The rape attempt and bad memories

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One week had passed by since Dover's arrival.
For Chris, it's worse and worse, it seems like he has no limits.He hits on her, makes remarks in front or for Street to get mad.Chris didn't tell anyone about Dover not even Street because she's really scared of what Dover could do and the consequences on their career and relationship.So, Street doesn't know what's happening to Chris but he knows something is wrong, she's not as usual.She's always nervous, on the defensive, when she sits, her leg shakes from anxiety and when someone comes behind her back she's uncomfortable and afraid.Street has already tried to talk to her but she gets angry, walks away and some time later, she comes to apologize for her reactions but doesn't give any explanations.Sometimes, it's hard for Street to see her like that and he wants to know what's happening to her but he knows her better than anyone and so he doesn't ask anything, he's just there supporting and loving her and when she'll be ready, she will tell him.
Today, the team has to meet at 6AM because since a few months, they pursue a pimp with a big network but he always escaped them but they need to get him because some of the girls disappear, it probably means that he gets rid of them because he doesn't need them anymore.But today, they received new informations and it's their chance to catch him.
Around 7AM, all the team is ready to leave for their mission.Street sends a text to Chris, it's a thing he does before each mission since they got back to work.
- I love you ❤️, see you later.
- Be careful please, love you too ❤️.
They all go to Black Betty except Dover who comes behind Chris's back and whispers :
"Once we're done, i'll take care of you.".
Chris gets scary chills and stays frozen not knowing what to think.
After a few minutes, she pretends like nothing happened because she's more stressed for her teamates and especially Street since she won't be there to have his back.
The mission was rough and long.Chris and Hicks help them as best as they could to assure the fall of this pimp, the girls's security and to put an end at all of this.
Around 3PM, the team is back with the suspect who's bring to jail and the girls whose taken care at the hospital.Lucas and Street are cleaning Black Betty while Hondo and Deac make their report to the Commander and Tan goes eat something.
Chris is relieved to know that her team is safe but even more for Street.She's always scared since his liver donation.She didn't saw Dover come in HQ so she goes to the locker room to sit down and ease her stress a few minutes.
She doesn't have time to rest that Dover comes in the locker room.He blocks the door.
"What are you doing ?" asked Chris completely panicked inside down but doesn't show anything that he could see.
"I know you slept with a cop in the past and i'm pretty sure there's something going on with Street so why can't i take advantage of that too ?" he said with a wicked voice.
He comes closer to her body and pushes her on her locker, he begins to kiss her.Chris tries to get away from him but he puts his hand on her neck tightening it.She hardly breathes and his touchs reminds her of her rape when she was younger.She doesn't feel well but she knows that she has to do something or she will relive this hell and she certainly doesn't want that.
But Chris knows that she has to do something so she gathers all her courage and she strongly kicks him at the right place for a man, he falls on the ground in pain and pissed off, she escapes.Once out, she hears him say :
"It's a matter of time, i'm not done with you.".
She runs from the locker room when Hondo and Deacon see her, they try to stop her but she continues running.
"What's happening here, why Alonzo is running ?" asked Hicks hearing Hondo and Deac screaming her name.
"We don't know, Commander.We just saw Chris getting out of the locker room and then she starts running." answered Hondo worried.
Chris gets out of the HQ still running.Lucas sees her and then Street.He understands something is wrong because he knows she's not the type of girl to show feelings whatever they are in public.He runs to her and grabs her by the wrist but Chris shakes her arm making him let her go and she goes away.
"Chris, wait !" shouted Lucas but it's useless she doesn't stop.
Street doesn't understand what has just happened, he's lost but would like to help her and be there for her.He still thinks that her behaviour has something to do with her anxiety from this last week.
Then, Street and Lucas decide to join the others to see if they know what has happened.At the same time, Tan arrives who doesn't know what they are talking about since he was in the kitchen.
"What's happening ?" asked Tan confused seeing all his teamates worried.
"Chris runs away from HQ, we don't know what has happened or where did she go." explained Hondo.
"Did she say something before ?" asked Tan.
"No and i tried to hold her back and tell me what happened but she didn't let me get close to her." said Street with a sad look, he is nervous, stressed and lost at the same time.
"Did anything happened while we were out on the mission ?" asked Deac to Hicks.
"No, not at all, she was focused while you were there and then happy that this case was finally closed and that the girls and you 20-David were okay.Then you came back and she went into the locker room and that's from there that something must have happened." explained Hicks as lost as the others.
"We need to find Chris as soon as possible because i'm scared for her." said Lucas knowing what Chris can do when she's not feeling well and she can't control her emotions.
