Chp.9 | Not a Chance

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After what happened, Venti just confirmed how much he hated Xiao. How could he just do something like that?! Does he not care about the girl's feelings at all?

He was now walking home, crumbled note in hand. He'd probably just throw this away. Not like there was anything else to do with it, anyways.

Or he it..No, no! That's bad.

He sighed, shifting the note into his pocket.

He didn't want to invade a girls privacy like that. He'd just have to tell her himself. Xiao didn't even accept the stupid.

But, he shouldn't have expected much. Xiao really was a jerk, he knew that much to begin with.

Seriously though, he didn't even get a chance to say who it was—this would be a disaster. He didn't want to see a girl cry because of some idiot like him!

He huffed, finally reaching home.

Honestly, he was super mad right now. Super mad at Xiao. He still couldn't believe he'd do something like that!

He opened the door, ignoring his mother as he ran up to his room. He'd have to text Childe what happened.


VENTI: Brooo I hate Xiao so much

Childe: That's everyday thing.
Childe: What happened?

VENTI: U know that letter I talked about?

Childe: Yeah?

VENTI: He didn't even read it! He just said he didn't want it! I even told him it was from a CUTE girl!

Childe: Wellll
Childe: Maybe he's just gay lol


Childe: Face it. He never pays attention to girls

VENTI: Doesn't mean he's gay!!???

Childe: Denying the facts


Childe: He's shown a bit of interest towards you

VENTI: Gross! What are you implying?

Childe: You know what I'm implying. That he's h o m o...

VENTI: Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna go, bye

Childe: Bye


That was just a waste of his time, wasn't it? Such stupid accusations—but..what if it was true? No—no way! It didn't make sense at all!

I mean—Xiao doesn't look gay. Venti had thought all gay guys painted their nails and talked in a high pitched voice.

Xiao wasn't like that, though. So it couldn't be true...


Thus, Venti had stereotyped gay people even further. But, then again, someone like Xiao just couldn't like the same sex. Just because he turned down a love letter, doesn't mean he doesn't like girls.

That's just a weird claim to make. Plus, it didn't even make sense on his part! Xiao would probably be disgusted. If Childe told the friend group, he'd be getting made fun of endlessly!

He had to make sure Childe kept quiet. Even if it wasn't true—maybe he should try and set Xiao up on a date with a girl? That would stop the assumptions all together!

But who would want to date a guy like Xiao?

The answer was, well—every girl in the school. Even some older women, actually.

He leaned on to his bed frame, with a frown.


It's been a few days since Xiao and Venti had spoken. Xiao probably assumed the two were fighting, or maybe, Xiao just had no interest to speak to Venti in the first place.

Venti was planning something, though. Planning for Xiao to get a girlfriend. Maybe Venti wouldn't be bothered by the girls that want to date the other anymore!

Honestly, Venti had some girls start talking to him. Cute ones. But all they wanted was to know more things about was really annoying.

He should've just told them they'd gotten into a fight or something—.

It was Tuesday. Childe wasn't sick anymore, but he still had a cough. The group scooted their chairs away from him every time he coughed—it was actually sort of funny.

He looked over toward Xiao. He looked as he did usually. Just a plain face.

Venti still wasn't sure why so many girls liked him. He was a jerk.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, looking over.

Childe smirked at him,"You're staring at him, aren't you?" He whispered to the other male, teasingly.

Venti just responded with a glare. He knew this was because of the gay thing from a few days ago.

Childe nudged him. Sometimes his friends would say the stupidest things—ah, did I say sometimes? I meant all the time.

Just then, the bell rang. Venti had no time to waste, he got up immediately and headed for the door. Then, he was stopped by someone coming in the room.

Someone had pulled him aside. Venti's eyes widened.

Oh no, it was that girl from the other day.

"Hey—Kenti." Well, seemed like Xiao wasn't the only one who struggled to remember his name.

"Look—if it's about the letter..then I'm sorry."

"Wait, why?" She now had a worried look displayed on her face.

"He didn't want to read it."

The girl paused. "..Oh."

Venti's eyes furrowed off to the side. "Uh—I don't know why he did that, just—" he cut himself off.

She was crying.

All because of Xiao.

"S-sorry,..I have to go..!" She managed to get out, covering her face as she ran off.

"Hey, wait—!" Despite the things Venti thought about comforting her awhile ago, he didn't follow her. The girl didn't even remember his name, it was obvious she wasn't interested.

All Venti could do was walk to class.

"What was that about?" Bennett asked from behind him, approaching the other.

"Ah..nothing." Venti stayed with a frown.

Bennett let out a small gasp,"Did you reject her or something?!" For some reason, he seemed excited. Is it because Venti never gets confessions?

"Not really. I was—doing it for someone else."

"You mean—someone else rejected her and you had to tell her that?"


Bennett sighed, putting an arm around Venti's shoulder. "Stay strong, man..stay strong."

Despite the laughable thing Bennett said, Venti didn't feel like laughing. He shook Bennett's hand off of him, and simply left. But..that wasn't the way to his class?


A/N; really excited for next chapter yes yes ☺️☺️☺️Thank you for being patient with me. Sorry I wasn't able to upload last week, if you didn't see my board, I was dealing with things.

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