Rule 26 | Never admire your roommate from up close.

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   I ALWAYS THOUGHT the beauty of beaches in Jeju was unrivalled but at the moment, the ethereal beauty of Gwangalli beach was making me reconsider

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   I ALWAYS THOUGHT the beauty of beaches in Jeju was unrivalled but at the moment, the ethereal beauty of Gwangalli beach was making me reconsider.

"Woah, who did you say this property belonged to again?" I heard Makenzie ask Jimin as all of us treaded heavily towards the huge, modern beach house located right at the beachfront; its elegant, open patios and contemporary glass structure occupying an extensive area overlooking the beach.

"Jungkook." Jimin shot back, turning back to grin at us from a couple of metres ahead, the wind sweeping through his light brown hair. "He inherited it from his late grandmother."

Wow. So my roommate was not only handsome, but also rich?

God definitely had his favourites.

"Yeah, and you better believe that this is the last fucking time I'm letting you use one of my places for your stupid plans," Jungkook shouted from behind, rolling his eyes as he carelessly brushed his fingers through his fluffy, dark hair before gently poking his cheek with his tongue in an expression of playful frustration. "Pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate your presence in heaven the next time you try to pull something like this."

Funnily enough, Jimin didn't look fazed by Jungkook's threats as he nearly doubled over laughing at his best friend's less than forgiving words.

"Aww, is little Jaykay annoyed?" He teasingly goaded before shooting a mischievous smile at my roommate. "Don't worry, you'll get over it even if you are."

"Yah, you little—" Jungkook gritted out just as he carelessly flung his bag into the sand before breaking into a run in Jimin's direction who did the same thing, wasting no time in sprinting towards the house.

"Damn, look at those defined muscles, will you?" Makenzie exclaimed dreamily, as I turned to look at her in dismay. If this was the state of her mind right now when the boys were simply running around in shorts, fully clothed, how the hell was she going to cope when we went swimming later?

"Wasn't Jimin the one you had a thing for?" I raised a brow, a small smile playing on my lips as her cheeks flushed slightly. Usually, she was the one getting a laugh out of pestering me and commenting about Jungkook and I's relationship. But I realised, two could play this game.

"Or did that change?" Biting my lip to contain my amusement, I pressed upon the question again, slowing down to make my steps fall in sync with Makenzie's as she tried to avoid answering the question.

Which was surprising because she always talked about Jimin unprompted, even if only to pick out his faults. I was certain I hadn't gone a single day in the past week without hearing her ramble on and on about how he wouldn't stop bugging her in between classes and how she wished she could strangle him and then herself forever being stupid enough to sleep with his manwhore self.

There was a lot left unsaid between the two of them; and Makenzie's simmering resentment towards him, which she often disguised as a full-blown aversion to anything Park Jimin, and Jimin's endless efforts to always be around her for no other plausible reason, was an obvious proof of that.

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