"Lucas is right.You are all off for the rest of the day since the case is closed.Find her and keep me update, i wanna know if this is something about SWAT." ordered Hicks.
All the team members go to the locker room in silence to get change.
"So, what do we do ?" asked Tan first.
Deac takes his phone and try to call her but they hear the ringbell into her locker.
"Okay, so we know that she doesn't have her stuffs neither her car with her so she shouldn't be very far away from here." told Deac trying to reassure the guys.He also notices that Street is very very sad and angry at himself for this situation which it seems strange to him.
"Okay.Lucas since you know where her Uncle lives, you will go to him see if she's there.Deac, you go back home if she decides to come to you or Annie to talk.Tan, go to Street and Lucas's house.Street and I are going to her apartment but we are also going to look for her in the area.We need to find her.The first one to find her calls the others, okay ? Let's go." decided Hondo.
Without losting a minute, they all go to their cars to set off their new mission.
In the car, Hondo sees that Street has tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Hey Street, it's gonna be okay, we will find her." said Hondo.
But Street doesn't answer, he has this empty but also stressed and angry look.He looks every side of the road to see her but nothing and any news of the rest of the team yet.
Once they get to Chris's flat, Street gets out of the car and runs to the stairs which he climbs two by two hoping Chris will be there but no.
So, hopeless, he drops on the floor next to her door.Hondo decides to look around the building after her when he hears someone who's hardly breathing.He comes closer and sees it's Chris.She shuts herself away, her left hand is covered in blood and she's shaking.So, he comes a little more closer and wants to put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. but when he does it, she steps away afraid.
"No ..." she said with an empty look, afraid and still having her breathing difficulties.
"Okay, Chris, it's gonna be okay, i'm gonna go get Street, okay ?" asked Hondo to reassure her.
She nods slightly her head.
Then Hondo, comes get Street and sends a text to the others.
- Hey guys, we found Chris I can't really tell how is she because i don't know but i've never seen her like this.I will keep you update.
Arrived next to Street, Hondo sees him with his head on his knees and he hears him crying.
"Street, i found Chris but she needs you.She seems completely in a state of shock, she doesn't want someone to get close to her but she's having a panick attack so, ..." said Hondo really worried for her but also for Street because he never saw them like that.But, Hondo doesn't have the time to finish what he was saying because Street has already gone meet her.
Once he saw her, he stays frozen because it breaks his heart to see the woman he loves so broken.Then Hondo arrives and signals him to go next to her because she needs it.
"Hey Chris, it's me, let me come closer to you , please." said Street with a teary begging voice.
She holds her head back up and nods, but doesn't look at him because she heard the pain in his voice and she can't stand the fact she makes him feel bad, it breaks her heart more that it was already now.But she needs him and she knows it.Street takes her in his arms but her breath is more and more panting.So, he lays her on the ground on her back with her head on his lap and taking her hands in his.
After a few seconds, Chris turns her head and throws up from her stress.Hondo and Street are even more worried than before, they don't understand why she's like that but it's not the right time to ask her.Then Street strokes her hair and talks to her to try to calm her.
"Chris, you're gonna be okay, i promise, i love you." he said.
After at least ten minutes, her breath calms down which relieve her 2 teamates so she sits down and tries to hide her hurt hand but it's too late, they already saw it and Street doesn't let go of her hands.
"What if we go inside, it's getting cold ?" suggested Hondo.
The couple nod their head.
"You'll find the apartment's keys above the porch." said Street.
Hondo goes first to open the door, while they're still on the ground.Street sees that Chris is still shaking.
"Do you feel like walking or you prefer that i'll carry you ?" he asked knowing the answer.
Chris doesn't answer, she just holds onto him stronger.He understands and takes her in his arms.At this moment, she bursts into tears, the ones she holds since she had left HQ.
When Hondo sees them coming, he understands that is worse than before and he is becoming more and more worry for the two of them but especially for Chris and sees that she really needs Street.Street comes in the flat with her in his arms and goes into her bedroom to put her on her bed.When he's about to go see Hondo, Chris doesn't let go off him and he understands that she wants him to stay, she doesn't want to be alone.So, Street lays down while holding Chris in his arms.
- Hey Hondo, i'm sorry but she needs me so i'll stay with her, you can go and please close the door before leaving.Thanks for being there for me today, if you weren't, i must have lost my mind so thank you really.I'll keep you update.
- Okay kiddo, i'll go but if you need anything at anytime, don't hesitate to call me.Take care.I surely drop by here tomorrow to see you if it's okay with her.
Then, Hondo leaves.Chris is lying on Street's chest still crying.He makes littles circles on her back to reassure her but it's not before 11PM that Chris falls asleep of crying.Street who is also exhausted fall asleep.

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