wakes up first, he watches Chris who seems to sleep peaceful but he knows it's not the case because she moved a lot in her sleep but that's a little better than the night before.He decides to wake her up with some little tickle.
"Hey, Chris you need to wake up." said Street.
"I don't want to, let me sleep, please." she answered still asleep.
"I know but you have to since we have to go to HQ for your statement against Dover." he added worried of her reaction.
"WHAT ?!!! No way ! I'm not capable of it ..." said Chris with tears rolling down her face.
"Listen to me Chris, you can do it.I know you and you are the strongest person i know so you'll get through it and i'll be there, i promise you and i love you.You will tell all the shits this coward did to you since he arrived, then he'll be judged and we will get through it together and stronger, okay ?" told Street trying to reassure her and taking her tighly in his arms where she feels the more secure.
He feels her nod her head against his chest but doesn't say anything.
"Thank you." she whispered slowly still shaking of anxiety.
"Don't need to thank me, it's normal.I love you.But first, let's take breakfast."
They have breakfast but Chris doesn't eat that much.Then, they go get ready, she's wearing a Street's black sweatshirt and a black tracksuit with her Air Force 1.She desn't have the strengh to make efforts.When Street sees her, he directly understands and it saddens him.
They take Chris's car and go to HQ.Street is driving, they don't talk but he keeps an eye on her beloved while she looks out by the window playing with her hands because of her stress.At one moment he takes her hand in his and interwines their fingers.
Twenty minutes later, the couple arrive.
"Come on, let's get done with all of this.And after that we'll go home alright   ?" said Street with a comforting smile.
"Wait ..." asked Chris.
So Street stops and wait for her to be ready.
After five minutes, they get out of the car and arrive in front of Hicks's office.
"You ready ?" he asked.
She nods her head so Street knocks on the door.
"Come in." said Hicks.
"Hello Commander." said the couple at the same time.
"Ah Chris, i'm glad you're here so you can tell me what happened.Thanks Street for bringing her here, you can leave." added the Commander.
"With all my respect Commander, i would like Street to stay please." asked Chris.
Hicks is surprised but accepts because he knows that they are best friends.
So Chris explained everything that happened since Dover's arrival.She makes a few breaks while her explanations because her emotions are still on edge and the memories were still haunting her and it's difficult but she knows it's necessary.Once she's done, she only wants to get out of there, Street is more angry than he was before and Hicks is shocked by what he had just heard.
"I'm really sorry to hear that but i can assure you, he will be behind bars for a long time quite enough soon." added Hicks as comforting as he could be.
"I'd like to add that yesterday in the evening, Chris received a text from an unknown number.Here.(He shows the text on the phone to Hicks)And everything leads me to think that is Dover who is behind all of that too." said Street very angry.
When he's done speaking, he sees Chris trying to hide her anxiety and her fear but he knows her better than anyone else so he knows that inwardly she's totally broken.
"Alright, thanks your for your statement Alonzo, i will refer the case to the courts and then there will be the trial where you're gonna have to give evidence but don't worry with all of that right now.For now, take time to recover from these traumatic events, i will give you three more days off but if you need more, you tell me and i'll need a medical certificate and if you feel the need, you can always go to talk with Doctor Wendy." explained Hicks.
"I would like to say one more thing that's completely off Dover's case." asked Chris.
Street and Hicks look at her not knowing what is that all about but the Commander nods his head for her to continue speaking :
"I'm listening.".
"Alright, since my accident and my injuries in the ghost town, Street has been a real help for me.But since  this event, we realized that we couldn't fight our feelings for each other anymore so we're together as a couple.We know it's against the rules but it's been five difficult years because we did everything, literally to not be together for our job but when you're about to loose something or someone you love, you realize that you can't let some rules or anything else prevent you to live what you want.We know that there will be some consequences but we are ready to face it." said Chris on an impulse because she can't stand anymore to hold this weight on her shoulders.
Street is very surprised by what Chris just said but also more than happy because they will finally have a normal relationship without the need of hiding it.
"Alright, thank you for your honesty.Normally, relationships between colleagues are forbidden but with all you've been through, i will try to find a solution so you two can stay together on the same team because you work very well together, you're a great duo.I will also have to ask what the rest of the 20-David think of it and if they agree with that decision.Once, i've take the decision, i'll let you know but now go home and rest.With what you just lived and your injuries from the ghost town not completely healed you really need it, so go home and that's an order.Street take good care of her.We'll see you two in three days.Bye." decided Hicks very understanding.
After that, the couple head outside of HQ to head home straight to Chris's house.Once they arrive home, Chris immediately goes in the bedroom without changing herself first because she feels so safe in Street's sweatshirt and she falls asleep before Street arrive from the car.He  lays next to her, covers them with a blanket and takes her in his strong arms.

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