Chp.1 | Smash Or Pass

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Venti had an "enemy". I put quotation marks because it wasn't really like was more like a one sided enemies thing they had going on. Xiao hadn't even known the others existence, and Venti..Venti was the complete opposite.

The reason why Venti feels with way, you may ask? It's because of blatant jealousy. Xiao was always getting attention, left and right, and Venti didn't think it was deserved.

Xiao would just sit there and people would already be taking photos of him to post on their Snapchat story. Venti thought Xiao was just ignoring them all, but the truth was..Xiao didn't even know about this popularity.

He always seemed to be too focused to his work..or those weird drawings he does in the middle of class.

To be fair, he's a pretty good artist..that's another reason for his popularity. Of course, he doesn't willingly show his drawings to people, it's usually them just looking in his notebook as he's not looking. Or taking pictures, because in all honestly, they don't treat him like an actual human being.

That's..a little too far. Back on to topic, Venti's hatred. It wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and Venti out of all people was very aware of the matter.

He would constantly rant to his friends about the boy being annoying, so they knew exactly what Venti's feelings towards the other were. Sometimes they felt the same, but it was more like they were mocking Xiao.


Venti sat in class, it was almost the end of the school day and they were currently waiting for the bell to ring, so they can all be dismissed. Him and his small group of friends were joking around, but one of them had made a suggestion.

"Let's play smash or pass!" Bennett smiled with a cheesy grin,"but, there's a catch!"

"Gosh, this game sounds stupid already..what's the catch?" Despite the lack of excitement, Childe asked anyways.

"It's like—we say two people and then you have to choose! And there's no getting out of it—like, say that I'm like,'would you rather smash or pass..uh..Barbara or Kaeya?'" the ecstatic boy replied, still holding the same smile.

"And..I would reply with 'I'm not gay'." Childe joked, Bennett let out a small huff before responding,"Not like that, it was just an example! Plus, you still have to pick one no matter what!"

"Oh! I get it, so it's like 'kiss marry kill' but 'smash or pass' mixed in with it!" Venti made his conclusion and smiled,"Seems fun, let's play!"

That. That was a mistake. Although, Venti didn't know that simple answer would slowly lead to these overwhelming events fixing to occur.

"Ok! Diluc, you in?" Bennett asked as he turned toward the red haired male.

"I guess. I have nothing better to do." Diluc complied, adjusting his tie.

"Great! So, who goes first?"

"Me!" Venti insisted,"Diluc, smash or pass Mona or Kokomi?"

Diluc looked repulsed, but shrugged his shoulder,"Smash Mona, pass Kokomi."

"Oo! I totally wouldn't have been able to choose!" Venti remarked.

"My turn." Diluc announced,"Venti, smash or pass.." he looked around the room,"Childe.." he smirked,"or Xiao?"

Venti paused..that was just unfair.

"Hey, why two dudes! And why is one of them me—" Childe whined.

So, he had to choose between his (very annoying.) best friend or his (very annoying.) enemy. Foul play, Diluc..foul play. But that's besides the point, he's not even gay! Why would Diluc choose two guys out of everyone?!

Diluc probably thought Venti would be too scared to pick Xiao and end up picking his best friend. He'd never hear the end of it, they'd be making fun of him till the very end. So, without thinking—

"Don't mess with me, ginger!" Venti spouted,"I choose to smash Xiao and pass Childe!" he spoke..a little louder than he had intended.

Xiao looked at the two, but assumed this was just another bullying thing. Well, 'smash' could be directed in two different ways, so he probably wasn't aware of the game.

"You'd pass me?" Childe seemed almost offended,"Excuse me, but aren't you into that enemies to lovers thing with Xiao right now?"

"Enemies to..what?! It's just enemies! Not lovers—" Venti crossed his arms over his chest,"And the only reason I picked him is because I know I'd get made fun of by you guys—so, there!"

"How rude, and I thought we had something.." Childe dramatically said, putting a hand up to his chest as the others laughed.

"Venti, are you sure you'd rather smash Xiao? What, do you actually like him or something?" Bennett decided to join in on the teasing, great. This is exactly what he feared and that's why he chose the other option—but it still happened.

"Jeez, no! Bleugh! Lame, and gross!" Venti overreacted, putting a hand over his mouth.

Looking over, he'd noticed that Xiao had already put his headphones back he was hearing none of this.

"I would not!"

"Prove it." Diluc suggested, finally making his presence aware during this bit.

"Huh—how am I supposed to do that?" Venti questioned, quickly removing the disgusted look from his face.

Bennett thought for a moment,"By uh..talking to him! If you like him, you'd get flustered!"

"No way! I'm not talking to that guy.."

"What? You scared that you'll start blushing?" Childe added,"Oh, mister Xiao~! Please catch me as I faint for your handsome looks!" He mocked in a higher tone.

"Cut it out! —Fine, I'll talk to him. But just this once.."

And this is how it started. From hatred, to confusion, to a mixed feeling a happiness..and then sadness. Venti and Xiao are going to go through it all. What will happen? What is going to happen to Xiao? The popular loner who has zero interest of friends or a relationship?

And what will happen if they begin to fall for each other? Slowly dissolved by every crevice of these dreadful, painful thing we call love?


A/N ; 😦😦woah..hi again! New story, woohoo! Weekly updates, or at least I'll try. Busy with school lol, but I'm always motivated for sum venxiao XD

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