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Warning boyxboy

Copyright: This shiz is mine!

Hello! Here is chappie five. A little intense and the longest chapter so far.

Demetrius POV

“I’m only going to say this once, so listen well. Back the fuck off.” I turn away from my locker to look at the blonde skank standing a few feet away. Honestly I’m surprised that she’s in front of me right now. I was expecting someone else, someone taller, with brown hair, of the male gender. “I saw what you tried to pull in the car yesterday, and I won’t tolerate that shit. Understand?”

I smirk. “What exactly did you see me try to pull in the car yesterday?”

She sneers. “You tried to get your grubby little hands all over Puck, but he pushed you away. I’m not surprised since you’re such a little slut.”

“You’re right I did try to get my hands on him outside your house, and I was rejected, but then I tried again a little while later and I got what I wanted. I wouldn’t be so cocky if I was you Mckayla.” Hah, she thinks I’m going to get rejected that easily? Please. I was going to have him at some point yesterday it was just a matter of when.

“He’s straight you whore!” She screeches, her face contorting into an ugly expression. “Stop trying to come on to him!”

“Hmm, I don’t believe there is a straight man on this earth. They just haven’t met me yet.”

“You’re seriously fucked up if you think he’s going to chose you over me.”

“Well, I’ve always been fucked up sweetheart so it’s not much of a surprise.”

“Just stay away from Puck. Got it?”

“Listen Bitch, Puck is mine. You can threaten me all you’d like. He’s still gonna come to me at the end of the day…literally.”

“We’ll see, and you better watch yourself.” Oh, damn. Bringing out the big guns now aren’t we Mckayla. I watch her retreat in her little white lace skirt, before turning back to my locker and pulling out some school books. From the corner of my eye I see the other brother Jake walk into school, looking quite sexy himself. He has this real nice dirty blonde hair, and pleasant muscles underneath that smooth skin. At the same time though he has kind of an innocent air about him. I’m sure that I won’t be getting any business from Mr. Hyde for awhile. Not that I really did anyways. Jake is exactly his type, no doubt he has started on his conquest to obtain the sexy blonde. Good, I’m glad that guy is some kind of sadist I swear, Jake will be a perfect distraction for him, though I’m sure Luke won’t be happy about that. Hmmm, the real sex on legs walks in right behind him though. All height and light brown locks, and gorgeous eyes. I’ll open my legs for him any day. I run my eyes up and down his body, tight blue v-neck shirt and black jeans. Such a perfect picture, until that skank Mckayla wraps her red clawed hands around his arm and starts flirting uncontrollably. Did I not tell the bitch that he’s mine? She can have him all to herself once I’m done with him, but I get him first. I feel my muscles twitch with annoyance. Oh well, I have a prior engagement with a client, in the boys bathroom upstairs. Best be on my way.

I spit the white thick liquid in my mouth into the sink before reaching into my backpack for my tooth brush & toothpaste. I don’t swallow.

Except yesterday you did.

That was different, he’s a long term conquest, I have to do everything I can to get him to sleep with me. That includes swallowing. He didn’t taste at all bad though, in fact I almost kind of wanted more once he was done, that’s when I found myself licking at him desperately for any little bit that was left. I feel a blush work into my cheeks. How uncool of me. What am I a starving cat? I probably looked ridiculous, oh my god how embarrassing. Quickly I start brushing my teeth vigorously trying to get the taste of whoever that guy was out of my mouth. He paid pretty good money for a blowjob; he’s probably never done that before. Thinks its worth much more than it really is. After a few minutes of brushing, I spit into the sink and follow it with some mouthwash. Afterwards I wash my hands and then dry, putting my stuff back into my backpack. Really it’s more of a survival kit, all the nasty perks of being a prostitute. Honestly there really isn’t anything I won’t do except kiss and swallow. Both of which I did with Puck. I don’t know what it is but when it comes to him I practically lose my mind. He’s got some crazy control over me; he almost makes me wish I wasn’t a prostitute. Almost.

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