Chp.4 | Weird Thoughts

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Venti made it back home safely, but he couldn't shake the thoughts about what happened. And most of all, he didn't even get to play the game he wanted to. Karka will have to wait another day—or more like a year when it gets back into stock. That game was hard to get ahold of.

He should probably tell Childe about this—he was the one supporting him, after all. Well, more like making fun of him.

So, he got his phone out and sat up on his bed, going through his contacts until he found one called 'fav ginger', calling it.

It only took a few seconds for the call to start,"What is it?" Childe asked from across the line.

Venti immediately let out an over exaggerated sigh,"SoIWasTryingToPlayAGameButICouldntBecauseXiao'sMomCameHomeOrSomethingAndNowIDontKnowWhatToDoBecauseIWasReallyLookingForwardToPlayingAndI-"

Childe cut through his sentence,"Woah-calm down, and say it slowly."

"Ughh...Fine." Venti began, although Childe couldn't see from over the phone, he could just guess that Venti was pouting like a child. "I was gonna say something came up—but Xiao said he had Karka..and I couldn't get ahold of it so I just had to come!"

Childe let out a sigh over the phone,"Seriously?"

"Hey! Don't judge me, have you seen the trailer?"

"Yes, yes I have seen the trailer. But why are you so panicked about this? Isn't that a good thing you got to play the game you wanted?"

Venti whined,"Thats the problem—I didn't! Xiao's mom came home or something and he said I should leave."

"Oh—oh? Why'd he say that?"

"Heck if I know, he said something about—" Venti stopped himself, maybe he shouldn't say the part about her getting mad. "—about his mom..not liking loud noises—yeah."

Childe could immediately tell it was a lie, but he ignored it,"Did he now?"

"Yeah, he did!"

"Well, that explains it. Maybe you should try playing again. I mean, you're not gonna have any other opportunities to play it. At this rate you'll be stuck having to watch gameplay."

Venti's eyes widened, really? That would be so awkward! What if Xiao finds out Venti doesn't actually like him, and he's just there for the game? God, he doesn't even wanna think about that.

"I'll get going now. Bye!" Childe said his goodbyes before hanging up the phone.

Venti was left in absolute silence. What should he do about this? It..would be nice to play that game. But, also, Xiao was his enemy! He was..annoying and self centered!

Although, by the short interaction they had, it didn't really seem that way..just for a moment though! Oh, hang on..wouldn't it mean Xiao's trying to hide his narcissistic side to trick Venti?

If Venti was a narcissist—although he'd plead that he isn't—he'd definitely hide it around other people.

Yeah, that's it. Well, guess what, Xiao? Venti will try everything to make you reveal your true intentions, so watch out, pretty boy!

And with that, Venti had decided to head to bed earlier than usual. He would ask Xiao tomorrow if they could meet up again. Maybe early enough to where his mom doesn't come home would be good—.


He woke up to the light shining through his curtains, hang on, what about his alarm? He looked over, noticing that he had accidentally put his phone on silent mode. Dammit!

He was 6 minutes late—he had to get ready fast.

He slipped his uniform on, which contains of blue dress pants, black shoes, a blue jacket (Same shade as the dress pants.), a white collared shirt and, lastly, a black tie.

He braided his hair and brushed it out, then did all of his washroom necessities. He quickly devoured the piece of toast his mom had made him. "Thank you!" he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Ah—have a nice day, sweetie—"

"I will, mom!" He said as he stumbled out the door. At a young age, his parents had gotten divorced. He didn't remember much about his dad, and frankly, he didn't care too much. He just knew that they got into arguments a lot—so it was for the better Venti thought.

He'd figured that was the same with Xiao's parents, since he's only heard of his mom before. Or maybe his dad just works early hours. Could be either one—


He made it to school, but all he could think about was Xiao. How odd..but not like it was unexpected. He was going to make Xiao break character and really show how narcissistic he was! (Venti basically guilt tripped himself into thinking the personality from when he stayed over was an act.)

Xiao was in basically most of his classes. But for some reason, they never interact. Xiao was never seen interacting with anyone really. Venti had heard some girls gossip about it. They mostly just 'watch him from a far'.

Hang on..isn't that sort of what Venti was doing right now? No-nonono! Definitely not. He shouldn't think that way..he's thinking the gay way.

Weird..anyways! Venti quickly shifted his mind from the thought, looking back down at his desk. Only to realize..the paper on his desk was a test. How long had he been staring at Xiao?!

"Dude!" Venti whispered over to Childe, who sat next to him,"Are you finished?"

Childe hummed, looking over. Then he saw that Venti had absolutely no answers written down. He almost burst out laughing-"PFFT-"

"What's so funny?" The teacher asked in a loud tone, shut up Misses.Whateverhernamewas. Don't act like you aren't laughing at your phone everyday while texting your boyfriend.

"Nothing, nothing. My apologies, misses..uh..misses!" It seemed like Childe forgot her name as well.

She only rolled her eyes, now paying attention to her phone as she prepped her legs up onto her desk.

Is a teacher's supposed to act?

Anyways, what was this test even on? Venti had better finish it.



A/N ; the next chapter is gonna have..a littleee bit of drama

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