Chp.15 | Making It Up to Him

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Today would be a new day. A different day. Today, he would finally get over his hatred and guilt from Xiao.

Venti smiled to himself.


He hurried off to school, but just as he was passing beside Childe's house, he seen him.

It didn't seem like Childe saw him, though. He looked tired. There was a bit of red under his eyes too, but Venti only dismissed it. He must've stayed up all night playing some game, as per usual.

"Childe!" As Venti called out for the other, Childe flinched in shock, but quickly came to his senses. "Oh, Venti.." He smiled, making his way over to the other.

Venti brightened up, he barley got to walk with Childe to school. It was usually just back to their houses.

It didn't take awhile for Childe to strike up a conversation as they began walking,"So, you and Xiao are friends now..?" he asked, smiling.

"I guess still kinda feels weird to say it!" He joked, grinning from ear to ear.

"You seem happy."

"I am!" He chuckled lightly.


They made their way to school quickly after that, immediately seeing Diluc outside of the classroom door. "Diluc." Childe seemed a bit more comfortable. For some reason, Childe looked awkward up until now. He's still really tired, isn't he?

"Oh, Childe, Venti." Diluc remarked, turning toward the two. "You two walked together."

"Mhm!" Venti agreed, excitedly as he ran to the other.

"Calm down, you're jumpy today.." Diluc's eyes soon met Childe's. "Aren't you coming?"

"Oh—yeah!" Childe made his way over, as they walked into class.


Childe's eyes immediately darted towards sleeping Xiao. He tapped him lightly, as Xiao's eyes slowly opened. "Wake up, class is about to start." Childe smiled, sitting down at his desk.

A quick,"Mmf.." is all the sleepy Xiao let out, sitting up right in his chair.

And, sure enough, it didn't take long until class started. A boring morning to start it off. Well, besides Bennett and Diluc passing notes while looking at Childe..for some reason.

Diluc barley ever passed notes, so why now?

Whatever, Venti had other things to worry what he was going to do about the Xiao situation.

He could..invite him to hang out again. But, Xiao's mom might get mad. Because of strict parenting, right?

He didn't realize how much he was clicking his pen, but he was just too lost in thought to may any mind to it. Maybe..Xiao could be the one to come to his house this time?

Venti smiled at the thought, slipping his phone out from his pocket as he went to messages under his desk.


VENTI: Xiaooo

Xiao: What?

That was quick. He must have felt the vibration in his pocket.

VENTI: Wanna come to my house after school?

Xiao: I can ask my mom.

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