CHAPTER 30. "Our baby,"

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  I didn't even blink as Caledon grabbed the edge of the table and tossed it forward, making a window shatter. "He threw you in the fucking lake?!" Caledon shouted/screamed.

I pursed my lips. "Sort of, yes, I'm surprised that's the part your choosing to get angry at." I said and looked at Zane.

He seemed to be taking every effort to remain calm, and failing. Kind of like Malcus, who's eyes were pure black.

"How are you so calm?" Zane asked me, hands clenched into fists. I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"Honestly? I got a better first impression from the 'evil' Fae then I did Caledon," I pointed out.

This made my vampire glare at me. "Justice, you do know how serious this is right?" Malcus asked me with narrowed eyes.

I nodded then hesitated. "I know I'm not the expert, and have limited knowledge, but as much he freaked me out, he really didn't seem dangerous."

Zane slammed a hand on his chair. "He was controlling you!"

I swallowed nervously. "I'm not defending him, and he wasn't controlling me, he was making sure I didn't tell you." I said and bit my lip. "Apparently according to him, I'm the one taking over the world."

Zane sighed. "As much as you surprise me every day, I don't think that's going to happen."

I fake pouted and looked at the ever furious vampire, grabbing his large hand. "Caledon, I'm fine," I told him, and his red eyes slowly drifted to mine. "So, will you help me take over the world, if I decided to one day?" I asked grinning.

Caledon nodded. "Of course I would,"

Boyfriend goals. I thought and giggled. Malcus suddenly went stiff. "So, did you guys know about the Fae thing?" I asked curiously.

Zane nodded. "Yes, I figured it out the moment you asked Caledon to bite you, that's why I sent you to bed, I didn't expect him to actually appear in person though." Zane's lips twisted and he stood. "We need to have a talk with David, will you wait here Justice?"

I nodded and gave them a thumbs up. "I'll just sit here and," I looked at the broken window. "Get some nice fresh air,"

Caledon snorted and walked over to the door, Malcus and Zane quick to walk out as well. The moment the door closed, I jumped to my feet and pressed my ear to the door.

"We were thinking about taking Justice off SNRC grounds for a few days," I heard Zane say. My eyes went wide.

"Okay, well, I can't run this whole place by myself, who's staying?" David asked, and there was silence between the three men.

"Caledon, you stay, you already kissed Justice, I want a chance to get closer to her." Malcus said coldly.

My cheeks blazed and I held my breath. "I'm not staying, we're going to my friends house, no way am I not going." Caledon snapped, and I pictured them all looking at Zane.

"Well I'm not staying, I'm the one who didn't listen to Justice, I need to make up for that." Zane told them, making me bite my lip to hold back a smile.

David sighed loudly. "The Three of you liking the same girl is complicated for my job," I froze and touched my burning face, eyes shining. "Fine, the three of you go, I'll keep watch -"

I opened the door and crossed my arms. "What about Daisy?! Who's going to watch her?!"

Zane choked and Malcus looked at me confused. "Who's Daisy?" David asked and shook his head.

Caledon looked thoughtful. "That annoying one who likes you, Carrie?"

I raised an eyebrow and tightened my arms. "It's Carla, and how am I supposed to leave my baby?"

"Why were you listening, and how much did you hear?" Zane asked, looking a little horrified, which was kind of amusing.

"Forget that! My poor baby! Can't I bring her?"

"No, you can't," Caledon said and frowned. "My friends are vampires, I think they'd eat her."

I covered my mouth. "Why would we go there?! What heathens!" I exploded.

"Who is Daisy?!" Malcus demanded, not liking being in the dark.

"Our baby," I explained and Malcus looked ill.

"A baby?" He repeated.

Caledon rolled his eyes. "It's a cat," he said dryly and gazed at me. "We can't bring her, it would be safer for her here."

I sniffed. "She'll get worried, without her parents, shell think we abandoned her,"

Caledon hesitated. "I'll explain everything to her, don't worry." I nodded and David looked between us.

"Are we sure they're talking about a cat?" Zane placed a hand on David's shoulder.

"It's best no to question these two, I don't think many people understand what they're saying ninety percent of the time."


  "I'll miss you!" I held Daisy to my face and sniffed, holding back tears. "Don't worry, I'll be back!"

Carla sighed. "I'll take good care of her Justice, I promise,"

I held Daisy tighter. "She eats two meals a day, and has a snack before bed. She likes to snuggle all day, and this is her favorite blanket." I handed Carla a purple blanket.

"And if she gets scared, put her in this," I handed her Caledon's hoodie.

Carla smiled. "Trust me, I'll be sure to make sure she doesn't miss you too much." She told me kindly.

I bit my lip and cupped Daisy in my hands, looking at her blue eyes. "I'll be back, if anyone bullies you, use kitty-kung-fu, I've heard it's very effective."

Daisy let out a small meow and snuggled into my hand. "I can't leave her! Tell them I'm not going!" I announced and kissed Daisy.

"Justice, baby, you have to go," Carla told me sternly.

I pouted. "Fine, here," I gently laid Daisy in her hands. "I'll call every day,"

Carla hugged me. "I'll look forward to it, make sure you give those boys trouble on your trip."

I nodded and sighed. "I will, probably without even trying."

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