Chp.5 | What are those markings?

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Finally..he had almost made it through the end of the day. He had to end up guessing all the questions on the test in first period, so he'd most likely be getting a call home on how bad his grades dropped. He blamed it on Xiao for distracting him..even if Xiao wasn't really doing anything.

It was now the same scenario from yesterday, last period. Waiting for the bell to ring as others talked and played on their phones.

Not Venti though, he was thinking about how to approach Xiao.

"Just go for it, man." Childe remarked, leaning back on his chair as he scrolled through Tiktok on his phone. Well, it was actually Diluc's phone since Childe had gotten his taken away. He couldn't believe Childe installed Tiktok on his phone.

"Fine." Venti replied, standing up and heading toward the monotone male.

Xiao looked up at the other,"Oh, hi Veantee."

Venti stayed quiet for a second, it was a different pronunciation from yesterday too. Was this guy was seriously trying to get on Venti's nerves?

"..Hi, Xiao. I was wondering if you'd wanna walk together after class? Maybe we can go to your place." Venti suggested, trying to keep his usual nice self.

"Sure. My moms working over-time today."

"Really? Sweet! Maybe we could continue that game—"

Just then, the bell rang. Ok, maybe he'd taken too much time trying to think of a way to approach him. Oh well though, Xiao had said yes! Why was he getting excited?..Probably because of the game.

Xiao pulled his bag over his shoulder and stood up, Venti had already packed up early so he was ready to go.

"Follow me, then." Xiao stated as he began walking.

But, before Venti could follow him—"Venti? Where are you going?" Venti turned around, it was Childe. He had forgotten, him and the orange haired male had always walked home together,"Ah, I'm gonna walk with Xiao today! Maybe tomorrow, man!"

Venti couldn't see the expression Childe had on his face, but he just assumed it was a surprised one. (Or maybe it was a frown, wink wink.)

Venti continued to follow Xiao out of the school, luckily, Xiao's house wasn't too far from the school so he didn't have to walk with the other for too long.

"Are you coming?" Before Venti could even realize, Xiao was staring back at him. They'd already made it to his house, so quickly too.

"Oh—,yeah, you can go ahead." Venti almost stumbled upon his words, Xiao only nodding in return to his words as he continued walking.

They made it inside, this time Xiao inviting Venti into his room first. No more words were said, just the sound of the intro as the game was put on.

"Ok, here." Xiao said, handing a controller to Venti as he sat down.

Venti seemed..really awkward. Well, it was only normal. He'd been thinking of Xiao all day, but he'd obviously still go along with his little plan. He was going to make Xiao reveal his narcissistic self one way or another.

Then, Xiao slipped his school jacket off and put it on his bed. Venti couldn't help but to stare, he was so pale. His arms were so slender, and they looked so smooth. Did he shave them or something?

Oh no, gay thoughts again. Venti let out a small huff, but after he was pulled out of this 'trance' he had realized something. On his arms. Were those..bruises?

Why would Xiao have bruises? He doesn't seem to have any pets. So what were those markings?

Venti shook his head as he continued to focus on the game.

Venti knew there were red flags, yet, he still chose to ignore them. Repeating in his head,'It's not my business.' Or something like,'It's probably not what I think it is.' And some of you may agree, but in the end, it's none of your business.


It didn't take Venti long to realize how Xiao preformed at games, he was more or less..terrible. He was barely even able to move the viewpoint around, it was honestly funny to see.

"Nooo..." it almost sounded sarcastic as Xiao fell off into a pit of lava. He was trying to collect something as he moved his controls around, but I guess he had trouble knowing where to go.

"Dude, why do you have so many games if you don't know how to play them?" Venti asked, trying to stifle his laughter.

"My father sends them to me sometimes in the mail." He repeated, completely monotone.

Oh, so Venti's theory was true,"Your parents are divorced?"

"Yeah, I was about four."

"My parents are divorced too. I was kind of suspecting that from you—not in a rude way! Just heard nothing about your dad so,,I kinda assumed."

Xiao couldn't help but to smile a little bit,"You don't need to explain, I get it."

"Ah..." Venti could feel his face heating up for some reason, maybe he'd run a fever? He quickly furrowed his starstruck eyes away from the other, clearing his throat,"Ahum..yeah, you're right. Sorry."

"Don't be."

Venti's lips tilted up into a small grin. It wasn't so bad sitting here with Xiao—but that doesn't mean he likes it. He's still going to uncover those narcissistic traits no matter what.

Xiao got a text, lifting his phone from his pocket,"My mom's coming home soon."

"Oh—wanna come to my house next time? I have an XBOX."

"Really?" Xiao said, turning toward him. In all honesty, he's never been to someone else's house before.

"Uh?? Yeah, really." Venti wasn't sure why he was inviting Xiao to his house. It was strange, yet he didn't mind. He still had himself convinced that he had to hang out with Xiao to uncover that weird narcissist stuff again.

"Ok, text me then." Xiao stated, leaning against his bed.

"I will. Bye, Xiao."

"Bye, Veantee."

"..It's Venti."

"That's what I said?"

"Ah, whatever." Venti waved as he walked out of the door, but this time he stopped to think for a second. Those bruises on Xiao's arms and shoulder..what were they from? No, NO. It wasn't any of his business, and never will be. God, he needed to stop thinking weird.

Ah, wait, isn't Xiao's mom going to come home soon? He'd better not meet up with her. So, Venti walked out of the front door and began the walk to his house, in nothing but absolute confusion.


A/N ; idk if this even makes sense cuz I don't proof read, I should probably work with someone to help proof read for me. Anyone?? Lolol, just jokes...unless??

ANYWAYS, fun fact: I was watching fnaf gameplay the entire time of writing this

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