Rule 25 | Don't sulk over your roommate's lack of attention.

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   "SO, WHAT'S YOUR name?" Seok Mi asked me, a saccharine-sweet smile plastered onto her face as she leaned forward to examine me closely

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"SO, WHAT'S YOUR name?" Seok Mi asked me, a saccharine-sweet smile plastered onto her face as she leaned forward to examine me closely.

"Kim Y/N," I replied, feeling slightly discomfited by her intense gaze but managing to keep my expressions in check. Was there something on my face? She'd been staring at me every chance she got ever since we'd boarded the train.

Maybe she was already starting to view me as some sort of an opponent after Jungkook had not only helped me put my bag up in the luggage compartment but also saved a seat for me beside him. It was clear she didn't like me but it wouldn't have been that noticeable if it weren't for the way she had deliberately slid into my seat, all the while maintaining eye contact with me as I resorted to sitting between Makenzie and Namjoon on the opposite seats.

It wasn't that I was uncomfortable sitting with Namjoon. He was nothing but nice to me... a little awkward here and there but it was kind of cute to see such an intelligent-looking guy tripping over his words as he tried to explain to me the type of crab he'd come across a few weeks ago.

But I still found myself thinking that maybe if I'd been the one sitting next to Jungkook, he'd have let me hold his hand through the journey and maybe even take a nap before we reached there, without the fear of me slumping all over Namjoon's or Makenzie's shoulders.

Because if I slumped on Jungkook's shoulder, he would have no issues waking me up and asking me to lean my head against the seat instead, but Namjoon and Makenzie would say nothing and continue to put up with my sleepy self.

"What's yours?" I asked her just for the sake of small talk.

"Kim Seok Mi." She replied with an air of confidence. "I don't know if you know me but the guys and I go way back because my brother just happens to be Jungkook oppa's best friend."

"So I've heard," I told her calmly before going back to reading on my phone.

Since I'd learnt Italian at my school while I was in Seoul, being trilingual came in very handy for me to take up some translating jobs online to make some extra money on the side. That was how I planned to pay for the trip as well.

Thankfully, the part-time freelance work not only kept me busy and thus, distracted from the recent distressful events, but also allowed me to support myself a little more without being an unnecessary burden on my mother back home in Jeju, who was working hard day and night to establish her newly opened restaurant in order to be able to buy a better house and send my little sister to a good school.

"Oh come on, Y/N!" Makenzie groaned audibly as she lazily set her head on my shoulder, frowning down at my phone with a grumpy pout. "We are here for a vacation. Our very first college trip with friends. You're supposed to relax and enjoy this, not work your ass off here as well."

I felt everyone's attentions turn to me, and all of a sudden it seemed like everyone just stopped talking or whatever they were doing to stare at me. Slightly embarrassed, I switched off my phone and placed it in my lap instead, avoiding everyone's eyes.

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