CHAPTER 22. A Girls Day Out

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"Well damn, look at that!" Zoe cheered and whistled at my butt as I turned, wearing a nice pair of thick leggings.

I wasn't extremely curvy, my butt wasn't exactly big, and my chest was average, maybe even below average, however -

"Fuck, look at these," Carla made a show of grabbing hips. "Those hips! Now those are something I like,"

I blushed. "Knock it off guys, I'm just wearing leggings,"

Carla smirked and let go of my hips. "Well I'd fuck you,"

I tried to ignore my burning face. "Well I'd fuck me too," I snarked back. Zoe giggled and glanced at the bags she was carrying, smirk rising onto her lips, matching Carla's.

"Wait till Caledon sees you in these shorts, he won't be able to contain all that vampire energy." I threw my hands in the air.

"Stop! Please!"

Carla sighed and nodded. "Fine, fine, only since you've had a bad day though," she said and raised an eyebrow. "Fill me in, what did you say Zane told you again?"

I huffed and pulled the curtain around the changing room closing, wiggling out of the skin tight leggings. "He doesn't believe me," I mumbled.

"Then screw him," Zoe declared as I pulled my pants back on and opened the curtain. Carla looked at me with curious eyes.

"Do you believe me? Or do you think I'm making it up? Or do you think that I'm just imagining the whole thing?" I asked.

Carla shrugged and took the leggings I had tried on, tucking them under her arm. "If you're telling the truth, we're all screwed." She said simply.

"Looks like we're all screwed then," I told them and crossed my arms. I frowned as Carla walked over to the register, buying yet another piece of clothing for me.

"Why do I have the feeling you're trying to be my sugar momma?" I asked without thinking.

Carla winked. "Because I am, now be a good baby girl and give me a hug!" I felt a giggle leave my lips as I obeyed, giving her a loose side hug.

Zoe grinned and grabbed the bag from the shocked and appalled cashier. "Thanks boo," she told him and blew a kiss. He flinched.

Carla linked her arm around me, Zoe doing the same on the other side as we walked out of the shop. I looked at Carla and licked my lips nervously. "Carla, why would everyone be screwed if I was telling the truth?"

Carla sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask," I scoffed at her words.

"Why wouldn't I? You just said we'd all be screwed!" I exclaimed and ignored a shocked woman's glance as we walked down the side walk.

Zoe looked at me. "She didn't want you to ask, because Zane told all the knowledgeable staff not to talk to you about it."

My eyebrows shot up with surprise and anger. "Why the hell not!?" I asked, growing upset.

Carla took a step away from me, pulling her arm out of mine. "Are you really all that upset, or is you being human making you anxious?"

I bit my lip, telling myself to calm down mentally. "Probably both," I grumbled.

Carla took a deep breath. "I don't think it's all the possible either, what you're saying, but you don't have a reason to lie, so I don't know what to think." She explained.

I glanced at Zoe. "What do you think?"

She hesitated. "You know? I don't know either, and I'm not exactly sure what the possibilities of what could have happened are." She said honestly.

I nodded and glanced at Carla. "Why aren't books allowed at SNRC?"

Carla look straight ahead as she spoke. "A long time ago, someone with bad intentions used an ancient book right on SNRC grounds and summoned the Fae."

I frowned. That makes sense, it really didn't add up when I thought they knew about the Fae and just decided to build a retreat there anyway.

"Wait, so the Fae are aliens from another world? They were just summoned here?"

Zoe laughed. "No silly, they aren't from another world, they were just imprisoned, for trying to take over the world."

I choked. "Oh, is that all?" I asked sarcastically. "So, books are banned, because some psycho tried to let them out, okay, got it, now," I scowled at the ground.

"Why is Zane trying to keep me in the dark? That just seems selfish and shortminded," I said, rather annoyed.

Carla smiled at me. "Calm down tiger, Zane does have good reasons, believe it or not."

I frowned. "Well let's hear them then," I said and waited impatiently as Carla laughed.

"Because almost no one is supposed to even know about the Fae, that's why."

"To avoid people from seeking them out," Zoe added. "But still, screw him," she said quickly.

Carla looked at me sideways and smirked. "Speaking of screwing, how are you and Caledon doing? Or Malcus?" I choked. Again.

"Don't even go there! I won't think about it, much less talk about it!" I told them.

Carla nodded and glanced at Zoe, the two of them sharing a smile. "If you're single and ready to mingle, we're going to a club tonight,"

I frowned. "A club?" I repeated and shook my head slowly. "There's no way-"

Zoe grabbed my arm tightly. "Caledon doesn't need to know, come on, it will be the experience of your life, I promise!"

Carla grinned. "Yeah, supernatural clubs are nothing to joke at,"

I hesitated before deciding I should just do it. I wasn't going to live twice, and I might even be able to annoy Zane in the process.

"Okay, it will be fun, right?" I asked, making the two girls giggle.

"It will be amazing, trust me, you might even bag a few sexy guys while you're there." Carla said and winked again- which was really starting to scare me.

What are these girls getting me into?

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