Rule 64 | Never say you want your roommate.

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   I WAS NOT prepared for this

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I WAS NOT prepared for this.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I was not prepared for this.

No amount of self-encouraging pep talk and no amount of self-control could prepare me for this moment.

"She'll be out in a moment, sir." One of the workers at Cosabella, a young woman about twenty-five years of age, informed me with a polite, professional smile as I swallowed hard, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

I'd seen the pieces Makenzie had helped Y/N pick out and lord help me, I was not sure I could be held responsible for my next actions if she came out wearing any of those.

In fact, had I known the kind of store this was, and the kind of shopping Y/N had in mind, I never would've agreed to bring anyone but her in the first place.

The store was a hedonist's wettest dream come alive, it's cream and silver interiors screaming rich sophistication and high-class, but it's display racks lined with the most wantonly sensual pieces known to men. As if they knew the not-so-elegant tastes of the so-called elegant people who frequented this place.

I was pretty sure I'd seen Makenzie pushing a crotchless number into Y/N's arms and the mere thought of my innocent little flower wearing something like that was enough to send my blood pressure skyrocketing.

Neither her or I, were prepared for this. Not in a million years.

"Does she really want me to se—" I cleared my throat. "—help her choose?" I worded my doubts cautiously, not very keen on letting my anticipation show through. Because as out of sorts and unprepared as I felt, who the hell was I actually kidding? I was dying to see Y/N in a sexy little lacy number, and that too, was probably a huge understatement.

I just wasn't sure I could keep my expressions public place appropriate once she pushed aside that goddamned white curtain and appeared in front of me in all her shy and dainty glory.

Not to mention, Makenzie would still be here—although only long enough to make sure Y/N didn't chicken out at the last moment—but those few seconds would also be perfectly long enough for her sharp-eyed self to see my less-than-appropriate expressions and then run out to tattle on me to her boyfriend, and my best friend, who would then make sure that I didn't hear the end of it until the day I reached my grave.

"Indeed, sir." The woman reassured me with a gracious nod just as the hushed voices of Y/N and Makenzie from behind the curtain grew closer and louder.

"Oh come on, Y/N. Don't be a chicken. He's your boyfriend!" Came Makenzie's quiet yet exasperated remark as their shadows reflected on the gauzy material of the curtain, automatically drawing my eyes towards the familiar silhouette on the left.

I had absolutely no doubt that it was Y/N. I'd seen her in various states of undress over the course of last few months. I'd seen her in that tempting little black swimsuit, and I'd seen her in that body hugging silver dress she'd worn to the club in Busan. And if what my eyes remembered wasn't nearly enough; what my hands had learnt during all the times they'd slid along her sides, squeezing and gripping and memorising all her dips and curves until the the very feel of her was imprinted onto my skin, certainly was.

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