Reassurance by friends

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During these three days of break, Street sees Chris destroy herself, withdrawn herself and he can't stand it.Seeing her like this is killing him.Chris's sleep is very bad, she doesn't eat much, spends her time to overthink, doesn't speak a word, doesn't look at herself in a mirror anymore because her reflection disgust her and reminds her what Dover did and doesn't make any effort to get dressed.It's very hard for him to stay there and do nothing to help her beloved.
Street would like to take all her pain and feelings on his shoulders so she doesn't have to face them but he knows it's impossible.The only contact, he has still with her, it's when they are in bed and Chris cuddles up to him and hugs him very tight in her arms before sleeping.
Every member of 20-David try to get in touch with her but it's a loss a time because Chris doesn't answer, she just let her phone rang until it stops.
On the third day, Street decides that he needs to do something or she will loose herself into depression or something like that.In the early morning, he called the team to ask them if they were up to help him and they all agreed because they were all also saddened by what Chris was living.
After organizing everything, Street returns in bed next to Chris, he looks at her who's still sleeping for a few minutes.Then, he gets up to prepare the breakfast.Once it's ready, he puts everything on a tray and brings her in bed.He wakes her with little kisses so Chris wakes up and kiss him slightly  on the cheek.
"Hey, how are you feeling this morning ?" asked Street.
She doesn't answer but makes a sad little smile.
Street shows her the tray and says :
"I know it's very difficult for you right now but please eat a little, if it is not for you do it for me please, i need you.".
He has tears in his eyes but makes everything to hide them because he doesn't want her to feel guilty but she saw it and it breaks her more than she was already.
"I'm so sorry." said Chris with a shaking voice.
After their breakfast, Street  is happy because Chris ate, he takes her in his arms and leaves small kisses in her neck.
"Today, we go out." said Street.
"I'm not really in the mood." answered Chris.
"I know but trust me.Go get ready, i'll wait here, if you need something just call me okay ?" he added a little stressed by her answer.
At first, Chris hesitates but she wants to make Street happy so she accepts even though she would have preferred to stay at home with him.She goes into the bathroom, gets ready with a black slim jeans, a Street's sweater with her air force 1.
Once she's ready, Chris joins her boyfriend who was waiting in the kitchen.Street is very happy of the two victories already won this morning but he hopes that it will continue all day long.
The couple gets in Chris's car and all along the ride there is nothing else than silence but Chris holds Street's hand very tightly and looks through the window.They arrive on a gym's parking lot.Chris looks at Street astonished.
"What are we doing here ?" asked Chris.
Street gets out of the car, opens Chris's door and gives her a sports bag.
"Here, there is someone who's waiting for you inside.Enjoy it and i love you, you're strong." answered Street and kisses her on the cheek.
"Wait... What... Where are you going ? I don't really want to train." added Chris anxious.
Street takes her in his arms, hugs her tightly while whispering her some comforting words.
"Hey ! Come on Chris, go change, i'll wait for you." shouted Tan.
Chris gives up and leaves Street's embrace and goes inside with her head down.
"Go easy on her, please." asked Street.
"Don't worry man." said Tan by hitting him on the shoulder.
When she gets out the locker room, she meets her friend on the boxing ring.
At first, Chris doesn't give anything but Tan increases the intensity to push her.After an half an hour, she's completely exhausted.She didn't gave her maximum but to her it feels so because of the lack of sleep and all her emotions that has taken over her since the incident.
Feeling that she is about to crack because since what happened she didn't really talk about it, she keeps all to herself but it's weighting on her but  she doesn't want to disturb and be a burden for any one.So, she runs to the locker room so Tan doesn't see her so weak.When she closes the door, she hits several times a locker but by doing this, she opens her hand's injuries again.Tan arrives at that moment and sees Chris sat on the bench with her head between her hands.He sits next to her and says :
"Chris, what happened isn't your fault.You are destroying yourself.Remember when we loose Erika, you did the same thing but but then you asked for help and this time it's the same.You'll get throught it with time and help if you accept our help.If you want we can meet here 2-3 times a week so you can let off steam." said Tan with a little smile while Chris still hides her head.
