My heart only beats with you

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Welcome to chapter 3 , if you are enjoying it so far, don't forget to follow, vote and most of all enjoy the reading experience.

" No Lou no " I hear myself screaming.
" It's ok Mr Styles , Lou is just fighting against the breathing machine, which is a good thing , it means he is breath on his own" I hear the doctor say.
I can hear Lou chocking on the tube in his throat, and I can't help but cry out at  the noise , it is heartbreaking, The doctor makes quick work of pulling the tube from his throat, replacing it with a oxygen masks .
" This is a good thing Mr Styles"   the doctor said turning to tell me, He is still in a coma , but he is breathing on his own, things can only get better from here".
I let a deep breath out not realising that I was holding it.
I reach out again and grab  hold of  Lou's hand , it feels so much warmer then before, I bring his hand up to my lips kissing it, " I love you baby, now and forever" I say softly.
I turn as the door opens and mum and gem walk back in .
" Mum , gem Lou is breathing on his own"  I say with tears in my eyes.
" Sweetheart that is the best news every, I just over heard the nurses saying they are coming in to get you up to walk around, that means you can sit next to Lou's bed" she said as a nurse walks in .
" Mr Styles are you ready to get up and get you moving again" she said smiling.
" You bet I am" I say swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my heads feel as little woozy as I  stand .
I feel mums hand on my arm with gentle encouragement " that's it sweetheart, little steps"
I ended up walking around to the other side of Lou's bed and sit myself down in the chair, I can finally see my babies face, there is more colour in his checks now, nearly back to his beautiful self.
I hold his hand whispering my love into his ear, I lay my head down on the side of the bed and gently close my eyes.
I wake to what feels like butterflies kissing my skin Then I realise that Lou is slowly moving his finger against the side of my face.
" Lou , baby can you here me?, I am right here waiting for you to open your beautiful eyes" I say.
I hear a moan escape his mouth as I look up , I can see his eyes slowly fluttering.
" That's it baby, come back to me, please come back" I say getting closer to his face.
His eyes open and blue eyes meet green.
" Haz" he whispers
" Shhh baby , it's ok, I know you must be confused,  but  your ok, you are in a hospital, you are going to feel sore as you went through Surgery" I here him let out a hiss, as  he tries to move.
" Baby don't move, it will hurt for a bit" I reach over and hit the call button and a nurse comes in
" Well finally I get to see those beautiful blue eyes that your husband keeps talking about, Hi Louis how are you feeling?" She asks.
" Sore" He manages to say.
" You will be sore, your body has been through a lot , just rest, and I will give you something for the pain" .
" I love you baby, I am so happy you are awake" I am still holding his hand as I don't want to break our connection.
" Love you to Haz" He whispers as he closes his eyes again.
" Rest is the best medicine, for him Mr Styles, and for you as well"  she leads me back to my bed , as  I lay down, I hold Lou's hand in mine, grateful to have him back with me.
The next Time I wake up is to see our room is once again full of everyone, and Lou is laying in bed awake facing me.
" About time you woke up love" Lou said to me giving  me the biggest smile that hits me straight in the heart.
" Baby , oh how I have  missed your beautiful smile" I say back, I slowly sit up and make my way over to his bed and sit in the chair , holding his hand in mine.
I gently lean over and put my lips to his , we both let a sigh of contentment.
" The two love birds are back together " Niall saids , "good to  see you Lou, Harry has been deside himself without you".
"  Well of course he was, we are each other lives, when one is without the other, life does not exist" Lou sass back.
" Good to see the bump on the head, didn't effect your attitude" Liam laughs out , everyone joins in laughing together.
" Ok everyone, visiting hours are over, everyone clear out and you can all come back tomorrow" The nurse said, everyone kissed and hug Lou and I goodbye and finally there was peace.
" Haz , tell me what happened?, no one has told me yet, The last thing I remember I  was heading out onto the veranda for a smoke".
" Well from  what we gather someone was waiting in the room and when I went and had a shower they hit you on the head and it seem like the person also hit you or kicked you in the stomach, you had extreme blood loss and you went into cardiac arrest , from lots of blood and trauma".
" Wow Haz that's a lot to take in , why would someone what to do that?" Lou asks.
" The police have a Theory, that it's a jealous Ex, or a jealous fan" I say .
" So why are you in here?" he whispers.
" Well it seems baby that my heart doesn't beats when I am not next to you".
  I hear Lou gasp and start crying .
" Does that mean you had a heart attack?" he said between sobs.
" Yeah baby but I am ok it was only slight, we are both going to have to take it easy for awhile".
I hear Lou let out another sob as I turn to him seeing his face covered in anguish.
" Lou , Love , it's ok " I say , I slowly get up and climb into his bed , pulling him into my arms as he lets the sob shake his body.
" It's ok baby, I have you , you are safe" I hold him until his sobs have subsided .
I wrap my body around his as we slowly fall asleep in each other's arms.
I wake up with a start , I don't know what had woken me , but I am again over come with that feeling I had in our room .
  I look down and see Lou is safely sleeping in my arms,  as my eyes scan around the room they instantly fall  on a envelope sitting at the bottom of the bed.
