Chapter 1

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Hey Guys! Devina here. Thanks for checking out my book. Hope you like it. Sorry for all the mistakes.

Aria's POV

"Aria! Please open up. I'll take you to the stupid mall, if it makes you feel better" Harry yelled. Yup I said Harry, and I'm referring to THE Harry Syles. I've been living with little Hazza since I was 14. Even though he's older than me, I still call him 'Little Hazza'. My parents died in a car accident when I was 8. I moved in with him because he was my closest friend. We lived in Harrys house together and now we're both sharing a flat. I've had a slight crush on Harry ever since I meet him however he doesn't know.

I layed on my pink bed as Harry continue to bang on the door. I was giving him the silent treatment, one thing he hates. It all started when we were in the back yard. I was minding my business when Harry threw water on me. I was soaked and he messed up my new pink flats. I was so in love with those gorgeous shoes, but your favorite cupcake went and throw water on them.

I sigh at the thought of going to the mall. I jumped off my bed and ran to the door. I skipped past Harry and grab my bag. I walk to the door and stopped. I pull my phone out and sent Harry a message:

To: Hazza

Are u just gonna stand there?... Hello, the mall!!

I hit send and saw Harry coming towards me.

"Oh so your using me" he said crossing his arms over his chest. I nodded like a two year old and then went back to looking through my phone. "I see how it is." he added. I saw him put on his Converse and walk past me to the car. He being the gentleman he's NOT went straight to the drivers seat, not offering to open the door for me. I opened the door with an attitude and jumped in the car. He turn on the engine and I watch as the car windows went down. We drove in silence for a few minutes until Harry spoke.

"You think you can stand not talking to me?" I looked at him and then back at the road. He sigh and put his focus back to the road too. His beautiful brown curls fell smoothly to the side of his face like it was nothing. I reached over to turn on the radio but Harry's hand got there first. Not long after his phone started to ring.

"Hey Babe!" he said to the other person. Ugh I hate this! He didn't have to say anything further, I knew who it was, Lily. I hated her with all my heart. She thinks she's better than me, better than anybody.

"Oh really, great I'm on my way there! Aria is with me....Yup. I'm sorry babe....I promise. Kay, I love you too" All I could hear was what he said. He removed the phone from his ears as I tensed up.

"Lily is on her way to the mall. Isn't that great?" I ignored him and looked at my phone. A few minutes passed and I was walking away far from Harry. He was too busy searching for Lily so he didn't care.

"OH HARRY!" I turn around to see Harry attacked by Lily. That girl is so stupid, it's not even funny. Harry doesn't want anyone to know he's here, duhh. But she don't care, all she care about is fame. I turned back around and walked away from them. I was in the middle of Forever 21 looking at a dress when someone tapped my shoulders. I spinned around to find Eleanor. I love Eleanor and Danielle, they're like my sisters. I smiled at her as she tackled me in a hug.

"El, what are you doing here? Where's Louis?" I asked.

"A girl can't come shopping by herself?" She laughed. "And Lou is with Harry and that horrible piece of you know what." I laughed at her comment. This is why I love Eleanor and Danielle. They always make my day. They know I hate Lily, who am I kidding? Everyone HATES Lily!

"Oh my God girl. That dress!" she said pointing to the dress behind me. I turn around to look at the dress.

"Yea isn't it beautiful?" I said playing with the little bow. I'm the type of girl (who doesn't say a word, who sits at the curb and wait for the world) who likes cute little dresses. Not too sluty and not too old fashion. I love dressing up with bright colors!

"LADIES HURRY IT UP!" We both looked in the direction of two loud males yelling at us.

"Calm your nipples!" I yelled. Eleanor walked away from the dress section as Louis follows. I saw Harry coming up to me.

"I told you! You can't stand not talking to me." He said hugging my shoulders with his large hands. This position might make it look like we're going out but we aren't! It's just how our friendship is.

" FINE! You win!" I snapped. "But you have to buy me this dress." I state. I gave him the dress and walk away.


Eleanor and I went to Victoria's Secret and looked at some random stuff. Harry and Louis was at the door waiting for us.

"What do you think about this?" Eleanor said holding up a baby blue bra with beads on them. "Is this stripper type?" We burst into a loud laugh as people stop and stare. Awkward.

"Your retarded!." I said. I was looking around the store when I saw Harry talking to a girl. She was really pretty, prettier than me. I turn my attention back to the lingerie and tried to please myself. I found myself walking around in the store until I decided to buy the few clothing I strongly held on to.

"Can I buy that for you?" I turn around to see Harry standing behind me. "Ahmm... Hell No! You can't see these things, you're too young." I pat his head. I gave the lady behind the desk my clothes and search in my bag for my purse. I couldn't find it though. "Looking for this?" I raise my head to find Harry holding my wallet in his hands. "HARRY GIVE IT TO ME!" I whisper yelled. "Nope" He said. He put my wallet in his pocket and pulled his out. He took some cash out and gave it to the lady.

"Aren't you two just cute." she said. My eyes grew big.

"What? No! Eww." I yelled.

"No Ma'am you've got it all wrong. We're just friends. Besides she's too... Ugh!" He said.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" I said with my teeth together. I took the bag from the lady and smiled. "Thank You" I whispered.

"You two will see it one day! You guys should go out. And me, I know it!" She said raising her eyebrows. I gave her another weak smile and walk away. I felt Harry behind me as we search the open area for Eleanor and Louis. I felt my phone vibrate and reach to check it.

From: Eleanore :)

Hey Babe! Sorry, me and Lou got lost. So we head back to the car. We'll talk later. Louis got a surprise for me! ;) xoxo -E

I smiled at her negative mind and walk towards the parking lot. Harry kept on annoying me and I didn't like it.


"Pretty Please with Pink Sugar on top!" I said with my puppy dog face.

"What? There is no such thing as Pink Sug-"

"I SAID PINK SUGAR! NOW DO IT!" I snapped. I was sitting on my bed with Zayn and Niall in my room. I'm trying to convince Zayn to do my nails but he won't give in. Niall was playing with his guitar while eating a bag of Doritos.

"FINE!" Zayn said getting a hot pink nail polish. "Just never tell anyone about this! Especially the girls I go out with, Please." He said. I gave him a serious look.

"Fine but... You know if you do something stupid I would." I looked at him and ran my hands through his hair. I know he hates that. I like Zayn but just as a older brother. I wasn't sure where Harry was but I didn't care. He's probably screwing a girl, who knows.


Thanks for reading! I hope you guys Like it. Please Vote. Comment. Tell your friends. DO ALL THE COOL THINGS YOU PEOPLE DO! ~Dev

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