The Bloody Hand and the Goodnight Kiss

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The Bloody Hand and the Goodnight Kiss

Hey Guys sorry about the wait! Life and all. Anyways read up and enjoy the rest of your week!

Breathe In.

Can you smell it?

The scent of anticipation.

Faster than I can blink the world shifts in slow motion, my disposition reflecting on it in black and white. Noise resonates throughout the building as the walls explode around me. The clattering of gunfire nips at my ears and I duck swinging into another hallway with my guns out ready to contest the world. Red spurts out of skin as I shoot the shadowy man down the hall, Chief Monroe’s words echoing in my head like a broken record player.

Shoot to maim not kill. We don’t need the extra blood on our hands. Let’s try to do this nice and easy. Get in, Get the suspect, Get the hostage, Get out.

The man I just shot whelps in pain and drops to the ground gripping his blown knee cap in distress. Quickly I snatch up his gun effectively disarming him.  “Jake watch it!” Snapping to the right at the sound of Pucks fearful warning I completely miss the thug running at me from one of the many rooms in the Pierce mansion. We both grunt at the powerful collision, me hitting the wall with painful force as the other guy bounces off of me. Pucks on him in the next second, disarming him with a quick swipe of his arm. I hear the other officers yelling in the midst of the combat that just broke out. So much for the element of surprise. We’re about as stealthy as an elephant on meth. “Go low.” Puck offers gesturing to a staircase that no doubt leads to the basement as he shoots another goon in the leg when we turn the corner. Nodding at the suggestion I beckon him as I descend the stairs keeping my ears open for any sudden sounds and my eyes wide for any quick movements.

Despite the number of thugs Johnathan Pierce has, they are all impeccably useless when it comes to such close combat. They’re all street smarts and no tactic. I whip around the corner pointing my gun quickly but to my surprise it’s an empty hallway with only one door at the end. I glance at puck with a questioning raise of my brow and nod at the vacant space. He shrugs and hurries ahead of me incredibly alert, before kicking the door open with all the strength he has in his body. Sometimes I find myself considering the off chance that maybe Puck isn’t human…but, then he burps or passes gas and I realize that there is just no way he could be an evolutionized race. I mean…I never saw Spock fart in public but maybe he farts out of his ears or something…and all you hear is a little squeak. That’s ten times less vulgar than when Puck rips one. I pity Demetrius.

Demetrius…he looked absolutely distraught when we left the precinct. He promised Puck that he would stay there where it was safe even though I’m sure he was dying to come with us to see what happens. Despite his promise I know he’s caught in his own moral dilemma, on one hand he hopes we catch his crazed brother and end the insanity once and for all but, on the other hand he wants his brother to go on living and accomplishing his dreams whether they’re full of good intention or not. It’s difficult for him to let us take his brother in but hopefully he’s one of those rare folks who actually keep their promises and stay where we left him. As soon as we burst into the door I expect a barrage of gun fire and/or flamethrowers. Instead it’s eerily quiet. The room is entirely cemented, the chill from the ground seeping in through the walls creating an incredibly sinister atmosphere. I can already see the shadows morphing into the multitudes of horrific leviathans from my nightmares. Puck, ever fearless stomps into the room ahead of me already searching for adversaries. Quickly I slap the wall next to me looking for a light switch of any kind. Before I can accomplish this challenging task a light click sounds throughout the room and a dull light flickers on above our heads reminding me briefly of an interrogation room.

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