Rule 71 | Never admit to dating your roommate.

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   "I'M SO GLAD that you all could be here to celebrate my daughter's birthday tonight

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   "I'M SO GLAD that you all could be here to celebrate my daughter's birthday tonight." My mother gushed, standing at the end of the table as she clasped her hands together excitedly. Turning to Mrs. Baek, Mrs. Shin and Mrs. Choi, she smiled gratefully. "Ever since we arrived here five years ago, you three especially, have always been our pillars of strength. You've played such an important role in both mine and my daughter's lives, by never making us feel like we didn't belong. You've made my daughter feel immensely loved and been here through the years to watch her grow into the beautiful girl that she is today." She smiled a moist, heartwarming smile in my direction as I smiled back, feeling a little emotional myself.

My mother was never one for speeches, especially warm and heartfelt ones like this. She was someone who believed in giving back through actions and not just words. But tonight she was on a roll, refusing to keep the words of gratitude to herself any longer and expressing everything she wanted to. And I was proud of her for that. For being able to talk about the years that we'd spent here, the toughest and yet some the most beautiful years of our life, without breaking down.

I knew it killed her to not have appa here with us, now that I was finally coming of age. It killed me too. But it was nevertheless reassuring to know that even without his presence in our lives, we were still surrounded by people who loved and cared for us, who treated us like their own.

"It was only right that we celebrated this very special day with you," My mother continued as the three women smiled, modestly waving her off.

"Of course, we had to be here." Mrs. Shin grinned, glancing at me fondly before turning to my mother. "Have you seen your daughter? Goodness, she's a sweetheart. We wouldn't miss her birthday for the world."

I blushed and smiled. That was going to make eomma very happy.

"Of course! And look how pretty she looks tonight." Mrs. Baek cooed at me. "Almost reminds me of when I was young." She added nostalgically as the other two burst out laughing.

"Ah, woman, you shouldn't joke around like that." Mrs. Choi snorted as Mrs. Shin shook her head in playful disbelief.

"Don't you insult the Hanrim Rose like that, you old woman. If you were as pretty as her when you were young, I was Miss Korea!" She exclaimed in mock dismay as Mrs. Baek snickered cheekily, lightly hitting them both on the backs to get them to shut up.

A smile played on my lips.

I didn't think I was nearly as pretty as these women made me out to be but being complimented certainly felt great, especially because I knew it came from a place of love.

Shaking my head at the three's amusing behaviour, I looked away as my eyes accidentally caught Yejun's, Mrs. Lim's son who was sitting right across from me, next only to Jungkook. He seemed to be an extroverted sort of a guy and quite well-mannered from what I'd made out from his conversations with everyone.

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