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Puck POV

I felt like an animal caged in the zoo, doomed to a life of perpetual captivity. Then I heard the words….You can go back to school

Holy crap! I’ve never felt so happy to hear those words in my life. Think about it, when has a teenager ever been happy to attend school? NEVER! Me? I can’t wait to get to my car and drive it into that  parking lot! They don’t realize when they’re there but high school is the best time of your life! You’re young! You can afford to make mistakes! You get weekends off! The worst thing you have to worry about is homework! HOMEWORK!  I wish that was the only problem I had to concern myself with at this point in my life. Instead I got a life threatening job, a fake family, a prostitute that won’t leave me alone, and a best friend who is acting completely insane.Jacob…you know I’ve always known there was a human in him somewhere. That he actually had more in him then rules and regulations, and the ability to read someone their Miranda Rights. He has a heart and he has flesh and bone, at least he does now. I can see it. The way he’s acting. Something happened. He came back home from school last week on Monday completely and totally shaken. He just sprinted into his room and slammed the door shut. He hasn’t come out since, I don’t even know if he’s eaten, and since my recent discovery that he is not an android created by the government to aide in my never ending adventures against the gruesome crimes of humanity, his malnutrition could prove to be a problem. Sighing I rub my hand across the steam that’s collected on the mirror during my hot shower, smearing it away to reveal my tired features.“What’re you looking at?” My reflection stares back unresponsive but hostile. I chuckle. “You’re pathetic. What’ve you been doing this whole time Williams? Hmmm? You haven’t helped Jake one bit but you went and got yourself shot.” A pang of guilt quivers through my bones as if a string on a harp plucked repeatedly to make the ugliest pulse ever to kiss the ears of humanity. “Useless coward. Who do you think you are?” The silence in the room pierces my ears, and I can almost feel the blood seeping from my ears. Dejected I wrench open the bathroom door and stomp out crashing into my room. The crimson covers greet me lazily and I’m tempted to climb back in and sleep for the rest of the day. Clenching my jaw I turn and pull on my clothing, getting ready for my first day of school in what seems like a life time, but is only in actuality about three or four weeks.Exiting my bedroom I glance at Jacob’s door. Should I check on him? Nah, it would only make it look like I care. Unable to help myself though, I softly stride over and press my ear to the wood, listening for any sounds of life. Nothing.  Inner turmoil wracks through me as I debate quickly whether to open the door or not. Pros? He will be perfectly fine sitting there reading like the good little teacher’s pet he is. He will humbly thank me for worrying about him but assure that he is quite alright, and send me on my way. Con? I’ll be wracked with an ongoing volley of missiles, fashioned from pencils, shoes, and any other small sharp objects that he has stored away in his drawers.But hey! I’ve already been shot. How much worse can it get?Set on my decision I turn the knob and peek into the room, blinded momentarily by the darkness. Maybe he went all gothic chainsaw murderer on us. As my eyes adjust to the low level of light though, I see his form huddled beneath his blankets, unmoving.  He has to be alive though, because if he wasn’t it would probably smell like decaying flesh, and trust me I know the scent of decaying flesh. That’s a gift to the nostrils that one never forgets.  Disappointed I retreat and make my way to the bottom floor of the house already prepared to stuff my mouth with lucky charms. Want to know why this is the only thing I eat for breakfast?Cause it’s lucky.Once I’m done inhaling my morning fortune, I scoop my backpack up and head outside. Oh hello car. How are you today? Did you miss me my dear? I’m sure you did. I prove to be a little rusty behind the wheel as I make my way to school, but I’m sure a few more days and I’ll be rolling like a pro. As I pull into my regular parking space the sight of teenagers flooding into the building warms me. Can it get much better than this?“PUCK!” I turn looking out my window for whoever just shrieked my name. Standing a few feet away is Kayla. Activating my killer smile I exit the car and turn to her throwing my bag over my shoulder.

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