Evening with the team

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While Chris and Street were watching TV, Chris fell asleep so Street turned off the TV, put a blanket on her and begins to prepare the snacks for the evening.
Around 5 PM o'clock, Street wakes Chris up by shaking her a little and kissing her on the forehead.
"Hey you." said Street smiling.
She wakes up slowly, Street is about to get up when she takes his hand and pull him to her to kiss him.Street kisses her back and they are smiling while kissing, the kiss ends in an embrace and then they get up from the couch.
Chris goes in the bathroom to refresh herself up while Street continues to get all ready for the evening.
When Chris gets out of the bathroom, she sees that Lucas is back from work and is helping Street.
"Hey Lucas." said Chris.
"Hey Chris, you good ? You help us ?" he asked.
"Yeah of course, what can i do ?" she answered.
"Here, could you put the snacks on the living room's table ?" said Lucas.
"Yeah.So, what time did you ask the others to come ?" asked Chris.
"Around 7 and a half PM o'clock." answered Lucas.
Then, Street arrives with 3 more chairs and put them next to the armchairs in the living room.
"Can i do something else ?" asked Chris and Street at the same time. They look each other embarrassed and look away to not raise up any Lucas's suspicions.
"No, its fine.Everything is ready, you two had already made a lot before i arrived.The others will arrive in half an hour so i'm gonna shower quickly." answered Lucas.
20 minutes later, the team begins to arrive.Tan is the first one.He comes in and say hi to his friends when Lucas gets out of the bathroom.The four of them are talking when the bell rings.
Hondo just arrives and aks : "Hey, so what's up ?".
"Nothing too fancy, food, beer and a video game, a film or anything we decide." said Lucas.
The last one to come is Deacon and announces : "Hey, i'm sorry but i'm just passing by because the kids caught the flu at school and so Annie needs me".
"No worry Deac" said Street.
"You should have called to say that you weren't coming we would have understand" added Lucas.
"Ok thanks.I will go back home, thank you and next time i'll be there i promise, sorry again." answered Deac.
"That's normal, take care of your family, if you need anything just call and we will see you Monday" said Hondo.
Chris hugs Deac and the others say goodbye to him and then he leaves.
"So, what are we doing ?" asked Tan.
"Like you want." answered Lucas.
"If you're okay with this, i would like to watch a movie because i'm a little tired" said Chris.
They all agree because the team had a rough day, they choose Fast and Furious 7.Hondo and Lucas sit in the two armchairs on the each side of the couch.Tan sits in the middle of the couch so Street is on his left and Chris on his right.Chris is relieved so it would be easier to hide their relationship but also disappointed because she loves to be near him and she feels better with him by his side.
At the halfway through of the movie, Chris gets up and goes in the kitchen to refill her glass with Ice Tea.She doesn't drink anymore since she weaned off thanks to Street but also Tan.She didn't notice but Hondo follows her.
"Hey Chris, can we talk ?" he asked.
"Oh hum, ... yeah.What's going on ?" she answered a little surprised.
"I want an honest response.What's going on between Street and you ?".
Chris choked when she heards his question.She doesn't know what to say.Hondo sees that she is lost in her thoughts and doesn't know what to respond.
"Hey, it's okay Chris.I won't talk about our conversation to anyone, i promise.It's just that i see things and i need to understand.I always knew that one day you'll realise that you are more than best friends but for now i want to know the relationship's status." added Hondo with an smile full of support.
"Well ... ok.So, i think that there were always been feelings between us.Street told me a few years ago about his but i shut him down.Then, he was with molly but i was jealous but i didn't let my feelings more present to get in the way of his relationship and my career.But then, Erika died and the liver's transplant for Karen that he did, i realised that i couldn't loose him so i told him and before leaving for TLI, i kissed him.After that, I went to Germany and it was really great but it was as if a part of me was missing even if we talked everyday.I've became more aware of my feelings.Finally, we came back with Lucas but you weren't there, we had a new chief and it made me anxious so i let my anxiety take over and i let him down.But finally, when i've been hurt at the ghost town, i realised that all of my walls and fears weren't so important, i should live my life with the most important person to me.So, i decided to take that risks and revealed to him my feelings and now, i know that i can't live without him but we are going slowly and we prefer to keep it secret since it's the beginning." told Chris.
"Okay, i get it.Thanks for trusting me, i'm so happy for you two really.You deserve it" said Hondo by hugging her.
"Thanks." said Chris smiling with sparkles in her eyes.
"But you know, i think that everyone on the team know that you love each other but don't see it yet, it's pretty obvious." added Hondo.
"I don't know, maybe you're right ... But i'm afraid for both of our careers and for what the others will think when we will announce our relationship." said Chris a little stressed.
"Don't worry about that, be with Street, enjoy, you'll think about that later.But i'm sure you'll have the full support of the team.And if you need to talk, talk to Street don't push him away or come find me and we'll find a solution." said Hondo to reassure her.
"Thank you for everything." she said.
He winks at her.
