Chp.6 | A Weird Encounter

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Venti didn't think about Xiao for the rest of the day, and when he did, he told himself the same thing he had told himself before.

It's not his business.

Despite all of the absent though, Venti still went to sleep early. After texting Childe and the group chat, of course.

It was Thursday, tomorrow would be the last day of school until the weekend. That was good, right? How could someone hate the weekend?


When he finally woke up, his alarm had woken him up this time. Great, his day was off to a good start. He didn't know how much thinking about someone you hate could ruin your entire schedule considering he was late yesterday. Then he zoned out through half of a test..then he didn't even realize when class was over. Ugh.

He put his thoughts aside and quickly did his morning routine, changing into his usual uniform and grabbing his bag.

"No time for breakfast, gotta go, mom! Love you!" Venti quickly uttered, before his mother could say something back, he'd already rushed out the door.

Today was Friday. Venti's absolute favorite day of the week—he'd have all weekend to sleep in and hang out with his friends! Well—after this school day, of course.

He hurried to class, not wanting to be late. This time he was actually early—the 2nd person in the class. The only person that got there before him was, of course, Diluc.

As people filled the room, he'd noticed something. Childe wasn't here today, was he? By the time he'd realized, the teacher was already calling roles.

Venti pulled his phone out of his pocket, hiding it under his desk as he typed.

VENTI: Where r u?

It only took a few seconds before he got a response.

I ended up catching a cold. :Childe

Venti stayed silent for a second, before letting out a very exaggerated whine.

"Something the matter, Venti? Surely it's not as important enough to disrupt my class." A voice spoke, Venti looked up before shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Oh, no! Miss..uh." Still a bad memory. He'd never get over that, would he?

The teacher only rolled her eyes, getting back to the beginning of her lesson.

Venti was still pretty upset though, he'd have to walk home alone today which was always boring.

He ignored it though. It's not like it was the end of the world, his house wasn't that far from the school. It sure felt like it when you walked in complete silence, though.

So, class after class, Venti tried to think about random things. But, all he could think about was 'what were those markings on Xiao from yesterday?' He told himself he'd forget about it, and it was probably not what he thought it was..but deep down, he knew he was wrong.

He just didn't want to get into somebody else's business, especially if he didn't know the person. Xiao was snobby, and thought he was better than everyone else.

He was just like every other popular kid, but he was a little different. Xiao was different, because usually the reason that the popular kids were popular was because they were nice.

Xiao..didn't talk to anyone. All he had going for him was that he was handsome. And he had all of these girls fawning for him like he was the last man on earth, yet, they were too scared to speak to them. It was practically them just stalking him at this point.


And, he'd failed. He'd ended up thinking about Xiao for the entire day—again. Now, he was just walking home. Alone this time due to Childe getting sick without saying he would beforehand!

He knew it didn't work like that, but before he could get even more mad at Childe for getting sick—

Step step step

"Venti!" A high pitched voice shouted from behind him.

He looked around, and he couldn't believe his eyes. That was a girl from his school,"Oh..hey!"

The girl had time to catch up. Well, to be more specific, a cute girl. A popular one, but this time, she wasn't snobby or anything. She was popular because she was cute.

"Please.." She began as she caught up to him, bowing down as she held her hands out. The thing she was holding..was a note. And on that note, was a red, heart shaped sticker holding it together.

Venti couldn't believe what he was seeing, was this cute, nice, polite girl giving him a love letter?

"Give this to Xiao for me!"

...Nevermind. He takes all of the things he said about her back.

"You two have been..hanging out recently. And I'm too shy to give it to him myself—so please!"

Venti took the note,"Sure." His voice almost sounded monotone.

It was like he had gotten rejected—without actually being rejected.

"Ah, thank you! I'll make it up to you, for sure!"

Venti only nodded, and the girl soon ran off with a bright smile still plastered onto her face.

Another girl that liked Xiao. Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if the entire school liked him romantically by now. But he couldn't believe he thought he'd gotten a love letter.

Honestly, Venti had never gotten a love letter before. Actually, he had once. In the sixth grade, there was a boy that liked him. He ended up getting a note from him, and told his friends about it. In the end, his friends bullied the boy for the rest of the year because he was gay.

But, he couldn't act completely innocent. Venti would join in on the bullying a bit as well.

He knew one thing for sure after that, he definitely did not want to give this letter to the narcissist by the name of Xiao.

He could already imagine the two dating. Xiao would probably be rude to her all the time, given his tendencies. He was jealous, jealous of Xiao getting cute girls to fall for him without even doing anything. All he did was sat there, what was so great about him anyways?


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