CHAPTER 13. Playful Vampire

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When I had come to SNRC everything changed for me, and the first few days were insane. Now, after Caledon bit a hole in my neck, if felt like everything was changing all over again.

I had managed to get through dinner, but now I was cleaning endless piles of dishes, with Caledon, alone.

Normally interns or even Monica would come in to help, but Caledon didn't want anyone 'going in his damn kitchen' so I was stuck with the tedious job.

I scrubbed at one particularly crusty plate and casually glanced over in the vampires direction. He was staring down at his phone, doing nothing.

I scrubbed the dish harder, annoyed. I knew better than to call him out, he'd just start yelling. My eyes turned to stare at the now clean dish as my face grew warm.

I let the dish slide in the soapy water as my left hand rose to gently touch the bite on my neck. I bit my lip and took a small intake of breath.

Caledon's eyes were suddenly on me, and I could feel his gaze like a hand running along my skin. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Get back to work," his familiar bark was a dose of cold water.

I reached down and angrily scrubbed another plate. Why was I attracted to him for a moment? He's an ass, no need to get excited. I shoved the plate I had worked on in the clean water and scoffed.

This has to be a punishment for pissing him off, this will take all night! I thought miserably.

"Problem, little shit?" Caledon asked hearing my loud scoff. I looked over at him and narrowed my eyes on the phone he held loosely.

"Nothing," I grumbled and went back to the endless stack of plates. I had yet to even touch the silverware.

Caledon shifted on his feet and the noise made me jump and drop a plate like a fool. I stared at the broken dish in horror and my head snapped up to look at Caledon.

He looked pissed. "W-well, I wouldn't have dropped it if you had been helping!" I blurted as he slammed his phone down.

"You fucking slept in the office during work hours, I thought you could at least handle damn dishes," he spat.

I gulped and glanced at the plate that had cracked in three perfect pieces.

"Are you going to clean this mess up?" Caledon demanded. I looked at him and scowled. I grabbed the trash and dustpan from the corner feeling his hot angry gaze as I walked around the kitchen.

I picked up the three biggest pieces by hand and tossed them into the trash. I looked at Caledon, and with eye contact and exaggerated movements, I cleaned the space around where I had dropped the plate.

I pushed the trash away and placed my hands on my hips. "Better highness?"

He almost seemed to snarl. "Watch yourself, not everyone is going to treat you like a damn princess." I raised my eyebrows.

"Are you that mad that I took a nap in Malcus's office?" I asked and mentally winced. Great, we're fighting again, perfect. Not.

Caledon said nothing but turned, probably to go back to his phone. "Just get back to work," he told me coldly.

I threw my hands in the air. "Can't you help me? Please?" I asked.

Caledon turned and scoffed. "No, I can't, get to the dishes,"

I grit my teeth and did the dishes as loud and dramatic as possible. After I cleaned them all I then wiped them down. Caledon watched as I slammed the drawer to the silverware once I had finished putting everything away.

To my shock his lips rose in a sort of smile as he slowly walked over towards me. I looked at him warily as he stood in front of me.

"W-what?" I demanded and crossed my arms to appear 'tough'

Of course this made the monster's smile grow. "You are something else when you're upset,"

I glared up at him. "I'm angry with you, at least act like that means something!" I snapped and crossed my arms.

Caledon raised an eyebrow. "Would you rather I get mad at you?" I jumped when he took a step towards me, and my hands raised as if that could stop him if he decided to do something.

"You've been slamming my dishes and stomping your little feet around my damn kitchen," Caledon pointed out and suddenly growled loudly.

I let out a startled scream when he growled, making me jump back. I stumbled and started to fall on my butt, but Caledon grabbed me and we tumbled to the ground.

I found myself sitting on his chest with him laying flat on the ground. His hands were at his sides, red eyes dancing with amusement. I gasped and stared at him.

"Don't do that! I thought you were trying to eat me!" I shouted and he started laughing.

That's right, the monster vampire started laughing at me!

"I couldn't help it, you're like a scared bunny," his lips tugged up. "Your reaction was better than I thought it was going to be,"

I trembled on his chest and looked away from him. "That wasn't funny, you already scare me enough," I grumbled under my breath.

These words made Caledon pause. "I would never hurt you," he told me stiffly.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Yeah well," my cheeks flushed. "You're still really scary, and you yell at me a lot."

A splotch of red on his cheeks made me falter. "I've been trying," he said so softly I almost didn't hear him. I smiled.

"Just don't do that again -"

Caledon growled and I let out a blood curling scream as he suddenly flipped us over so I was on the ground, my head resting on one of his biceps.

I glared at him with everything I had. "You bastard!" I screeched.

Caledon laughed again and looked down at me with what could have almost looked like affection. "I couldn't help it," he told me dismissively.

I pointed at him. "You'll regret that, I'm going to get back at you -" I yelped when he nipped at my finger.

"I'll look forward to it," my face heated at his words.

"J-just shut up!" I looked to the side, embarrassed at how close he was. My chest rose and fell quickly. Does this stuff really happen in real life? I wondered and weakly placed my hands on his chest to push him away.

"Justice," Caledon said my name and my eyes went wide as he grabbed my waist and pulled me up. Caledon leaned against the wall and held me on his lap.

I sat frozen, hands on his shoulders. His eyes darkened as I slowly met his gaze. Our noses brushed and I inhaled shakily. "C-Caledon..." I whispered softly.

The Kitchen door beside us opened, and Caledon snarled. "What the fuck do you want?"

I mentally face palmed. Of course Caledon couldn't be level headed more than five minutes. Monica raised an eyebrow at our position.

"I'll come back later," she said and walked out with hips swaying. I covered my face and sighed.

Great, perfect,

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