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Hello dear friends here is chappie two! I decided that in this story there are going to be multiple main characters. As for this chapter WARNING: THERE IS NAUGTINESS!

Warning: Boyxboy-that is all.

Copyright: This baby is mine!

I get to my first class late.

I realized when I was heading to psychology that the best way to fit in is not to be under the radar. No kid that does what he supposed to like a good little pupil ever fits in. So I figure the best way to fit in isn’t to be good, but to be bad. I know Puck, and though Puck is very outgoing he tries to stay within the lines of reason. He will try to fit in by being charismatic, but also in every sense of the word, a teacher’s pet.  If he is going to go that route, I guess I’ll try a route of my own, one that I never experimented with in high school.

I’m going to be a Bad Boy.

Oh crap! Who am I kidding? I don’t even know how to be bad! I can’t even begin to unravel the dynamics of it in my mind. It must be such an art. Even right now as I walk towards the door of my first class my whole body is racking with shakes of nervousness. I’m late; I was never late…ever. How can they do it? How can they put up such an air of apathy so easily? Oh lord! I shouldn’t be acting so girly over such a stupid thing as being late to class. It’s not like I murdered someone!

Closing my eyes I suck in a deep breath. You can do this Jake. You aren’t eighteen anymore, you are a twenty-five year old man, who is in the police force. You freaking shoot people. The last thing you need to be afraid of is walking into psychology class late. So I vehemently open the door to the class room swinging it open with a loud bang. Might as well make an entrance. As I walk into the classroom the droning voice of the teacher pauses as he looks at me, I just stride in slowly ignoring the glances of classmates.

“Well hello there you must be…” he pauses looking down at his attendance list. “Jacob Peterson.”

I nod uninterestedly, shoving my fists into the pockets of my leather jacket. Really it’s just a cover because my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I hate being the center of attention. Standing up in front of the class to give reports in high school was always my worst fear. I would shake uncontrollably and stutter over my words. Eventually I earned my famous nickname.

Stuttering Savage


“I believe you’re new to our fine institution aren’t you Mr. Peterson?”

I nod again. I’d prefer not to speak at the moment just because I’m afraid my voice would shake in uneasily.

“Well since you are new, I’ll ease up on your tardiness today, but I expect that Wednesday when you have my class again that you will be in your seat when the bell rings.”

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