I reach over and press the call button, and hold my finger on it, yelling  out as I do this.
Both nurses and  security come rushing in.
" Someone was in here , someone was fucking in here while we were sleeping " I yell at everyone as I point to the bottom of the bed.
" Haz" I hear as I feel Lou moving in my arms.
" It's ok baby".
He lifts his head
" What's going on?, why is everyone in here?".
The security guard moves over to the end of the bed and picks up the envelope.
I hear Lou gasp " what's in it?, I want to see".
" No baby we don't need to see what is in it" .
" Harry Styles this is happening to me , I want to see what is fucking in it" He yells out very forcefully.
The security gives me a look and I  give the nod  to open it.
What falls out has me seeing red, the angry is boiling up at what I see before me.
There are photos of Lou at the Hotel when he was unconscious and what makes me so much angry is there is photos of Lou laying in his hospital bed, and across the photos their is writing saying.
" Next time he won't live".
"How the fuck could this happen?, we have security on the Door" I here myself yelling , in the next minute the door opens and Jeff is walking in .
" What is going on here?,  Harry I can here you yelling from down the hall" Jeff asks.
" Someone was in here, someone was in here , around us , taking photos, how does this happen with security on the fucking door". I yell.
Jeff comes over looking at the photos, his eyes meeting mine.
He turns to the security guards .
" How did this happen? , no one  is allowed in the room, except for doctor, nurses and family, did you leave the door unattended in anyway?" Jeff asks  the security Guards.
" No not all , it's has only been who has been authorised , we know how to do our job" The security guy said back.
" Well explain this?, someone was  obviously not doing there job Properly" I yell again, I go to get up from the bed but I am pulled back.
" Harry, calm down please love".
" How can I calm down , when someone was in here around us , they could have done anything Lou"
I hear Jeff ending a phone call.
" I have rang the detective in charge of your case and he  is sending down a team straight away" He turns to the security guard.
" One of you need to go and pull up the  footage from the security cameras from the hall, Harry I have asked for more officers to be station as well , we will not let this happen again, I promise" He saids.
I lay back down and pull Lou back into my arms , I feel his hand slowly stroking the side of my face, trying to calm me down, I take a deep breath in , trying to slow down my heart rate.
A knock on the door brings in two officers and the detective that I had talk to previously .
" Mr Styles, we are so sorry that this has happened again, we have a team on it as we speak" he said to me
Another knock on the door brings back the security guard.
" We went through the footage , and it is only showing family members and staff going in and out of the room, the only thing we came up with, is that someone Impersonated  themselves as a nurses  to get in, which is the only way this could happen".
" Well that makes sense" Jeff said.
" I just can't believe this, why would someone do this to us , all we want is to be left  alone, to live our life together" I say.
"  I am sorry to say  Mr Styles  but we have seen this before , fans get infatuated with someone famous and all Reality goes out the window, they will do anything to be with that person" The detective states
" What do you suggest we do?"I hear Jeff asking.
" Well first I think we need to get Mr Styles and his husband checked out of this hospital so we can move them somewhere more Secure, we need to talk to the doctor to see if this is possible".
" Ok I will get straight on to that" Jeff said leaving the room.
I feel Lou snuggle into my side , as I lean down to kiss the top of his head.
" We will get this sorted baby, I promise you will be ok".
I feel Lou sit up.
" How  can you say that Harry, for fuck sake they were in this room while we were asleep, I could be dead right now" He yells trying to get up off the bed.
A knock on the door brings in Jeff, followed by the doctor.
" Mr Styles Jeff has filled  us in with has happen, I can't say how sorry I am that this has taken place in our hospital , I will check Louis over to see if you are ready to be discharged, I just need to run a few test and we can get you both on  your way" We both let out a sigh of relief together.
"Mr Styles , we are in the  process of  setting up a Secure house for you both, it will have all the latest  security measures and we will man it with security around the clock" the detective says stepping forward, as soon as you are ready will have a officers transfer to you this area.
"Mmm Haz" I  hear Lou say from my side.
" Yeah  baby".
"Well I kind haven't told you this but could we maybe stay at my other house" I hear Lou say.
I turn as Lou gets my attention as well as everyone else in the room.
" I have owned it for a while, I Purchased  it and truly I kind off forget I own it , it is in a isolated spot,  totally off the grid the house is  surrounded by Bush, I haven't been there in a long time , but it should be ok as I have someone goes in and  look after it for me, I haven't been there in a long time though"
We all Look at Lou as he tells us about his house.
" No one knows about it, and I put the deed in my mum's name , I don't think anyone would even think about it".
I turn to look at the detective, " will this work? " I ask , I must admit that it would be so much better staying somewhere like that.
"  It could, If I can get the address from your husband, I will go and check it out" The detective says
Turning and walking out of the room.
" Well aren't you full of surprises babe" I say sitting  down next to Lou , bringing his hand to my lips
" I love you"
" I Love you to" .

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