CHAPTER 32. Known Habits.

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  "They won't stop screaming..." I muttered and looked at Zane, who also seemed to be getting annoyed at the constant fighting and yelling.

"Oh fuck off, will you?!" Raven shouted and threw her hands into the air.

"No swearing," River say wearily, not even trying to stop the bickering anymore.

Raven had dropped Cross's cup, and somehow, they had been arguing for an hour.

I tugged on Zane's sleeve and he looked down at me from where we were sitting in the living room. "Can we go somewhere else? I don't know how more of this I can take."

Zane nodded and stood, grabbing my hand and pulling me up after him. "Raven, we're going to go to Zane's room," I told her and rubbed my eyes with my free hand.

Raven looked over and nodded before Cross made a comment, then she was back to yelling at him. I looked at Cross as Zane pulled me to the stairscase, curious.

He seemed to enjoy her arguing with him, for whatever reason. Vampires are weird, I thought and walked up the stairs.

Zane opened his guest room and let go of my hand, allowing me to enter first. I jumped into the neatly made bed and spread my arms out.

"I think I'd take ten Caledon's over the five of them - they're insane," I announced and looked over at Zane, who was undoing the top two buttons of his shirt.

"He'd be glad to hear that," Zane said, and his lips rose. "I don't think you would have made it, if you and Raven were to switch places."

I shrugged and frowned when he kept undoing buttons. My cheeks flushed when skin was revealed, showing a firm muscular chest. "What are you doing?" I squeaked and sat up on the bed.

Zane's fingers slipped on the buttons. "Oh, I was going to change shirts," he gazed at me. "I didn't think you would mind, since we're so close."

I bit my lip before I crossed my arms. "C-close? Who's close?!"

I nearly jumped as Zane walked over, shirt hanging loosely on his arms. "Us, I thought we had become friends?" I looked away nervously.

"Y-yes, I guess so," I mumbled and snapped my head up, shocked when Zane touched the side of my face.

I looked at him with wide eyes as he bent down.
"N-now what are you doing?"

Zane smiled at me, his smile full of mischief. "Friends give other friends hugs, don't they?"

My lips parted. "Zane, what, no-" I shrieked when he wrapped his arms around me, causing me to fall back onto the bed, Zane on top of me.

"What great friends we are," his voice was teasing as he lifted his head, hair in his eyes as he met my gaze.

"T-that's not how David made it sound," I blurted and Zane froze. "Don't act like you want to be my friend, when you want to kiss me," I said then slapped a hand over my mouth, shocked at my own words.

Zane kissed my hand, right over my lips. I felt my face grow hot, eyes wide with surprise. "So you were listening, you naughty kitten,"

I cleared my throat and removed my hand, turning my face away from him. "So what if I was, you were talking about me," I mumbled.

Zane's laugh sounded amused. "We were, are you not going to comment on the three of us wanting you?"

I bit my lip and stared at the wall as Zane rolled so he was beside me, facing the back of my head.
"N-no, no comment, I'll let the three of you figure that out."

Zane traced a line on my hip. "You're fine with it? I suppose I shouldn't be so shocked, the three of us were discussing our first impressions the other day."

I looked at the blanket as his fingers ran up my sides gently. "Y-yeah?" I asked softly.

Zane laughed again. "Yeah, we all learned of your dirty mind and love of erotica pretty fast-"

I gasped and turned so I was facing him. "No!" I whispered loudly, wanting to disappear. Zane smiled and gently poked my nose with his thumb.

"Yes, no need to be embarrassed, I'm sure it was... an entertaining read,"

I covered my face and Zane played with a strand of my hair. "We could even act out some of the
scenes -"

"Shut up," I said weakly and huffed. "You're being mean," I told him.

Zane smiled and placed a hand on the side of my face, stroking my cheek. "Malcus found it funny, that you had a crush on the three of us, but didn't -"

"How did Malcus know?" I asked, nose wrinkled in confusion and horror.

Zane paused. "You don't know?"

I pressed my lips together. "Clearly not," I pointed out dryly.

Zane nodded and rolled so he was on his back, placing his arms behind his head. "Malcus can read minds."

I nodded then choked, recalling all the times Malcus had made noises after some of my more... interesting thoughts. "What?!" I exploded and sat up, staring at Zane.

"I thought you knew, Malcus said you knew, because of those books you read on the supernatural."

I shook my head. "I can't remember everything I read!" I jumped to my feet and Zane sat up, frowning.

"Where are you going?"

I pressed my lips together and stomped to the door. "To find Malcus," I snapped and walked down the stairs.

I found the demon with his back turned to me, and I did the only thing I could think of.

I tackled him.

Which turned out to look more like an aggressive hug. "Justice, what are you going?" Malcus turned his head and I glared at him.

"You've been reading my thoughts!" I said and put my hands on my hips.

Malcus blinked. "You didn't know, did you, little one?"

I pointed a finger in his face. "Don't you call me that - I'm mad at you!"

Malcus grabbed my finger and kissed it. "I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better, I find your thoughts adorable -"

I tore my hand away and huffed in anger. "You'll have to make it up to me,"

Malcus smiled. "Of course,"

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