16. Elijah?

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Elena's POV
The moon has come up 6 times and the sun has rose 7 times since Roman was last here. Hayley and I were sitting across from each other On the opposite sides of the room. With each passing day it was getting harder and harder to whisper to each other and hear. I heard Hayley mumbling and of course I couldn't understand her since I was hungry.

"HAYLEY?!" The mumbling stopped and her head lifted slightly to look at me "YES?" "OUTSIDE!" Hayley turned as far as she could to see out the window but it was closed and she sighed "I CAN'T SEE!" I sighed and closed my eyes while Hayley was trying to recover.

"MOM?!" I couldn't raise my head but I knew that voice, it was Hope. "What is this?" I heard another pair of footsteps and then two more followed by running. "Mom?!" Maya found me first lifting my head so that my eyes met with her blue ones.

"Mom are you ok?" I smiled at them "yes I'm ok! Hayley get Hayley out!" Maya opened her mouth and then she was on the ground followed by a crack. Edythe turned but was met with shackles being placed in her wrist. Roman did the same to Maya and I noticed Hope had them too.

Roman gave Hayley and I some water before moving us closer together "What's going on?" Hope asked angrily, Roman looked away and Hayley rolled her eyes "he's the one that led them to us in the church attic" Hope looked confused.

"Wait but how did you know where they were?" "You went inside her head" Roman walked away towards the window on the other side where I was "you went inside Hope's mind and stole the location that day Maya threatened you about our dad" Edythe accused.

Roman stood up and walked to Hope "look Hope I know this looks bad but if you just do the binding spell— "binding spell? What's he talking about" Hayley asked "Greta said if we did the binding spell they'd let y'all live" Hope responded not making eye contact. I sighed "no that's out of the question".

Edythe looked up and rolled her eyes "come on mom what other choice do we have?!" Roman looked scared "look it's just so the girls can't create anymore Hybrids! It's apart of our movement about getting the natural order back that's all my mom wants" Hope's eyes started to fill with anger "Wait, Greta's YOUR MOM!" Hayley tried to break out of the chair and I just watched knowing I wasn't going to break free "UNTIE ME NOW!" "I can't ok!"

"Just do the binding spell and you'll be fine!" "Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me!" "Hayley stop!" Everyone turned to look at me. "Despite his age Roman is just a kid looking for the approval of his mother! I understand that was me once upon a time" I took a sharp breath that both hurt and felt good on my lungs.

"Mom? Mom are you ok?" All eyes were on me but I felt like was floating or perhaps falling. All I know is I took another breath and then there was nothing.


When I opened my eyes my head was pounding but at least there was no more screaming. I blinked slightly to see Roman bent over Hope begging. "I don't understand what's happening?" "If we want peace..." the room started spinning and I closed my eyes again but I smelt burning flesh. I looked over at Hayley to see her hand in the sunlight but she was free at least.

Greta gave Roman a stake "you know in your heart this is the right thing to do" Roman looked down at the stake "show me you believe" believe in what? "Roman you don't have yo do this! They are not werewolfs or a hybrids they're your friends and you care about them I know you do!" What was going on?

"Please mom please don't make me do this!" Greta rolled her eyes and glared at Roman. "YOU ARE WEAK!" She raised the stake over Hope first and I screamed but Hayley vamp speed over to her and thee her into the wall.

They started fighting and Roman came over to me. "What's going on?" He untied me and sighed his eyes filling up "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was going to do this I swear to you Elena!" I sighed and grabbed his face "I know you didn't, you're just a kid this is not your fault". While it was his fault we were here Roman just wanted his mintier to love him which is valid. Every kid just wants to be loved and who am I to judge when I did Cheer as a desperate attempt for validation.

I stood up shakily and Roman helped me. Greta chocked Hayley and threw her into the wall holding her there just as the door burst open. "Klaus" he stared at Hayley and just as he turned Elijah came in and staked him. "Elijah?" I stared in disbelief since no one had heard or seen Elijah in five years.

Instead of helping he shoved the stake further into Klaus and I silently screamed. I wasn't able to take on an Original by myself and even more so since I was beaten, exhausted, and my body was starting to decompose. "Roman?" Elijah walked up to Roman skipping his knocked out Nieces and me.

"You ok?" Roman didn't respond he just held Hope I his arms. Just then Hayley let out an ear piercing scream and I turned to face her. Greta shiver her hand in Hayley's chest. Hayley looked around meeting eyes with Klaus before looking down at the girls. Finally our gazes met and both of our eyes glazed over because I knew what she was going to do. I was the one who told her what to do.

"We're going to die aren't we?" Hayley was panicking after we got back from our daily torturing. I laughed humorlessly "honestly most likely we won't make it" she started laughing and then tears were coming out of her eyes "Hayley?" We met eye contact "if it gets to be to much and he can't handle if we give one another a signal we should just turn our humanity off" she scoffed "why?" "Because pain doesn't hurt as much because pain is a feeling and beside we gotta go out big right?" Tears started rolling down my face and Hayley smiled "I'm glad we became friends, I love you Elena" I smiled " I love you too Hayley, and we'll be ok somehow" Hayley nodded "Turing off our humanity is just a backup plan" I smiled.
[End of flashback]

I gave her a nod as tears rolled down my face and she closed her eyes. My head felt fuzzy again and just as I passed out I saw Hayley open her eyes and I heard Greta scream out in pain.

A/N: First post of the New Year 🥰

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