After hearing this, Chris raises her head and says : "Thank you Tan." with tears in her eyes.
"Ah, come on." said Tan by getting up and hands in her his hand.
"We have all the team waiting for us for the Harrelson's barbecue." he added.
"Thanks but i prefer call Street to go home." said Chris by getting up.
But Tan holds her back.
"Come on Chris, we miss you two, it's just a few hours.And ... you don't really have the choix because Street is already there." added Tan proud of him and his teammates.
"Alright then." said Chris sighing.
Then, they go change and leave together.
Once they arrive, Tan gets out his car but not Chris, so he sends a text to Street :
- Hey buddy, we're right in front of the house but it seems that she doesn't want to come, what do i do ?".
- Don't worry, i got it, i arrive.
When Street got the text, he comes out the house, he fist bumps his friend who goes inside to join Bonnie and his friends.
Street opens slowly the car's door but his girlfriend was so lost in her thoughts that she jumps, he takes her hand in his to reassure her.
"Chris, everything's fine, it's me, i'm here." he said.
She takes him in her arms and says with a sad little voice :
"I don't want to go.".
"I know, but the team misses you and it'll be good for you to be out of the house.Moreover, we don't have to stay for a long time." he added by taking her hands in his with an encouraging smile.
She nods her head knowing he's right like Tan before and they get out of the car.
When the couple comes in the house, every one of the team come say hello to Chris but they see that she's umcomfortable with all the attention on her so each of them return to what they were doing.After an hour, Chris needs air so she goes alone in the garden but Deacon followed her.
"Hey, you're good ?" asked Deac.
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Listen Chris, you may not want to hear any advice right now but i will give it any way.You're like a daughter to me and it's hard for me to see you like this.But there's one thing i know for sure, you've been already down but you always get up stronger.I believe in you and you can count on me and on the others too." said Deacon.
"Thanks." said Chris embarrassed because she could hear some compassion in his voice but she doesn't want to see or hear that.
He puts a hand on her shoulder but she steps back quickly, he immediately removes it with a sorry look and then lets her alone.
She still stays in the garden, far away from everyone because she doesn't want to face all her teammates but Hondo arrives.
"Hey Chris, i know you're not the kind who loves speaking about her emotions and i don't ask you to do that but i want to say some things to you that you might have forgotten but they're true.So listen  to me, okay ?" said Hondo.
He keeps quiet for a few seconds.
"Chris, you're one of the strongest women i know, you never let anyone put you down, you fight as best as you can with all you got and you always manage.This time, it's the same.You will need time but you'll fight all your memories and all these bad emotions but for now you need to feel them to fight them back when you'll be ready.And believe  me, you'll get through it, i know it because you're Chris Alonzo.".
He stops as he sees that she is silently crying, and takes her in his arms.
"I know it's hard.Moreover this incident brings you back bad memories but it's gonna be okay with time.But don't forget one thing, us, your heart's family, we are all here for you, we won't give up on you, never.You are very important for each one of us.Take all the time you need and we are all here for you if you need us anytime, anywhere.But one thing is sure, you didn't lost bravery or became weak.You are and always be our Chris, this strong and brave woman who makes all she can to make this world a better place, who's always there for her friends and those she loves." continued Hondo.
After what Hondo said, Chris lets go all she carried on her shoulders against Hondo and cries.
After a half an hour, Chris gets out Hondo's arms, he smiles a little to her and she thanked him for all.
After their talk, Chris and Hondo come back into the Harrelson's house.While they were in the garden, Hicks had arrived because he had something to announce to all the team.
"Well now that you two are here too, i can tell you what i'm doing here.So, a few days ago, Chris and Street told me about their romantic relationship.At first, i must say, it surprised me and as you know, intern relationships are forbidden on this job but with the excellent work they do together i couldn't separate them so i thought of a way to let them be together on the same team." said Hicks.
The Commandant makes a break while Chris and Street look at each other a little loss and stressed by Hicks's answer.
