Rule 75 | Don't say you want to have kids with your roommate.

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   "YOU ARE GOING to stay with me tonight, aren't you?" Jungkook said mid-bite as I retrieved the spoon from his mouth and dipped it back into the soup to fill it up again

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"YOU ARE GOING to stay with me tonight, aren't you?" Jungkook said mid-bite as I retrieved the spoon from his mouth and dipped it back into the soup to fill it up again.

Disappointment flared in my chest at his expectant expression. He was going to hate my answer to that question.

And as much as I wanted to spare his sensitive heart the pain of heartbreak (drunk Jungkook was definitely going to be heartbroken at the thought of me refusing to stay with him), I really had no choice but to do as eomma had instructed. And that was to go to her bedroom once Jungkook was in bed.

She'd said she'd be waiting for me.

"Would you hate me if I told you no?" I asked quietly, spooning another mouthful of warm soup into his mouth as he obediently closed his lips around it, his Adam's apple bobbing. Although he'd initially refused to drink any soup at all, he'd managed to scarf down two whole bowls of it after I'd agreed to feed him.

What a spoilt little manchild.

"I could never hate you." He mumbled, his eyes closing as he let his head fall onto my shoulder, his breathing calm as my own grew uneven.

The empty bowl of soup still in my hands, I sat unmoving in my place where Jungkook had stubbornly pulled me into his lap less than fifteen minutes ago.

He'd insisted on being fed like that with a dogged determination (I was never letting him consume so much alcohol ever again) but now that the soup was done, he was still showing no signs of wanting to let me go, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as they held me down onto his thigh.

And as much as I was worried about eomma walking into the kitchen to finally look for me, and check what the hold up was, I was more worried about his grip on me getting looser as he fell asleep one of these minutes.

I was perched extremely uncomfortably on his thigh, keeping nearly all of my weight on my toes to balance myself and to keep myself from squishing him. But with his arms no longer anchoring me onto the tiny ottoman, I would most likely tumble to the floor in an ungraceful heap and risk waking everyone up.

"Jungkook, you need to let go." I murmured softly, letting one of my hands slide over his neck and into his hair. Even now, his hair felt so soft, his flushed skin hot under my touch.

"I don't want to." His voice was a hoarse rasp that grated against my skin as he buried his face deeper into the crook of my shoulder, his lips pressing against my collarbone. The prickly ends of his bangs tickled the back of my neck as he tightened his grip on me.

"Please, Y/N." He breathed, his eyes fluttering open to blink up at me pleadingly. "Can't you stay with me tonight and keep talking to me? I'll be so lonely without you."

"But you're going to sleep anyway." I couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle as I ran my fingers across his nape trying to comfort him.

Except Jungkook visibly shuddered, his eyes screwing shut as his throat bobbed with want.

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