CHAPTER 18. Our Little Beast

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  A giggle spilled from my lips as Caledon sent another member of the staff a murderous glare. He was wearing pink kitty ears while prepping for dinner.

I had made him wear them every day for a week, and it was probably the funniest and cutest thing ever. In return, I had let Caledon bite me as needed to ensure everyone's safety.

Not that I even really knew what was up with the fae thing anyway, I had never found a good time to ask.

Interns came in and out briefly to get drinks for the guests, and no one could believe the always furious vampire was wearing kitty ears.

It was truly a sight to behold. I worked beside Caledon to cut all the carrots and glanced up at him. "Can you meow for me? Just once?"

He glared at me. "Fucking no,"

I pouted and focused on finishing the last of the vegetables. "Give her a meow Caledon, you're such a cute cat!" One of the interns joked, but the growl coming from the red eyed monster made him flee the kitchen.

Seeing the anger and tension this whole thing started to cause, I reached up on my tippy toes and grabbed the cat ears off his head.

I then placed them on my own head and gave him a happy smile. He didn't return the smile, but he did nod in approval. "Your a cuter cat than I am,"

I touched the cat ears with one hand and smiled again before looking at the interns who took their time in leaving, hoping for a show. I placed my knife down and walked over to the swinging door, opening it for them. "See you again later!" I cheered, and my point was quickly made.

You've overstayed your welcome; leave before Caledon blows up. As they began to funnel out of the room, one of the males strayed and muttered something for my ears only as he slipped past me.

"Humans don't belong here,"

I glared at his back and shut the swinging door on the interns rear. I was pleased to hear him fall and hit the ground on the other side of the door. I spun around and grinned at Caledon.

"Now it's just us!" I said happily and walked back over to his side. Caledon glanced at my face, lips twitching.

"On that note, the garbage needs taken out," he told me sternly.

Caledon and I had made significant progress to our relationship, and surprisingly enough, communication, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, was the key.

I sighed but grudgingly walked over to the over flowing cans, dragging them pathetically towards the back door.

Over the past week, my crush on Malcus had grown, and I was very embarrassed about the whole thing. I couldn't even be around the male without turning into a blushing mess.

Oh, and Zane, don't even get me started, even though I see him the least due to his never ending pile of work, I had grown very attached to him. Like, very attached.

I stared at the trash and swallowed. Maybe they don't like humans because they're obsessive creeps who crush on multiple men!! I slapped my cheeks and shook my head. Focus on the trash, then, we can finish our work. I heaved a bag out of the trash and stumbled to the side at the weight.

The first time I took out the trash, Caledon insisted on helping me, probably because I fell and spilled garbage everywhere. I now insist on doing it myself  though, because I won't let anyone have an excuse to say I don't do my share.

It was all open now, the staff and Interns knew about me being human, but it was not to be known to the guests or the outside world.

I pushed the door open and stepped outside, happy to get some fresh air. I walked over to the dumpster and heaved the bag inside.

The softest sound of purring made me look behind me. A gray kitten stared at me and purred dramatically for my attention. "Oh my gosh!!" I whispered loudly and knelt down. "Please, love me," I murmured.

And no, I still hadn't gotten to ride that brown horse yet, but someday she would be mine!

The kitten made its way over and jumped up to rub against my hand. I placed my free hand over my heart at the cuteness, then began to make sure the baby felt loved.

"Want to live with me?" I asked and grew comfortable on the ground. "I don't think Caledon will like you, but then again, he's surprised me before." I picked the kitten up and fell onto to my back.

I placed the little cutie on my chest, and she sat down, tail curling around her small body.

"I bet Zane would pet you," I blushed. "Not sure about Malcus, he's probably just smile and say you were a nice little cat."

"Justice! Why is all this damn trash still here?!" Caledon called at the door.

The kitty licked one of it's paws, and I melted. "Caledon! Come look!" I jumped to my feet and held the kitten up like he was Simba. "Can we keep it?!"

He peeked his head outside and did a double take. "The fuck, where did the cat come from?"

I shrugged and walked over, beaming. "Isn't she cute? Can we keep her, pretty please?" I stuck out my bottom lip and widened my eyes.

Caledon frowned. "Pets around allowed in SNRC," he said slowly then met my gaze.

"So we'll have to keep it a secret," he decided and took the cat from me looking it over.

I squealed in utter delight. "We have to name it! This is going to be amazing!"

Caledon walked into the kitchen, and I was hot on his heels. "Hmm, a name," he mused and placed his hands behind his back as the kitchen door swung open.

Monica narrowed her eyes at me angrily before smiling at Caledon. "Hey, I was wondering -"

"Get the fuck out," Caledon said bluntly, and I was never so happy about his rudeness. Her lips turned down and she shot me another glare before stomping out.

Caledon walked over and placed the kitten on my shoulders and I stood very still as it curled into my neck. He smiled, actually smiled. "What shall we name our little beast?"

I blushed. Our little beast?

I giggled and went deep into thought, happier this past week than I had been in my entire life.

Cause I always have to have a cat in my books. 😊

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