Rule 73 | Never get drunk in front of your roommate's mother.

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To say that I was shocked when Jungkook had dropped the 'boyfriend' bomb on my mother and her friends in the middle of the restaurant, was definitely an understatement.

And as thankful as I was for him intervening right in time to stop me from being set up on a random blind date that I certainly did not want to go on, I was also in a continual state of disquiet for the last two hours since my mother had dragged him off to the living room to ask him God knows what. I didn't know because I'd been asked to go upstairs and stay inside my room until she called for me.

And she hadn't yet called for me, which made me worry even more.

Just what possibly could she be talking to Jungkook about that was taking this long? Surely, she wasn't being prickly and berating him for his behaviour at the restaurant earlier?

Pacing around the room, I glanced at my phone once again as the screen lit up to display the time. It was past eleven already. I wasn't sure how much longer I needed to wait before she called for me and although, by now, both nervousness and curiosity were beginning to eat at me, I didn't exactly want to disobey her and go downstairs to eavesdrop.

My mother had never really had to be strict with me because I nearly always did as she said, so I wasn't about to start acting up now and ruin that just because my stupid brain wouldn't stop panicking and coming up with innumerable unpleasant scenarios.

Scenarios that filled me with doubt and anxiety.

Scenarios like her chastising the hell out of Jungkook for daring to confess publicly and without warning.

Or Jungkook accidentally revealing that we were not just 'friends' but actual roommates who had been staying together for the majority part of the semester.

Eomma would kill me.

Letting out a resigned sigh, I let my hands drop to my sides and speed walked towards the door, fully intending to pull it open and go downstairs. It would mean disobeying my mother but I couldn't do this anymore. Bear the anxiety. I wasn't strong-willed enough to shove aside all the warnings my brain was shouting at me and stay here unaware of what was happening downstairs and how it was going to affect me.

Taking a deep breath, I gripped the doorknob. Perhaps, I could just step outside for a couple of seconds and call out to my mother to ask her if she was done. That wouldn't be as bad, right? I wouldn't be eavesdropping on them either.

But she would know that I was feeling impatient.

I felt like stomping my foot in frustration. I desperately hoped that out of everything that her and Jungkook were talking about, our being roommates and sleeping together was not one of the topics of conversation. If past precedents were any proof, that particular detail wasn't exactly something Jungkook shied away from telling everyone and I did not know how I would look my mother in the eye if I knew that she knew I'd slept with a boy.

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