A stuffed suprise

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Sorry for the late chapter today, I'll try to get more out.


So yesterday went, okay. I didn't burn the house down, but Cãrlos burned my confidence. Like he literally threw up when he took a bite of my food, like disrespectful.

Well today is a new day and Antonio's gift ceremony was right around the corner so I had to prepare myself with a gift. Well that is, if I get invited this time cause last time I didn't get invited but my family did. Talk about feeling welcome, anyways school was also right around the corner. School was okay, didn't have any friends since I was the black sheep. The village outcast but even without friends I still had hobbies that kept me occupied. </3 But let's get back on track with the gift. What could I possibly make for a 5 year old who loves animals, or so I've heard. I just think I'll try my new sketch book out and sketch something out. After awhile I sketched out the cute elephant.

My drawing sucked though I guess I could make a better one in real life, I am just missing cotton

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My drawing sucked though I guess I could make a better one in real life, I am just missing cotton. I should got to the market to get some.

"Hey Nora, do we have any cotton laying around?" I asked though it seemed a bit well, random to ask.
"Cotton? No I don't think so. If you really need it's on sale right now at the market so maybe it cost 10$ for a kg? I have no clue." Nora said.
"Oh I guess I'll go check it out now, bye!" I said as I left.

After a while of searching for a stall that sold cotton, I finally found one.
"How much does this cost?" I asked the seller and pointed at a small bag with cotton stuffing.
"30 dollars" he said. Holy shit! Does he think I'm made of money?
"You buying?" He asked quite rude.
"Is there any smaller price?" I asked as I could see my pockets bleed.
"Nope." He said
"This is the cheapest on the market" he said quickly after.
I sighed and paid for it and left but as I walked a little down the street I saw a cotton stuffing bag that was bigger and CHEAPER?! That dude scammed me! I groaned loudly As I here someone shout behind me.
"THATS HER THATS THE KIND LADY!" A familiar voice was shouting behind me.
Before I could turn around our eyes met. Me and him,
"Camilo?.." I say.
"Y/n..." he responded without breaking eye contact,
"Thanks for saving my little brother Antonio from those bullies, I would've done it myself but my mamà kept me busy." He said grateful.
"I know you would've done the same for Cãrlos or anyone for that matter." I said looking down at Antonio who was amazed.
"What are you staring at?" I asked with a warm smile.
"You look so pretty, like a princess." He replied. AWH THIS CUTE LITTLE DUDE. I COULD SQUEEZE HIM TO DEATH.
"Awh, thank you little dude." I replied.
"Antonio wasn't there something else you wanted to say?" Camilo asked his brother.
"Oh yeah! Would you like to come to my gift ceremony?" He asked with the cutest smile,
"And perhaps talk?" Camilo added.
"Sure!" I said.
"I am already working on your present!" I said to Antonio,
"Really?! What is it?" He asked eagerly.
"I can't tell you that, it would ruin the surprise!" I said to Antonio again.
"Antonio, Abuela is calling for us. See you tomorrow n/n" Camilo said probably not realizing he'd called me after my nickname.
"Bye Antonio, Bye Chameleon!" I wave them goodbye.
Why did that have to be so awkward... I thought as I made my way back home.

"Hey Nora!" I said as I opened the door,
"Hey n/n! Noah and Cãrlos left to go outside by the lake" she said as she was preparing dinner.
"Mkay, Nora guess who I stumbled on when I was at the market today." I said
"Uhh I don't know, did the madrigals stare you down again?" She said.
"No, actually Camilo and the boy I met at the market yesterday was Antonio. But they invited us to the ceremony. I know, Crazy!" I say as I walk upstairs.

Time skip now it's afternoon and after dinner

Still y/n POV

I was just sowing Antonio's gift in my room as I here a knock on my window?! I go and look down and i was greeted by "Camilo?!" I say out loud. I open the window, and Camilo was signaling me to come down. I climb out the window and onto a brick fence and jump down to the grass were Camilo was standing.
"Hey...?" I say a little confused and tired.
"Hey! follow me to the lake, i know this sounds weird but trust me." He said. I was a little unsure but something in my head said I should follow him, so I decided to listen to that voice.
"Sure." I said still a little unsure.

He grabbed my hand and rushed me to this beautiful lake with an old swing and an abandoned tree house. Suddenly I remembered where we were going, it was our childhood getaway spot. A suddenly I got an adrenaline rush through my body as we climbed up to the tree house. We stared talking about our memories. After awhile of talking I felt really comfortable, it's like we never split up.

Suddenly two hours had passed by like it was nothing. I looked down at the lake as the sun was officially gone, all you could see was the moonlight hitting the water reflecting up upon us. Suddenly I felt the urge to get in the water, as i stood up I could see Milo's confusion.
"Last one in the lake is a rotten egg." I said loudly but not a scream.
"Heyyy! Unfair hermosa(beautiful)!" He responded as he quickly. We both got done quickly, I took of my sandals and jumped in. I was wearing a pair of plaid shorts and a white t-shirt with an embroidered neckline. He was wearing his signature outfit but he took of his pancho and sandals and jumped in. I could see his curls were completely drenched by the water, now I could see that he had long ass hair. We were splashing water in each other's faces and swimming and talking, just being teenagers in general. It had been so long since I've just been able to enjoy life with somebody who isn't my family.
I got out of the water and used my gift to dry myself off while Camilo was soaking wet.

After awhile we decided to go back, though he followed me home. He's so fucking sweet.

When I was climbing back in my window I waved him goodbye, but when I got inside my two older siblings were standing there with their arms crossed.

"Uhhh, hi?" I said
"Where have you been?!" They both shouted.
"Do you realize how late it is?!" Noah said worried but mad.
"No." I replied,
"It's 4AM, 4AM!!" Nora answered.
"Who were you with?" Noah asked,
"Uhmmmm, Camilo?" I said trying to process what was happening.
"AWH! You two are still adorable, it's like forbidden love!" Nora completely forgot why she was mad, but Noah on the other hand was cracking knuckles.
"I'm gonna kill that douche bag! He's up to something fishy, I just know it." Noah said,
"He's also extremely immature" Noah was being an overly protective older brother ugh yuck.

After awhile of convincing them I wasn't together with Camilo, they both left my room.

That night I fell asleep thinking about Camilo, why was I? I have no clue, I literally haven't talked to him in years and now I got this weird feeling.

A/N: next chapter is gonna be JUICY! But you gotta wait till tomorrow GMT +1 (CET) so.. stay tuned! I have not proofread any chapters before posting so there may be grammatical issues and mistakes lol.

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