CHAPTER 16. Stubbornness

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   "Would you stop ignoring me?!" Caledon slammed a pitcher of water down- and it shattered. I sniffed and didn't even bother looking at him as he screamed at the water flowing off the counter.


I had spent the entire night thinking about him biting me, and how Zane had called me sexy. I held my cheeks between my hands tightly as morning rush came to an end.

The kitchen door swung open making me look over as Caledon kept screaming at the water. Monica looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Can we talk for a sec, Justice?"

I nodded, a little confused, but eager to see what she wanted from me. I glanced at Caledon and sighed. "I'll be back I guess,"

He snarled. "Justice, the hell, that's the first time you talked to me all-" I started walking out the door, and he flipped. "Damnit!"

I left the furious vampire and smiled at Monica. "So, what's up?" I asked as we walked side by side out of the dining hall. The pink eyed woman started leading me outside, heading for the door.

"You handle him better than you used too," she said and paused in front of the large glass door that blocked the outdoors.

I shrugged. "Time will tell," I told her and couldn't help but look over at the reception desk. I was relieved but disappointed to see David sitting there instead of Malcus.

I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously, eyes lingering before I followed Monica outside. "Let's walk down this way, is that cool with you?" Monica gestured down the hill, by the horses.

I nodded eagerly, excited. I had never seen the animals up close before. As we descended down the grassy hill Monica took a breath.

"Justice, Zane informed some of us about your gender... and how you're human," she glanced at me.

I nodded and met her gaze. "Uh, yeah," I said and looked back down at the horses coming closer. Joy thrummed in me as we stepped in front of the fence.

"Hey pretty lady," I reached out to touch the horse, fingers trembling with anticipation. My face fell as the horse snorted and showed me it's rear.

"Justice, I don't think you understand the rules and the requirements for being here." Monica told me sternly.

I leaned on the fence, fingers reaching out desperately to touch the brown creature. "Zane said it's fine," I said dismissively, focused on making the horse love me.

"But it's not!" Monica exploded, but I hardly even heard her outburst.

The horse had turned, and we were staring into each other's eyes. The horse snorted as I strained to push myself closer. "Love me," I pleaded and stuck out my bottom lip.

"Justice! Are you going to say anything to me?! You're going to need to-"

"You're pretty, we could be perfect together, trust me," I whispered and looked around before lowering my voice. "I could.... get you sugar, promise, I'm not undercover," I bribed.

The horse turned and walked off causing a cry of frustration to leave me. "Justice!" Monica exploded.

I looked at her and blinked. "I'm sorry, I was distracted, but you didn't have to raise your voice."

Monica took a moment to recover her composure before placing her hands on her hips and looking at me firmly. "Justice, you shouldn't be here, humans have never been here before, you could get hurt."

I shrugged and stared the brown horse down as it leaned down to nibble on the grass. "Hey Monica, so you think one of the people in charge of the horses would help me ride the brown horse? I really want to-"

"Oh my god!" Monica screamed and threw her hands in the air. I stared at her.

"Are you okay?"

Monica kept waving her arms around. Maybe she's been around Caledon too long. I thought and turned to face the hotel. "Okay, well, if we got that figured out I should head back." I told her cheerfully.

Her lips curled into a sneer that startled me. "Are you an idiot?! Have you really not heard or understood anything we've been talking about?! You don't belong here! You shouldn't be here!" She yelled.

I tucked my hands into my pockets. "You're welcome to take it up with Zane," I told her kindly.

Her lips turned down. "Pardon?"

I smiled brightly. "Zane is one of the guys in charge, and he said I could stay, so, if you want me gone, take it up with him." I explained.

"I know Zane is, I've been here longer than you," Monica spat in anger. I tilted my head to the side.

"Then why are questioning his authority?"

Monica sputtered and I took that as a chance to start making my way up the hill. "Oi! Wait up, Justice, wait!"

I scurried up the hill and practically ran into the hotel to escape Monica. "Scuse' me," I said loudly and slipped past a guest.

"Running from something, little one?" That voice and nickname had me frozen on the spot. Last night's events flashed in my mind and had me breathless.

I slowly turned and Malcus gazed down at me.
"H-hi," I stuttered. He smiled and advanced another step towards me. Maybe he felt the need to stand so close because the guests were bustling loudly around us.

Or maybe he thinks your sexy too, I slapped a hand over my mouth at my own thought, and Malcus looked oddly amused.

"So, who's chasing you?" He asked and I groaned recalling the purple skinned woman.

"Monica, she wants me gone, so I ran away from her." I met Malcus's eyes. "Hey, do you like the horses?"

He paused, momentarily surprised at the subject change. "Why do you ask?"

I crossed my arms. "There's this brown colored horse with attitude - I want to ride it," I said honestly. My shoulders suddenly sagged at a thought. "Is it because I'm human?"

Malcus shook his head. "No, not at all, they're just finicky animals." He told me before his lips rose at a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen. "Sounds like your vampire is in a bad mood,"

I blushed. "He's not mine, that's s-silly! He's just angry that I wouldn't let him bite me, and I might have, just a little, ignored him completely."

Malcus stiffened and his eyes flashed black. "You need to let him bite you," he said and sighed. "For your safety and everyone else's,"

I deflated at his rebuke and looked away while nodding. "Okay.... I'm sorry," I said under my breath.

Malcus sighed again and I glanced at him. He looked at his office. "I should go, I'll see you," he turned and I watched his large shoulders move through the crowd.

I bit my lip, noticing how stiff he was when he talked about the biting.

Either he's upset in some way about it,

Or maybe he really does think I'm sexy too.

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