!The big day!

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A/N: HIIIII IM EXCITED TO WRITE THIS HOPE U LIKE IT AND there will be NO FUCKING SMUT OKAY SO STFU AND LEAVE IF THATS WHAT YOU'RE HERE FOR! Y/N is a female but I use she/they pronouns for her, my pronouns are they/them so please refer to me as so! <3 this is my first fan fic soooooo.... Yeah... TW cursing and wholesomeness I think!
If the text is like this, it's y/n thinking or something else, if it's like this then it's an announcement :) or something else again,

3rd persons POV

It was morning, as you squeal in excitement at the day ahead of you, cause it's the gift ceremony to Y/N's most trusting companion like , EVER. They threw of the her sheets and ran to wake up her  parental guardians or "mom and dad" as they are formally known. She slammed open the door as you see no one's in bed, she stood there in the corridor of the doorway, confused and kinda upset that she missed the opportunity to wake her parents up. (Y/N is the same age as Camilo btw which is 7 in this chapter ) she went  down stairs to see her sister and brothers lined up ready for breakfast.

Age chart/name and info in this chapter.

is 5-7 I believe
Style at this time is girly
They like drawing, being a drama queen, dancing and singing AND adventures are they're specialty!

She's quite emotional might I add, she is the middle child.

Oldest brother
his name is Noah
He is 9 years at the start of the story
His style is anything his parents find in the closet lol
He loves working and feeling useful

Youngest brother
His name is Carlõs
He is 2 at the start of the story
His style is anything his parents find again!
He loves puzzles and toys

Oldest sister
Her name is Nora
12 at the start of the story
She loves dresses and REALLY feminine
She loves flowers and loves being in the spotlight.

Okay I'm done lol

She goes and eats the leftovers her siblings left behind quickly.
"You look excited sweetheart" your ma looks at you with a warm smile.
"YEAH! It's Milo's (Camilo) gift ceremony tonight! We're going.... Right?.." y/n asked while pausing in the most dramatic way possible!
"Yeah of course we are, or else you'd never shut up 'bout it. Cause why would we deny you to see you kindergarten boyfriend's ceremony" Nora rolled her olive eyes at her sister.

"Don't eye roll your sister Nora" papa said sternly to Nora.
"Okay I'm done! Can I go meet Milo??" Y/n asked excitedly while grabbing her plate ready to throw it in the sink and run to the famous Casita.
"No mija, first we have to get ready and then-" her father was saying before being rudely interrupted.
"And THEN we can go to Milo's?!" Y/n smiles at the thought.
"AND then we have to wait till the party starts. They have to get ready and then the castia ready first." Her papa continues. Y/n sulked at the thought and ran up to her room bored as ever.

It had passed two long dreadful hours of staring at the casita, she decided to get ready whole ruining to the closet and getting the prettiest dress she had which look something like this:

It had passed two long dreadful hours of staring at the casita, she decided to get ready whole ruining to the closet and getting the prettiest dress she had which look something like this:

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