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On the way back to Chris's flat, she was sleeping, Street looked at her .Sometimes, he saw her winced in pain and he felt helpless, he'd wish he could take away all her pain, but he couldn't.Once they arrived in the parking lot, Street parked the car.He knew that there wasn't an elevator so he needed  to find a solution because Chris was too weakened to climb the stairs with her crutches and the wheel chair wasn't an option.So he took the flat's keys and then picked up carefully  Chris in his arms.
Arrived in front of the door, Street opened it with difficulty, he pushed it and went straight into Chris's bedroom to lay her down on the bed.He was about to get out of the room, when Chris grabbed him by the wrist : "Could you stay with me ?" she asked.
Without saying anything, he laid down next to her and she put her head on his chest.Chris soon felt asleep in the arms of the person she loves.Street couldn't help but staring at her and stroke her hair by thinking about today's events.He was feeling bad because he didn't find her soon enough but at the same time, he was happy because she was safe and sound in his arms in spite of her injuries.At this accurate moment, he promised to himself to protect her from any harm.
A few hours later, Street woke up, Chris was still asleep in his arm, he took his phone and sent a message to Lucas.
- Hey, could you come by Chris's apartment to bring me some clothes, please ?
- Hey, be there in an hour, do you need something else ?
- No thank you.
-Okay, see ya
Street got out of bed without waking up Chris, he went to the kitchen to take a cup of coffee and a sandwich while waiting Lucas.A little while later, someone knocked softly on the door, it was Lucas.
"Hey buddy, how is she ?" Lucas asked.
" She's okay, i guess.She sleeps a lot and i can see on her face that she is in a lot of pain.At the hospital, she cried a lot." Street answered.
"Don't worry, Chris is strong, she will heal and come back stronger than ever especially with you by her side." Lucas said to comfort his friend and winking at him.
"I know but i hate seeing her like that ... wait, what did you just say ?" Street asked a little surprised.
"Come on man, we know since the beginning that you like Chris a lot and not only as a friend.And, since Erika's death you seemed to be more closer than before and even more since we are back from Germany.With the team, we saw all of your looks, your bond grew bigger than before and also your concern when she's in danger or hurt." Lucas told.
"Yeah okay, you are right, but you know Chris and her rule to not fraternize with a colleague ... but i shouldn't let that stop us from living our happiness because today, i was so afraid to not be in time.If i had lost her ... " Street said with tears forming in his eyes.
"Stop ! Don't think about that, she's here with you, so enjoy your time together and give her time to accept her feelings because i can assure you that your feelings are mutual."
"Yeah, you're right, thanks man."
"You're welcome.So i will go now.Take good care of her but don't forget yourself and keep us update.Bye."
"I will do it, i promise bye".
Once Lucas left, Street went in Chris's bedroom, she was awake so i asked : "Hey, how are you feeling ?".
"It could be better but i'm fine ... Who was here ?" Chris asked timidly.
"It was Lucas, he brought me some stuff to stay here with you.I hope we didn't wake you up, and if we did, i am sorry, really." Street said.
"Don't worry, i was already awake since at least 15 minutes" Chris reassured him.
"Oh ...  but why didn't you call me ? I would have told Lucas that you needed me or something" Street said shocked.
"I heard your conversation and i listened it ... You know, it's difficult for me to open to others but today hit me up.I was really scared to never see you again, to never have the chance to tell you what i really feel.During this day, you kept me alive without knowing because i knew that i needed to fight back for coming back to you.When i saw you, i was relieved and this feeling confirmed that i want to be more than your best friend, i want to share all my days and everything with you." Chris said by taking his hands in hers, tears in her eyes.
"Are you sure ? I know that i want that more than anything in the world but i don't want you to feel pressured or anything else." Street asked.
"I am more than sure, i want to be by your side everyday and to build a future with you no matter the  consequences because if there is one thing that i've learned today is that life is short-lived and that some risks are worthy to be taken so i'll stop myself asking questions and i'll made the most of this relationship with you." she said drawing him to her to hug him.
He leant down, took her face in his hands, looked at her intensely and kissed her.A kiss to wich she responded, a kiss they craved to have since a long time but especially since her come back fron Germany.
Then, Street stepped back to look what time it was.It was already 7 PM and a half.
"Do you need something, are you hungry ?" he asked.
"No, i'm not really hungry but thanks" she answered.
"You sure because you need to take your antibiotics and your painkillers and it always better if you have eaten somethimg before." Street added.
"No, i'm good, promise.I will take the medicines and then go back to sleep." Chris said.
"Okay, i'm back in a few minutes." Street said by putting a kiss on her forehead .
After five minutes, he's back with the medicines and a glass of water.Chris takes them and hand out the empty  glass to Street.
"I will call Lucas to give them some news, i'll be back."
"But you saw him in the afternoon and gave him news.Nothing changes since then except our relationship but they don't need to know that now because i would like to go slowly, if that's okay with you ? So you could call him tomorrow and stay with me now for the night.I feel a lot better, safe and protected with you." said Chris a light smile on the face holding Street's hand.
Street didn't answer, he got in the bed next to her and kissed her.Then, they laid down, he took Chris in his arms, stroking his back and putting soft kisses on her hair.She puts her head in his neck, one of her hand on his chest and the other on his abs.They fell asleep smiling and more happy than they never ever been before.

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