"Come, we need to join the others otherwise they'll wonder what we're doing." Hondo added.
"Yeah, right.".
They join their friends in the living room who were discussing if they play the next movie or not.
"There you are.What were you doing ?" asked Tan.
They don't have time to answer that Lucas and Street decide to play the movie.Chris and Hondo get back to their seat.Once sit, Chris sees Street looking at her worry.To reassure him, she slightly smiles at him and sees him relax.Then Lucas asks Street if he could help him to get more snacks and they disappear in the kitchen.
"So, how is it between Chris and you ?" asked Lucas.
"She releaved her feelings , i'm more than happy.For the moment, we prefer to live day by day and keep our relationship for us until we she's ready and that we find a solution for the team and our couple." Street answered.
"No way, i know it.Congratulations man.You two are meant to be together." said Lucas smiling and hugging his friend.
"I hope, but i prefer to go slow not pushing Chris, we take our time and it's better this way."  added Street.
"Hey guys, you coming ? The movie is about to start." asked Hondo.
"Yeah, yeah, we're here." Lucas and Street answered at the same time.
Once they are all gather in the living room, Chris starts the movie.While they're watching, Street and Chris exchange a few looks and smiles very discreet to not be seen by anyone.
At the end of the second movie, Tan and Hondo decide to go back their home because it's getting late.
"Thanks for the evening guys, it was great, see you Monday !" said Tan.
"I will go too, i'm exhausted, thanks for all.Enjoy your weekend and see you Monday." said Hondo too.
"We should do that more often." added Lucas.
They all agree and say goodbyes to each other.When Tan and Hondo left  Lucas yawns and asks : "Street, do you mind cleaning alone, i'm really exhausted ?".
"Don't worry bud, see you tomorrow." answered Street.
"I can help you if you want." proposes Chris smiling.
"Hey Chris, why don't you  stay here for the weekend ?After all you're not totally healed yet so you could use some help.Moreover, you don't have your car and it's pretty late." added Lucas.
"Thanks but i don't want to bother" answered Chris.
"You never bother, and i'm sure Street agrees with me so no problem." added Lucas winking at his friend.
"If Street is okay with that, then i'll stay." she answered.
"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't propose." added Street a little too happy about that with sparkles in his eyes and a big smile accross his face.
After that, Lucas goes to sleep, Street begins to clean while Chris is washing the dishes.Once he's done, Street helps Chris with the dishes.
"This evening was really cool, wasn't it ?" asked Street.
"Yeah, you're right.But i'm  so tired.I didn't want to watch the second movie but i didn't want to disappoint the team since Deac had to leave already." answered Chris.
"Why didn't you say anything ? We would have find a solution to go back to yours or something." said Street.
"I didn't want us to get notice by the others, we need to be careful since Hondo knows for us." told Chris a little worry of his reaction.
"How's that ?" he asked with a questioning look.
"When he followed me in the kitchen, he asks me what is our relationship because he saw things.So, I choose to not lie to him and i explain what's going between us.He was very understanding and promised to keep it secret as we want.I hope you don't mind but i didn't want to lie to him, sorry." said Chris embarrassed.
"No, of course not, i get it." said Street to reassure Chris by taking her in his arms.
"I kinda have the same situation with Lucas as well." he added.
She looks at him.
"Yeah, as you know when you got out of the hospital, Lucas brought me some stuff to stay with you but we also talked about our relationship.Actually, he's suspicious of our feelings for each other since we met and he knows that we are more than best friends evem though we tried to hide it." explained Street.
"Okay so, to sum up, two team's members are aware of our relationship and happy for us." said Chris slightly smiling.
"Yeah, that's pretty all of that." answered Street laughing.
"More seriously, we'll need to find a solution for us and for telling the team." she said.
He takes her hands in his and says : "Nothing hurry, we can trust Hondo and Lucas, okay ?".
"Okay, thanks to always reassure me, i know i'm not the easiest person but i try my best." answered Chris.
"Don't say that Chris, i love you like you are and i  will spend everyday to tell you how incredible you are." added Street by kissing her forehead.
They finish the dishes, they put away but Chris yawns.
"Go to sleep, i arrive." said Street kissing her on the cheek.
"Thanks, but could you give me something to wear because i don't have my pyjamas, please." asked Chris timidly.
"Wait for me." he answered.
He goes in his bedroom and comes back with one of his sweatshirt and  tracksuit and gives it to her.
"Here, you can wear this to sleep and if you want to take a shower, use the products in the shower and the towels are in the cupboard under the sink." he added.
"Thanks." she said kissing him on the lips grateful for this man.
She goes take a shower while Street finishes the cleaning.
20 minutes later, she comes out the bathing room and goes immediately in the bed.She's so exhausted that she fell asleep within two minutes.Street joins her and can't help but smile at the view.He finds her so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps.After, he takes his shower and puts his tracksuit, he joins Chris in bed, kisses her on the forehead and sees her smile in her sleep so he takes her in his arms and huggs her and he falls asleep too with a feeling of pure happiness.

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