Chp.18 | I've Realized Something

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Soon after, Venti came speed walking toward Xiao. He looked out of breath, just from a simple walk? Or well—run.

He didn't have to do that for Xiao, though. He didn't mind waiting.

Xiao didn't really understand the construct of time between friends, since he's only had a few in childhood. But he didn't think being a little late was a problem. Venti's friends were late all the time for class—so why did it matter so much?

He was pulled out of his thoughts as Venti's eyes furrowed toward him,"You ok?"

"Ah—I'm fine."

Venti's smile grew wider,"Then let's go!" He led the way, as Xiao followed behind him, like a lost kitten or something.

They were in their elder teen ages. So why a park, you may ask? Well, it's a simple reason, really.

Venti..wanted to experience childish things to go along with his childish way of thinking. Also, maybe Xiao would find it fun.

"I used to go here where I was a kid!" Venti grinned from ear to ear, walking around the area. "What about you?"

"Uh..I've never really been to a park." Xiao looked awkward. It was the truth though. His mother never had any time to take him, and his father just never really wanted to.

Venti looked shocked, as he turned back toward Xiao,"Seriously?" Honestly, Venti never would've guessed awhile ago. To know that Xiao had missed out on so much of his childhood—was upsetting to Venti.

Normally he wouldn't care as much, especially considering he holds grudges. But then, Venti's shocked expression changed into an excited one,"Then let's go together!"


Of course, they'd gotten weird looks. Especially from some of the parents sitting on benches, or pushing their children on the swing set.

Xiao didn't mind though. In fact, he was..happy? Yeah, that's the word. He felt really happy. He's never felt so joy filled before, it was a nice feeling.

He didn't know if it was the activity, or the fact that he was doing the activity with someone. He didn't want this to end, that's for sure.

Along side Venti, doing such a childish activity which Xiao would've frowned upon at the thought..was actually nice.

Xiao smiled, and soon began laughing. Genuinely, laughing. It had been awhile since Xiao laughed like that.

Almost music filled Venti's ears as he heard the other boy laughing, and despite the shocked expression across his face; you could've sworn his eyes sparkled for a moment. Then, he began laughing with him.

Pure bliss filled the air. He couldn't believe it, really.

Both of them couldn't believe it.

Venti, a perfectionist boy that's too quick to judge others, was laughing with Xiao.

And Xiao. Well, there really wasn't much to say. He was laughing with a..friend. He could feel the heat rushing to his face as he smiled.

The children probably thought they were crazy, but Venti was ok with that. He didn't mind at all. Or well, he was too focused on something else to mind.

"Venti," Xiao began, catching up with his soft laughter,"I'm glad."

Venti paused,"I—I am too."


They left the park not too long after. It felt like their relationship had grown deeper, and Xiao was happy for that.

He's smiled more than he does in a year, just from a day with Venti. Although it seemed weird to other people, Xiao felt mesmerized. He could talk normally with Venti.

They walked in comfortable silence. Xiao wondered when this would all come to an end, and what would happen to him if that day ever came? He wasn't sure anymore. He doesn't get how a person could mean so much to him in such a short amount of time.

Maybe he just wasn't used to a friendship like that. Or someone being so nice to him—to make him feel this way.

Although he was dense, he wasn't dense enough to not know what this was. Or, what it was beginning to be. But he knew what would happen if it does head towards this direction, and he was really..scared.

To feel this way about someone was already a horrible feeling depending on the situation. Although you might not know what Xiao is goi my through at the moment, the only thing I can say is that it's one sided.

A one sided feeling that can take up a persons entire mind in just a few minutes. Especially upon realization of it. And in seconds, before you even realize it, it can ruin a person in general.

Especially if that person is of the same gender.

You could've guessed it, right? So then, the only one that's left in the dark is the other person himself. And that is Venti.


Xiao walked home quickly, and was immediately met with a smack on the head,"You should've told me you were leaving!" The woman yelled, her eyebrows furrowing down.

Right. Xiao had forgotten, as soon as he'd seen Venti's text message he rushed out of the door. "I'm sorry." He did a light bow, he really wasn't in the mood for this.

"That's all you ever say!"

Xiao stayed silent for a moment,"It's not like you were worried." He said plainly, staring blankly at his mother.

"..Ah—are you talking back, brat?!"

Xiao let out a soft huff as he frowned; looking ahead of him. "I'm going to my room."

"What?! You cant just ignore me!"

Xiao left to his room without another word. He knew what would happen when he came back downstairs, but to be frank, he didn't care that much anymore.

He'd spent his entire life so scared of his mother, but was that really it? Or was he just scared of loosing the only person he loved?

His mother wasn't how she was before. She's changed, and Xiao knows that now.


A/N; CHAPTER 18?!?! (Canon)

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