The Continuning Patteren ( pt 1 )

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A/n: in the chapter(s) it will be a little drama and I guess sad? But it will be okay in the end don't worry! Or it won't I haven't decided yet. 🤭 oh and Antonio's gift ceremony had been moved a week since he fell ill. Btw song lyrics are coming uppppppp lol.


The past month me and Camilo have been distant at day but at night we were best friends. It was so frustrating, like here is an example.

I was going to the market to complete some errands for Nora. I met the madrigals and I was just waving at them and smiling. And Camilo walked into me and rolled his eyes. I went back sad cause I thought my one friend was lost again but when nighttime fell he came to my window like nothing happened. It was so weird.

If he comes tonight I will make sure he explained these weird acts.

Sure enough when nighttime came so did the knocking, I opened and followed him to the lake.
But this time he'd gotten food for a some sort of picnic.

"Camilo?" I asked him,
"Yes y/n?" Camilo responded like he had no care in the world.
"Why are you so shallow when you are with your family?" I got straight to the point,
"It really hurts my feelings and I feel like an idiot every time I agree later to go on these adventures with you." I add.
"I'm sorry it's just that-" He got abruptly stopped by someone else.

"I knew you were cheating on me! And with the village freak?! Oh my god!" A female had appeared from the bushes.
She was kinda tall and skinny with the perfect tanned skin and the most silky blonde looking hair ever and the most ocean blue eyes, she had the perfect freckles and big curves, long lashes and a good fashion sense. she look like the opposite of me. She looked


Those words she said were rushing through my head and my heart felt yet again damaged. I felt tears filled the brims.  of my eyes as he greeted her and kissed her cheek, and explained we are just .... Friends.
I mean of course he had this super perfect girlfriend, he deserved the best.

I shake her hand and introduced myself as his friend, she shook it back and introduced herself as Michelle. It felt strange,
"Hey I just grotta go to the toilet, I'll be right back." I said as I went to the outside WC.

Why, why, WHY? I felt myself crying. this is so absurd, I'm crying over a boy I hardly know. Why should this hurt so bad? We are just... friends. Nothing more.

I calmed myself down and wiped my tears with my cardigan's sleeves, I touched up my makeup and went out to the lake again to stumble apron them making out. I felt a thousand daggers stabbed in my heart at once, why did this hurt so much? Their just normal teenagers, I felt as my presence no longer was needed so I just went home.

I climbed in and walked to my room as Nora was waiting as she had every night to make sure I was okay. As I saw her I felt myself fall down to my knees, covering my eyes with my cardigan's sleeves again. Nora came quickly and sat down on the hard wood floor with me and wrapped her arms around me. She comforted me for awhile until Noah walks in with Cãrlos probably hearing my heavy crying from downstairs, they both sit down with me and Nora and they comfort me until I feel my eyes close.

As the sun hits my face I realise it's morning, I yawn and stretch my arms as I take a look in the mirror. I got scared my own reflection, I look like a mess in the mornings. I go to the bathroom as wash my face and take a shower and after 15 minutes I hear Nora knocking lightly on the door. "Hey! Are you okay?" Nora asked in a soft manner. 

"Yeah, actually I'm much better." I replied. It was true, I felt really refreshed. I mean no boy can hurt my life that badly that everyone is scared of me and ruined all of my friendships. No not at all.

After I finished getting done I wore a casual dress with a matching bow with light makeup.

Nora asked me to go to the market yet again and get some eggs, flour and milk after breakfast.

I went to the market knowing exactly where the booth for fresh farm stuff. Before I even get to the oth I hear someone familiar shouting my name. It was yet again Camilo the perfect. I felt my speed quickening as I hear my name once again.

"Y/n! Y/n wait up!" Camilo said as he dragged me into a corner.

"What do you want?" I ask him,

"Woah, calm down. Why did you leave yesterday?" He asked me.

"Cause I saw you and mrs. Perfecta being all, ya know? So I felt I needed to leave cause I didn't wanna be the party pooper." I said

"Why did you seem so sad when Michelle came?"

"This isn't 20 questions, but anyway it's my turn to ask. What 's the thing between you two?" I asked him.

He went silent.

It was awkward....

"Fine, I see how it is." I said as I got ready to leave as he stops me.

"My abuela wants us to get married as soon as we turn 18, though. I don't like her, my heart has always belonged to someone else." he said.

"Oh, oh well. I gotta go."I say.

Time skip

When I got back home I saw Cãrlos on the couch, he looked kinda down.

I go and sit next to him and he looks up at me.

"What's wrong Cãrlos?" I asked him,

"N/n, I've had someone on my mind and I'm not sure they feel the same way." He said frustrated.

"Oh well I'm sure she likes you back" I say comforting him, 

"It's not a girl, it's a boy. N/n, I'm gay." He says.

"Oh... well that's great, I'll still love you either way." I say as I hug him, he lets out a sigh of relief as he hugs me back tight.

A/n: okayyyyyy, how was this chapter? What do we think? Is it good, bad, cringe? I have no clue lol but in this chapter we learned a little more about both Camilo and Cãrlos our baby! :) make sure to take care of yourselfs okay?? Until next time-

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