The replacement

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The next day, Chris woke up first and noticed that she was late at her physiotherapist.So she calls him to tell that she missed her alarm and she asks a new appointment fixed at Friday.Street has 1 hour left before going to HQ.Given the night he had, she decides to let him sleep.She goes in the kitchen and takes a cup of coffee to boost herself because she's very tired due to her lack of sleep and Street's nigtmares.
One hour and a half later, Street wakes up and finds Chris asleep on the couch.He watches her a little smiling thinking at the luck he has to finally have her.Then, he makes breakfast.When Chris hears him, she wakes up and sits at the kitchen's table to watch him.
"Hello you.Did you get a little sleep at least ?" asked Chris still asleep.
"Hey, no not really .. but thanks for staying here with me, i know it must have been difficult for you and now you're exhausted because of me, i'm sorry." said Street by joining her and putting his arms around her waist and his head in her neck.
"That's normal, you're important to me so i couldn't be anywhere else." she whispered in his ear.
After the breakfast, they get ready to go to HQ and then they separate to go to work on their own.
Street is the first one to arrive and goes into the locker room to get change when Hondo arrives.
"Hey man, you good ? You don't seem fine.When you're ready, i will introduce to you the replacement of Chris." said Hondo.
"Yeah, everything's fine don't worry.I arrive." answered Street.
Then, he meets Hondo who introduces him the substitute named Jack Dover.
"Nice to meet you, Street." said Dover by shaking Street's hand.
"Likewise, happy to have you with us for the 3 next months." answered Street a little mistrustful because something seems off with him.
At that moment, Chris arrives and Hondo calls her out.
"Hey Chris, this is your replacement while you can't come back on the field, its Jack Dover." he told.
"Welcome to you, you're in a great team." said Chris smiling.
Then, she goes get ready for her shift.Once she left, Hondo meets Hicks in his office to know what's today's mission while Dover goes with Street.
"She was hot in her civies clothes, i bet she's even more sexy in her uniform." said suddently Dover with a strange smile.
Street feels the jealousy appear but knows that he needs to keep it down so he doesn't say anything.
"She must have slept with a few cops to be here today." added Dover laughing.
It's too much for Street so he turns around and says angryly :
"Don't say that ever again, understood, she's here with us because she deserves it and no other way.".Then he leaves before hitting Dover in his face because he won't accept anyone talking about Chris with disrespect.
Dover comes in the locker room while Chris is still in it.
"Well, a woman wearing an uniform is something very hot." he said checking her out.
Took by surprise, she quickly turns around to face him, looks at him angrily.
"What ?" she said.
"You heard me well." said Dover with a smirk .
"What are you playing at ? Do you think your sexual jokes are funny ? It's not my point of view so stop it now.I could report you at the Commandant.One more inappropriate remark and Hicks will know.Understood ?" answered Chris by slamming the door of the locker room.
Once she's out, the anger disappear but a feeling strange took over her, her instinct tells her to be careful around him.
Deac arrives at this moment and sees Chris a little angry.
"Hey, you ok ?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah, i'm fine, i need to go." Chris answered because she doesn't want to talk about what have just happened, it's probably nothing after all, a really bad joke.
The rest of the morning, Chris is in the armoury still angry from the locker room and even more now and a little uncomfortable too because Dover doesn't stop to watch her with perverse looks.She begins to feel scared being in the same room as him.Its a feeling that she never thought she would feel again.It was the same when she has been raped by those mans and it brings to her so many bad memories that she thought she had burry deeply.
Around Midday, Chris goes eating lunch in her car.It's not usual for her but she feels more safe to do that than running into Dover and so she can calm down a little as best as she can.Street is looking for her everywhere but doesn't find her, he's worried.When he sees Dover, he doesn't want to ask him if he saw Chris but he does it anyway.
"Did you see Chris ?".
"No why ? You want to have a little fun wih her, i knew it, who wouldn't ?" he answered sarcastically.
"You're completely insane ! One advice, stay away from her or it could end very badly for you." said Street with a threatening voice.
"If you think i'm scared of you, you're mistaken and one day she'll be mine because if it's not the case, i will ruin her career." added Dover smiling and letting him alone.
The shift finishes, Chris doesn't go in the locker room to change in her civvies clothes.She only takes her bag and goes to her car then she takes her phone and sends a text to Street.
-I'm already gone so don't look for me, don't worry.I will stay at mine tonight but if you want you can stop by, the key is above the porch.But i won't be a good company, i' am so sorry.Love you ♡.
Street is leaving HQ when he receives Chris's text.After reading it, Street feels like something is wrong so he decides to go to Chris's apartment to not let her alone in a down moment.
When he arrives, he finds her on her bed curled up sleeping.She's in her pyjamas and even like that he thinks it's the most wonderful woman in the world for him.Coming next to her, he sees that she had cried because her eyes are swelled up but he doesn't wake Chris up, he just lays next to her and holds her tightly in his arms.Before falling asleep, he thinks of all the things Dover said earlier, he hopes that he won't go any further but he will keep an eye on him and finally, he falls asleep.

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