The Attic

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I’ve been working on this for a while now but I have rewritten it so many times my head might explode! I love you all! And I hope you don’t hate me. I was on vacation and did not have any means of writing except for a paper and a pen and even since then like I mentioned I’ve scrapped and rewritten this chapter so much! My sincerest apologies :3

                                                                                    The Attic

The rest of the night is a horrible series of Logan picking me up and cradling me to his chest as he walks, and me angrily telling him to put me down. Being carried like a woman is demeaning, and the more I tell him to put me down the snippier he gets. Soon we are snapping at each other like two PMSing teenage girls stuck in a metal cage together without food or water….or texting.


Really I appreciate all he’s done for me. I’m sure wandering into the middle of the forest and fighting psychopaths wasn’t the way he was planning on spending his night. In fact I can think of exactly the way he would rather be spending the night and it involves me naked and a kitchen table.

By the time I’m collapsing onto a creaking porch fashioned out of old decaying wood, my legs are pulsing with pain and my breath is coming out in short rasping spurts. “Shit.” I groan squinting up at the dull lantern light hanging from a large beam overhead. The place looks built from scratch, I can practically see the blood and sweat dripping off of the windows.

“I could’ve carried you.” Logan seethes folding his arms over his chest in irritation. He’s just peeved he didn’t get another chance to twirl me around like a damsel in distress. I’m a cop for god’s sake! I never twirl. It’s new to him apparently! I guess cops where he comes from run around in tutu’s shooting people with silly string while singing nursery rhymes.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water…………

“I’d rather you didn’t.” I reply rubbing my sore leg. Even though I refuse to be carried by this horny oaf…walking this distance for so long did a number on my leg. Technically he’s right I should’ve let him carry me, but…will I admit it? No.

“What’s your problem huh? I thought we both had an agreement. I’ll keep my mouth shut if you start cooperating.” I tilt my head and look at him beneath my lashes.

“Let’s be honest here Logan. You don’t really want me to cooperate do you? It wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun as it is if I did.” I conclude turning to study our surroundings.

“You’re such a fucking tease Jake.” He spits in frustration.

“I am no such thing! I just don’t like you is all! What? Has no ever disliked you before? Is this new territory for you Mr. Popular? Reality Check! You raped me!”




Flustered from the small burst of screaming I lean my head back on the old stair railing. “I was just…caught up in it a bit that’s all.”

“You blew me Jake.” Logan states glaring at me. What because I blew him that means I’m in love with him? Excuse me but I’m pretty sure there are tons of porn stars out there that have blown loads of people and none of them are confessing their undying love. Not that I’m calling myself a porn star, I’m just making connections.

“Only because I had to!”

Logan opens his mouth with another witty retort but before he can bless my ears with it the old screen door three feet ahead of us swings open loudly to reveal a graceful old bat in her early seventies with greying hair.  She dons a long cotton night gown that reaches down to her knees and in her hand is a double barrel shotgun. She takes one long look at us before sighing and letting the gun rest easily in her fingers. “What’re ya’ll doing on my porch in the early morning?” Shocked Logan and I neglect to answer so she just decides for herself what to do. “Now come on in and have somethin to eat. You boys look like you’ve had a rough night.” Logan nods before leaning down and grabbing my arm with a slightly painful grip might I add. Well someone is a little bit moody. I don’t nitpick though since it’s rude to argue in someone else’s home when they’re being so hospitable. The old lady closes the door and locks it before turning to us and ushering our behinds into her kitchen.

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