"So, i saw each of your team members to know their opinion about you two dating ... All their answers were positives so i decide to let you two on the same team." continued Hicks.
Everyone congratulate the couple, not letting Hicks finishes what he has to say.There are many hugs with screams and laughs of joy.The lovers look at each other and they smile shyly.Street would love to take Chris in his arms, kiss her in front of everyone but he knows it's not the right moment because of what happened, Chris is still very unwilling of physical contact and he doesn't want to push her.But this new cheers him up, he feels an eruption of pure happiness in his head and in his heart.
Chris is also very happy but she's unable to show it because all her emotions and feelings about the incident, her memories and what all her friends said to her are mixed up in her head.Even though her she doesn't love the attention, she gets closer to Street and hugs him very tightly.Street is surprised but hugs her back, kisses her on the forehead, very happy that she made the first step.
"Can we go home ?" whispered Chris in Street's ear as they are still in each other's arms.
He nods his head.
"Guys, thank you so much for this afternoon, it was very great but we are going home." said Street.
The others understand and go say goodbye and congratulate them once again.
"I drive them back." said Lucas.
"Oh, don't bother, we'll call a taxi." said Chris but Lucas is already out of the house.
In the car, the ride is quiet.
Once they arrive on the parking lot of Chris's apartment, the 3 friends get out of the car.
"Thanks Lucas" said Street fist bumping him.
He hands his hand to Chris to go to the apartment.
"You're welcome mate.Chris, can i talk to you ?" he asked hesitant.
Chris nods her head, Street kisses her on the forehead and puts his jacket over her shoulders so she doesn't get cold.
"Chris, i know you might already have some talks with the guys but you're my sister and i can't stay back and say nothing when i see how broken you are.You have a team, i mean a family who is there for you and will always have your back.You also have n incredible boyfriend who's ready to do everything to see you smile.You know, Street and you have this specific bond that makes that you understand each other within a look.You complete yourselves.But don't forget that you have been there for him so many times, you never gave up on him so let him do the same thing for you, don't close yourself to him, let him know what you think, feel.And then, you have me, i will always be there for you anytime, anywhere.Don't hesitate to call me even if it's in the middle of the night, i don't care.You'll get through it, i trust you.You overcame so much in your life, you're strong and i'm proud to know someone like you who's really an example of braviour." said Lucas with some tears in his eyes but a little smile.
"You all say that, but what if i don't get through it ? What if i start again to drink alcohol ? What if i hurt Street ? ...I'm not strong otherwise i would have stopped Dover." said Chris crying.
"No, no, no ... Don't think that Chris.You are very strong, it is Not your fault, you'll get through it because we are all here for you and we won't give up on you.The alcohol you beat it last year amd you won't hurt Street because your love is stronger than anything in this world alright.You need to let Street and us help you.It's not a weakness to ask for help.Come here." explained Lucas very sad to see the person he considers like his little sister so broken.
He takes her in his arms.
"Street loves you since the first day he met you so nothing could break your love.The only thing that is destroying him right now is to see you completely broken amd that he can't do anything to help you.He loves you and we all love you too.You two are soulmates.Now get back to him, he's waiting for you.Don't worry everything is gonna be okay and don't hesitate to call me if there's any thing, okay ?" added Lucas still holding her in his arms.
Chris nods her head.
"Thank you for always be there for me." she said with an exhausted voice.
He winks at her and goes back to his car.She waves at him to say goodbye and then goes into her apartment.When she opens the door, Street is waiting for her in the couch lost in his thoughts.She closes the door slowly and goes sit next to him.She takes him in her arms, hugs him very tightly.He does the same and they stay like that until sleep overcome them.
Im the middle of the night, Street wakes up to grab a glass of water, he decides to carry Chris on the bed so they'll be more comfortable to sleep together.Once he's done, he lays next to her, kisses her on the cheek, takes her in his arms and falls back to sleep.

PS : Sorry for the long wait, really.I'll try to update more often but i can't make any promises.
If you want to see something special in the future chapters you  can say it in the comments and i'll try to write them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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